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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2003, Volume 5, Issue 3

Mechanical Models of Rock Burst and Its Physical & Numerical Modeling Study

1. Engineering Geology Institute, Zhuzhou Institute of Technology, Zhuzhou , Hunan 412008, China

2. Industrial Dynamite Institute, Beijing General Institute of Mining and Metallurgy ,Beijing 100044, China

Funding project:“九五”科技攻关资助项目(96-116-01-01-02) Received: 2002-09-05 Revised: 2002-11-26 Available online: 2003-03-20

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Concerning with status of rock burst study, some comments on rock bursting mechanical models, laboratory experiments and numerical analysis are made. Some research fields related to rock bursting are reviewed. Finally, some views on rock bursting research are put forward.













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