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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2003, Volume 5, Issue 4

The Century-long Rush of Students for Study Abroad and Its Impact on China´s Science and Engineering Enterprise

Chinese Academy of Engineering, Beijing 100038, China

Received: 2003-01-29 Revised: 2003-03-01 Available online: 2003-04-20

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A detailed retrospect is made about the 130 years-long historical stream of Chinese students rushing abroad for study, in order to reveal their efforts and contributions to the establishment and development of science and engineering enterprise in China since late Qing Dynasty. A chronicle of 10 generations of students studied abroad in the period of 1870〜2000 is suggested and justified. An analysis is made with emphasis on the 9th and 10th generations of students selected and sent abroad by government of PRC since 1949.

Historical records and statistical data show that all generations of returned students, scientists and engineers have played an indispensable and decisive role in the course of revolution and reconstruction of the country in the 20th century, many of them devoted their lives to the course. It is argued that the stream of students going abroad will be even intensified in the 21st century due to further opening and harmonizing of the country with the rest of the world.








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