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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2012, Volume 14, Issue 11

Application of subsea multiphase flow meter in the development of deepwater oil and gas fields

China National Offshore Oil Corp. Research Institute, Beijing 100010, China

Funding project:国家科技重大专项(2011ZX05026-003);国家863专项课题(2009AAZ301) Received: 2012-03-28 Available online: 2012-11-05 11:17:01.000

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The remarkable development of science and technology speeds up the development of the deeper oil and gas field offshore via subsea production system. In order to optimize the reservoir, the well fluid to be monitored and measured to get enough information transmitted to the topside being processed and analysis. Recent years there are more and more subsea multiphase flow meters installed and being in operation. The principles of multiphase flow measurement are introduced and other factors relevant to the measurement scope, installation location and the communication are discussed. The feasibility of cases is also presented and it is helpful for the selection of subsea multiphase flow meters installation.







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