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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2015, Volume 17, Issue 5

Using drip irrigation of water and fertilizer for synergic development of industry and agriculture

Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Received: 2015-03-19 Available online: 2015-05-20 08:52:05.000

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The low efficiency of fertilizer utilization in China has resulted in severe nonpoint source pollution. Meanwhile, there exists a severe problem of water shortage and large amount of water consumption in agriculture. A way of facility agriculture based on drip irrigation of water and fertilizer technology for high-efficient development of industry and agriculture was proposed. The nutrients and water could be quantitatively fed to crops by using drip irrigation technology, which can increase the utilization efficiency of fertilizer, irrigation efficiency of water and crop yields. Using drip irrigation of filtered biogas slurry could take advantage of livestock manure and crop straw and improve rural ecological environment. The CO2 discharged from industry could be transported into the greenhouse after harmless treatment which can provide the carbon for crops. The wide application of drip irrigation technology can increase the demand of (poly vinyl chloride) PVC, which can release a part of the over production capacity of PVC and promote the development of chlor-alkali industry. Besides, renting and recycling of drip irrigation equipment can improve the industrial chain. This is an efficient way for the synergic development of industry and agriculture.





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