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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2022, Volume 24, Issue 6 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.06.014

Promotion of Ecological Civilization Construction in the Pearl River Delta Region

1. Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning, Beijing 100012, China;

2. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Environmental Planning and Policy Simulation, Beijing 100012, China;

3. Guangdong Provincial Academy of Environmental Science, Guangzhou 510045, China

Funding project:Chinese Academy of Engineering project “Strategic Research on the Mode of Ecological Civilization Construction in Economically Developed Regions of China and Promotion Paths” (2021-HZ-09) Received: 2022-06-09 Revised: 2022-11-17 Available online: 2023-02-14

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Ecological civilization construction is a major national development strategy. Studying the empirical modes and promotion strategies of ecological civilization construction in economically developed regions is vital for leading the construction across the country. This study used the Pearl River Delta region as an example, summarized the achievements from the aspects of ecological space pattern, ecological environment quality, ecological civilization system, and coordinated economic and environmental development, and explored the innovative models of regional ecological civilization construction. Considering the major challenges, we proposed the development goals and paths for regional ecological civilization construction, thus to provide a basic reference for the ecological civilization construction in economically developed regions in China. We proposed the following six strategic suggestions: (1) enhancing the protection and restoration capabilities of national land space; (2) promoting the Pearl River Delta region to take the lead in achieving carbon emission peak; (3) encouraging technological innovation to guide the green, low-carbon, and high-quality development; (4) improving air, land, and water environment; (5) creating a new fashion for ecological civilization; and (6) accelerating the innovation of ecological civilization systems.


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