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Frontiers in Energy >> 2008, Volume 2, Issue 4 doi: 10.1007/s11708-008-0066-6

Application of high-turning bowed compressor stator to redesign of highly loaded fan stage

1.National Key Laboratory of Aircraft Engine, School of Jet Propulsion, Beihang University; 2.Research Institute of Propulsion Theory and Technology, School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology;

Available online: 2008-12-05

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A redesign of a highly loaded fan stage by using high-turning bowed compressor stator was conducted. The original tandem stator was replaced by the highly loaded bowed stator which was applicable to highly subsonic flow conditions. 3D contouring technique and local modification of blade were applied to the design of the bowed blade in order to improve the aerodynamic performance and the matching of the rotor and stator blade rows. Performance curves at different rotating speeds and performances at different operating points for both the original fan stage and redesigned fan stage were obtained by numerical simulations. The results show that the highly loaded bowed stator can be used not only to improve the structure and the aerodynamic performances at various operating points of the compressor stage but also to provide high performances at off-design conditions. It is believed that the highly loaded bowed stator can advance the design of high-performance compressor.

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