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  • Overview

    Supervised by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), Strategic Study of CAE (SSCAE) is an academic journal jointly sponsored by the CAE Center for Strategic Studies and Higher Education Press Co., Ltd. It mainly publishes key achievements in strategic research projects of the engineering field and aims to provide a reference for scientific decision-making by the government and to encourage academic achievements.

    SSCAE is a Chinese journal, published bi-monthly.  All articles published in this journal can be accessed for free on this website. 

    Manuscripts that pass the review of peer experts and the editorial department are initially published on this platform and that of the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), prior to print publication in the journal.

    Manuscript Standards

    The authors of original research papers must describe their research work accurately and provide an objective discussion of the significance of their research work. The data that underpin research conclusions must be as accurate as possible. The manuscript must contain sufficient details and reference data to facilitate the reproduction of research work. Unethical behavior (e.g., fraudulent and deliberately inaccurate statements) is not acceptable.

    When submitting a manuscript, authors are required to complete, sign, and submit the "Letter of Authorization for Publication" and "Confirmation Form for Manuscript" (see templates at the end of this page).

    Strict Academic Review

    SSCAE implements a strict academic review system and requires a duplicate checking rate lower than 15%. If the manuscript is found to have serious plagiarism, it will be rejected directly.

    All peer-reviewed manuscripts must be further reviewed by the editor-in-chief meeting, prior to acceptance. The editor-in-chief makes the final decision on whether to accept the manuscript based on the viewpoints of the peer experts and editors. The production editor then informs the author of the final decision with detailed reasons.

    Conflict of Interest

    All authors must disclose any existing or potential conflicts of interest associated with them, namely, any financial, personal or relational conflicts of interest with other individuals or organizations within three years subsequent to the submission of their articles. These conflicts of interest may unfavorably affect or be considered to affect publication of their articles.

    Role of Funding Sources

    You need to expressly state who provides financial support for your research work and/or article writing, and briefly describe the role that the sponsors (if available) played in the process of research design, data acquisition, analysis and interpretation, report writing, and decision-making of article publishing.

    Authorship Policy

    Only individuals that satisfy the following three criteria are recognized as authors: the named author should have (1) retained or shared the responsibility of research design, data collection, and data analysis and interpretation; (2) drafted the manuscript or provided substantial modifications to its core content; (3) determined or agreed on its final version to be published. Given these criteria, individuals that only provide funding, data, or general guidance to the research team are not recognized as the authors of said research. All individuals recognized as authors should meet the authorship qualification requirements, and all individuals that meet the authorship qualification requirements should be clearly listed as the authors. Each author should thus have fully participated in the research and taken visible responsibility in developing the content.

    Changes in the list of authors include adding, deleting, and rearranging the names of authors of an accepted manuscript. Before an accepted manuscript is published through an online special issue, an application for the addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names must be sent by corresponding authors to the person responsible at the journal's end, and must contain the following contents: (1) reasons for addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names; and (2) written confirmation concerning the consent of the modification by all authors (by email, fax, or letter). Authors whose names are added or deleted must send written confirmation. An application sent by persons other than corresponding authors must be forwarded to corresponding authors via the person responsible at the journal's end, after which the corresponding authors must perform the aforementioned steps to mail the application to the journal. 

    Note: (1) The responsible person of the journal will forward the application to journal editors; and (2) before a consensus on authorship is reached, the publication of the manuscript will be suspended. After an accepted manuscript is published in an online special issue, an application for the addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names should be governed by the aforementioned policy, and the modifications should be displayed separately in a corrigendum.

    Letter of Authorization for Publication.pdf

    Confirmation Form for Manuscript.pdf

  • Author's Responsibilities

    1. Authors should ensure that the submitted manuscript has not been previously published in any other journal. Multiple submission or repeated publication of any given manuscript are prohibited.

    2. Authors should ensure that all individuals listed as the author of a manuscript have made significant contributions to the said research. Authorship should be granted according to level of contribution. The listed authors should have no objections to the order of the names. If disputes arise regarding authorship, all listed authors are obliged to propose a cancellation or correction.

    3. Authors should respect the intellectual property rights of other individuals and organizations and use appropriate citations and quotations to indicate others’ viewpoints and research results.

    4. Authors should ensure that the submitted manuscript are the results of independent research and does not contain academic misconduct, such as plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification.

    5. All authors are obliged to correct errors in their published works or to request a withdrawal.

    6. Authors should ensure that their research complies with standards for relevant research ethics, and all authors should disclose any existing or potential conflicts of interest.

    7. Authors must comply with relevant national confidentiality regulations. The manuscript should not include any information that violates such regulations.

    8. Authors should provide information on the source of funding and briefly introduce the role of the funder in the process of research design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, manuscript writing, and publication decision as required.

    Reviewer's Responsibilities

    1. Reviewers are expected to provide objective, independent, and pertinent written reviews. Reviewers should not tolerate academic misconduct of any kind. Offensive language should be avoided in the review comments and feedback.

    2. Reviewers are expected to review the manuscripts in a timely manner. If a reviewer foresees any delay in completing the task, he/she should judiciously notify the corresponding editor so that the editor can submit the manuscript to another reviewer.

    3. There should be no conflicts of interest between the reviewer(s) and author(s). Should there be a conflict of interest, the corresponding reviewers should withdraw themselves from the review process.

    4. Reviewers should respect the confidentiality of the manuscripts on which they are assigned, avoiding communicating relevant information with anyone or using the content of such unpublished manuscripts without authorization from corresponding parties.

    5. Reviewers must not use any confidential information or their reviewer's rights for their own benefit.

    6. Reviewers should inform the journal editor of any absent citations.

    7. Reviewers should immediately inform the journal editor of any conflicts of interest, multiple submissions, or suspicious academic misconduct.

    8. Reviewers are not permitted to request others to review the manuscripts on their behalf.

    Editor's Responsibilities

    1. Editors should follow academic and ethical standards and the principles of the journal. They must not encourage or deliberately allow academic misconduct under any circumstances. Allegations of academic misconduct should be appropriately handled.

    2. Editors should fairly treat each manuscript, and punctually register the submission and submit the manuscripts for review. Manuscripts that contain academic misconduct can be immediately and directly rejected.

    3. When there is a conflict of interest between the editor(s) and author(s), the corresponding editor(s) should withdraw themselves from the editorial process. In addition, the manuscripts should be submitted to peer experts that do not have any conflict of interest with the author(s) during the peer review process.

    4. During the double-blind peer review stage, editors are required to keep the information of the authors and reviewers confidential. Editors have the obligation to ensure the manuscript remains confidential prior to publication, and shall not disclose, publicize, or use the content of the manuscript without authorization of the corresponding parties.

    5. Editors shall not influence the review stage of the manuscripts, deny reviewers' comments without proper reason, distort reviewers’ comments, or modify the manuscript to deliberately distort the authors' original intentions.

    6. Editors must not use the confidential information in the journal's layout, editing procedures, or editing rights for their own gain.

    7. Selection of manuscripts for major topics should go through the corresponding application procedures.

    8. Editors should truthfully publish information related to awards received by research and the inclusion of academic research databases.

    9. Editors are not permitted to add self-citations that are unrelated to the content of the manuscript, or to require or imply that the authors are to cite unnecessary works.

    10. Editors must not negotiate or mutually cite other journals for the purpose of increasing the influence of the journal.

    Retraction Rules

    To ensure the scientific credibility of the journal, a published manuscript will be retracted for the following reasons: there is clear evidence that the research findings are unreliable, regardless of the degree to which academic misconduct (such as falsification) or unintentional mistakes (such as calculation errors or experimental errors) are present; the manuscript has been published in other locations without appropriate citations, consent, or explanation (applicable for replication study); it contains plagiarism; or the research is deemed to be unethical. The journal shall publish a statement of retraction of the corresponding manuscript in a prominent position on the platform and list any reasons for the retraction once found. If the retracted manuscript has been included in an academic research database, the retraction decision will be submitted to the relevant databases.

    Document Preservation

    The digital version of the manuscripts published in this journal are locally backed up by the press office. The backup facility is maintained by dedicated personnel. The online platform is connected to the Alibaba Cloud storage service to ensure the safe storage and smooth operation of data. In addition, all manuscripts published by this journal are simultaneously submitted to the CNKI for safe backup. In the case that the journal ceases to publish new content, the competent authority of the journal will maintain a digital version of all published manuscripts.

    All articles published on this journal are archived at the National Digital Library of China

  • Manuscript Specifications

    Title. A title is the crowning touch of an article. It should be concise, accurate, and closely related to the topic. General and empty titles, as well as punctuation in the title, should be avoided.The word count should be no more than 20 words.

    Author names and affiliations. The full names rather than abbreviations of the author(s) and affiliations should be presented below the title. Information about the affiliation includes its name, city, and postcode; the names of multiple authors should be separated by ",". The author's attribution can be either in the name of the project team or in the name of an individual.

    Abstract. The abstract is the primary content used by literature databases and retrieval systems for collating and retrieving information on manuscripts. It is the main reference for readers to decide whether to continue reading the full manuscript. Therefore, authors should pay high attention to the writing of abstracts and comply with the following requirements.

    1. Abstracts should be complete and independent and reflect the main points of manuscripts without comments and additional explanations.

    2. Abstracts should explain the important content of manuscripts in a concise, accurate, and objective way. Expressions should be direct and accurate with clear logic and refined terms. Using rhetoric is not recommended. Please also convey the maximum amount of information with the least amount of text.

    3. Please avoid using overspecialized terms, special characters, figures, tables, and mathematical expressions composed of special characters.

    4. Abstracts should clarify the purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions of the research. As such, it should be able to be understood outside the context of the rest of the manuscript.

    5. The word count is approximately 350 words. The English abstract is suggested to correspond to the Chinese version.

    Keywords. Each article must provide three to eight keywords which are separated by “;”. Keywords should be representative, specific, normative, and searchable. Please avoid using words that are appropriate for many articles.

    Text. Sources of data, viewpoints, figures, and quotations in the main body of a manuscript should be clearly presented (regardless of whether the sources have been officially published). It is recommended that the authors use first-hand data as much as possible. Authors should also ensure the authority and reliability of the data referenced and used, avoiding phrases such as “it was calculated...” and “it was studied...” Definitions and explanations should be provided for the terms and non-standard acronyms used in the main body of the manuscript. All symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms should be expanded in full at first mention.

    Sections should be numbered “一”, “(一)”, “1”...., followed by (1), (2), (3). ①, ② and ③ can be included if necessary.

    1) Introduction

    The text should start with a brief introduction to highlight the importance of the article. The introduction should provide relevant theories or research backgrounds used in the article and state the objectives and innovations of the work. The research methods and technical approaches adopted in the study should also be briefly explained. It is not necessary to introduce the structure of the article, and please try to avoid using similar words as in the title and the abstract.

    2) Main body

    The writing style should be concise and easy to understand. Authors should avoid excessive use of mathematical models, mathematical derivations, and obscure professional terminologies. The main body of the manuscript should reflect the needs, status quo, existing problems, and suggested measures in the corresponding research field. When a mathematical formula is required, it should be centered on a separate line, with a sequenced formula number in parentheses at the end of the line. Please use a formula editor to compose formulas. Authors should also ensure the accuracy of their calculations and use italics for measures and symbols.

    3) Tables and figures

    Tables and figures should match text properly. Tables should be included following the text and in the format of three-line tables. Figures should be well proportioned. The image should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi to meet the requirements of color printing. The text and numbers in the figure should be clear, and physical quantities should be presented with units. The figures and tables referenced in the work must indicate the source of data. Annotations must be specific to allow source data to be traced, and avoid using general terms such as “according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China.”

    4) Conclusions

    The text should end with conclusions. Conclusions should be corresponding to the Introduction. Please summarize any innovations objectively and pay attention to the comparison with other relevant research outcomes. You may also prospect future development.

    References. References are a vital component of academic papers. They should be indexed according to their order of appearance. References for unpublished viewpoints, data, and figures of other individuals and organizations should also be cited. English translations should be provided for the cited Chinese documents. References must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text; if there are more than three authors, only name the first three authors, then add “etc.” or “et al.” at the end; the names of the journal, publishing house, conference, and place of publication should be given in full. Each reference should list the author, the title [category], publication, year, issue number, and page range. Please find below types of publications and examples of references.

    Identification codes of different publications: major books [M]; conference minutes [C]; gathered compilation [G]; newspaper [N]; journal [J]; dissertation [D]; report [R]; standards [S]; patent [P]; database [DB]; computer program [CP]; and electronic bulletin board [EB].

    Commonly used referencing formats are as follows:

    Journal: Author. Title [J]. Name of publication, Year, Volume (Issue): page range.

    Monograph (or translated book): Author. Name of the book [M]. Name of the translator. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

    Collection of papers: Author. Title [C]. Name of the editor. Name of collection. Place of publication: Publisher, publication year: page range.

    Dissertation: Author. Title [D]. City: Depository (Thesis for Ph.D./Master’s degree), year.

    Technical standard: Standard code sequence number – Year of release. Name of the standard [S].

    Technical report: Author. Title [R]. Code and number of the report, place: responsible unit, year.

    Newspaper article: Author. Title [N]. Name of newspaper, year-month-day (edition).

    Internet resources: Author. Title [EB/OL]. (Publication date)[Citing date]. Website http://...

    Note: Due to the instability of Internet resources, please avoid using them as references.

    Manuscript Format.docx

  • Call for Papers

    Strategic Study of CAE (SSCAE, ISSN: 1009-1742) is supervised by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), cosponsored by CAE Center for Strategic Studies and Higher Education Press Co., Ltd., and published by Engineering Sciences Press. SSCAE is an academic journal regarding strategic research on engineering science and technology. This journal mainly publishes academic papers that provide insight into comprehensive, strategic, and prospective research results in the field of engineering science. It aims to encourage academic achievements, guide industry development, and provide a reference for scientific decision-making of relevant government departments.

    1. Journal Topics

    The topics for 2024 submissions include but not limited to:

    i. artificial intelligence, emerging industries, future industries, industry security

    ii. mineral resources, key materials, energy transition, new energy, carbon reduction

    iii. agriculture, water-efficient agriculture, water resources, homeland protection

    iv. coordinated development of urban agglomerations, smart transportation, medicine and health, bio-pharmaceutical, engineering education

    v. national major engineering achievements, breakthroughs, and advancements

    2. Manuscript Requirements

    i. The manuscript should have a background of strategic research of the engineering field. Reviews of comprehensive, strategic, and prospective research results in the field of engineering science are also welcomed.

    ii. The manuscript is expected to provide references for scientific decision-making by the government or relevant departments, guide industry development, and promote technological advancements. The manuscript should also conform to national laws and regulations on confidentiality.

    iii. The manuscript should be well organized, rigorous with a specific topic, profound view, strong focus, and clear structure, and be supported by detailed data and resources.

    iv. The manuscript should use concise language, reliable data, and standard tables, and be highly readable. Please ensure the accuracy and consistency of terminology.

    v. The author is responsible for the manuscript and should strictly abide by academic ethics. Multiple contributions with one manuscript is prohibited. Please refer to the manuscript specifications of this journal for writing guidance.

    vi. The authors should ensure that all individuals listed as the author of a manuscript have made substantial contributions to the said research. Authorship should be granted according to level of contribution.

    3. General Guidelines

    i. SSCAE implements a strict academic review system ( and requires a duplication rate lower than 15%.

    ii. Double blind peer review is adopted and the submission will be assigned to at least two experts for peer review.

    iii. This journal is an open access journal. Articles published in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    iv. This journal reserves publishing rights, including publishing via both traditional media and electronic channels. The editorial department has the right to review, revise, and edit the manuscript. If the author wishes to retain certain rights, please make a declaration in advance.

    4. Online Submission

    Manuscripts can be directly submitted to our manuscript submission and information portal on

    5. Submission Materials

    i. Chinese manuscript

    ii. Abridged English version of the manuscript (Submission within one month after the Chinese version is finalized)

    6. Contact Information

    Zhang Yan, 010-58582320,

    Cui Peng, 010-58582225,

    Cui Xiujuan, 010-58582179,