Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering >> 2012, Volume 7, Issue 2 doi: 10.1007/s11465-012-0327-2
Design and preliminary evaluation of an exoskeleton for upper limb resistance training
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Taiwan University, Taipei, China
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Resistance training is a popular form of exercise recommended by national health organizations, such as the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Heart Association (AHA). This form of training is available for most populations. A compact design of upper limb exoskeleton mechanism for home-based resistance training using a spring-loaded upper limb exoskeleton with a three degree-of-freedom shoulder joint and a one degree-of-freedom elbow joint allows a patient or a healthy individual to move the upper limb with multiple joints in different planes. It can continuously increase the resistance by adjusting the spring length to train additional muscle groups and reduce the number of potential injuries to upper limb joints caused by the mass moment of inertia of the training equipment. The aim of this research is to perform a preliminary evaluation of the designed function by adopting an appropriate motion analysis system and experimental design to verify our prototype of the exoskeleton and determine the optimal configuration of the spring-loaded upper limb exoskeleton.
exoskeleton ; free-weight exercise ; upper limb ; motion analysis