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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2002, Volume 4, Issue 12

Not Retrieving the Bygones, Pursuing the Coming

Academy of Military Medical Sciences , Beijing 100850, China

Received: 2002-06-14 Available online: 2002-12-20

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Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there have been many factors hindering the development of science and technology in China, of which, the social and political factors have exerted the most direct and significant influence. “Times of prosperity during the reign of Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong” signified “the last radiance of the setting sun” in the course of withering of feudalism in China. It was not caused by the development of science and technology reflecting the advanced productive forces, therefore, “times of danger” and “last years” followed as soon as the “times of prosperity” passed. The history of late Qing Dynasty was a history of aggression of imperialism and, even more, was a history of decline and fall of feudalism in China. After liberation, the cause of science and technology had got unprecedented development. At one time in this period, because of deviation in holding the historical direction of Chinese revolution by the Party, the cause of science and technology experienced unfavorable influence. After the revolution course was rectified, in the face of the spring tide of the world knowledge economics, China is actively improving the environment for scientific and technological innovation, promoting what is beneficial, removing what is harmful and meeting head-on future.


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