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2008, Vol.10, Issue.1

Contents Volume 10 · Issue 1 · 2008. Pages 1-96 13 articles

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The Achievement and Outlook of Engineering Sciences and Technology in China

Du Xiangwan

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 5-8 doi:

Abstract 222 PDF 19

Let Nuclear Technology Create New Brilliancy forChina’s Sustainable Development

Du Xiangwan

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 9-11 doi:

Abstract 284 PDF 28

Application of Radiation Techniques inthe Field of Materials Science

Fu Yibei,Xu Yunshu,Huang Wei,Xiong Liangping,Gao Xiaoling,Xiong Jie

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 12-22 doi:

Abstract 746 PDF 55

Self-reliance and Innovation of Qinshan Phase Ⅱ NPP Project

Ye Qizhen,Yang Lanhe

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 23-32 doi:

Abstract 497 PDF 27

Nuclear Energy—the Strategic Role and Sustainability in China

Pan Ziqiang,Shen Wenquan

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 33-38 doi:

Abstract 881 PDF 58

Nuclear Explosion Fusion Power Plant—the Hope of the Mankind Future Energy

Peng Xianjue,Liu Cheng’an,Chen Yinliang,Guo Qin,Yin Wenhua,Bai Yun,Chen Xiaowei,Qu Ming

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 39-46 doi:

Abstract 789 PDF 45

Fast Z-Pinch—a New Approach for Promising Fusion Energy

Peng Xianjue,Hua Xinsheng

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 47-53 doi:

Abstract 1139 PDF 66

Situation and Development Prospect of Uranium Resources Exploration in China

Zhang Jindai,Li Youliang,Jian Xiaofei

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 54-60 doi:

Abstract 1301 PDF 87

Radioisotope Technique and Its Application Progress in China

Zhang Jinrong,Luo Zhifu

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 61-69 doi:

Abstract 872 PDF 90

The Status and Prospects of Fast Reactor Technology Development in China

Xu Mi

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 70-76 doi:

Abstract 992 PDF 83

Detection of Explosives and Active Material by Nuclear Technologies

Chen Hande

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 77-85 doi:

Abstract 507 PDF 34

Considerations on Innovation in the Development of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences

Wang Zhidong,Gao Meixu

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 86-90 doi:

Abstract 297 PDF 15

Improvement of Secondary Water Chemistry in Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant

Tao Jun,Kong Deping

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 91-96 doi:

Abstract 478 PDF 25