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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2001, Volume 3, Issue 7

Discussion about Standardization for Feed Industry and Quality Management of Its Products in China

Institute of Animal Sciences, CAAS, Beijing 100094, China

Received: 2001-04-20 Available online: 2001-07-20

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Since reform and opening up to the outside world, Chinese feed industry and animal husbandry have been greatly developed. However after entering WTO and on the road of continues development,there are still various unfavorable conditions to which much attention should be paid. It is necessary to sum up experience conscientiously in the past 20 years, and proceed from national condition to quicken the pace of standardization in feed industry. The standardization of Chinese feed industry will be in line with the International standardization as soon as possible. When new products developed, the management of product quality should be tightened up. Ecological benefits must be put in the first place in the standard of environmental management.


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