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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2007, Volume 9, Issue 9

The Scientific Method and Introspection of PlagueHistory Research

Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Attached to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China

Received: 2007-05-30 Revised: 2007-07-20

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In the last 20 years of the 19th century, plague prevailed in the world.  During this period,  Dijkman Christiaan,  the Nobel Physiology and Medicine Prize owner,  discovered "beriberi" .  The Chinese specialists Wu Cunfu and Luo Rulan wrote the composition named "Collection of the Plague" .  And the famous scholar Yorsinia discovered the plague bacillus.  This article aimed to find out the influence of the foregoing findings in the academic circle.  The author further demonstrates the identity of historical beriberi and the plague,  and also demonstrates the inner connection between the plague in Chinese Ming and Qing dynasties and that in the period of Edo and Meiji of Japan.  The author also analyzes the macro- integrity and micro-regression.  Combining the suspicions in the medical history concerning the Chinese and English Encyclopedia,  the author gives out his own explanation of the scientific research measures and the complexity of the Chinese Medicine.


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