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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2023, Volume 25, Issue 2 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.02.017

Environmental Protection Technology of Industrial Buildings Adapted to the Industrial Towns in Northwest China

1. State Key Laboratory of Green Building in Western China, Xi’an 710055, China;
2. School of Building Services Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, China

Funding project:Chinese Academy of Engineering project “Research on Green Renewal Development Strategy of Towns along the Western ‘Belt and Road’ ” (2022-XZ-38); National Natural Science Foundation of China (52078409) Received: 2022-12-08 Revised: 2023-02-28 Available online: 2023-03-22

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China’s urbanization has entered a new stage, and exploring differentiated paths for the green development of industrial towns is significant for solving the contradiction between regional economic development and livable environment. There are many heavy industry enterprises in the industrial towns in Northwest China; these enterprises have high pollution and high energy consumption and rely on mineral resources of these regions. Strengthening the air environment control of industrial buildings with high pollution emissions is expected to enahnce the source-control efficiency of pollution, improve the quality of operation environment, and reduce energy consumption for environmental control of industrial buildings. This study identifies the resource endowment and industrial characteristics of industrial towns in Northwest China and clarifies the basic background of conducting industrial building environmental governance. The key air environment problems in industrial towns in Northwest China are analyzed from the aspects of air environment quality and indoor air quality control in industrial buildings. On this basis, an environmental protection technology system that adapts to the industrial towns in Northwest China is proposed, which includes key technologies for improving the energy efficiency of pollutant source capture, new modes of air distribution with high-ventilation efficiency in the indoor environment, efficient dust removal and purification technologies of pollutants, and comprehensive technologies for energy conservation of industrial buildings. Furthermore, we summarize the applicability and promotion values of the abovementioned innovative technology achievements. New measures at the management and monitoring levels and intelligent technologies can be actively used to enhance the application effect of the mentioned technologies.










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