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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2015, Volume 17, Issue 8

Study on the Goals and Key Tasks of Eco-Civilization Construction in the 13th Five-Year Plan Period

Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China

Funding project:中国工程院重大咨询项目“生态文明建设若干战略问题研究”(2013-ZD-11) Received: 2015-08-26 Revised: 2015-09-07 Available online: 2015-10-26 16:53:18.000

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The 13th Five-Year Plan period is crucial for China to accelerate eco-civilization construction and to complete the construction of the moderately prosperous society. Based on the judgment of eight key challenges faced by eco-civilization construction, this paper proposes the goal and obligatory targets of eco-civilization in the 13th Five-Year Plan period, and also proposes nine key tasks and five policy recommendations. The key tasks include developing green economy to promote economic transformation and upgrading, improving efficiency of energy and resource to build environment-friendly and resource-efficient society, implementing ecological construction projects to promote ecosystem services capability, solving outstanding environmental problems that threaten people's health, setting and strictly observe ecological red line, promoting new-type urbanization to coordinating urban and rural development, carrying out national ecological assets accounting and building up monitoring platform for ecological assets, carrying out national ecological civilization new culture movement, and implementing national science and technology major project of ecological civilization


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