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Chinese and German maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources—a new Sino-German internationalresearch training group


Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2019, Volume 6, Issue 4,   Pages 443-444 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019288

Chinese and German maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources—a new Sino-German internationalresearch training group

Torsten MÜLLER, Fusuo ZHANG

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2019, Volume 6, Issue 4,   Pages 313-320 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019282

Abstract: The new Sino-German international research training group “Adaptation of Chinese and German maize-basedThe interdisciplinary and complementary research is driven by the hypothesis that under phosphate limitedtrips, case studies, methodological courses, doctoral researchers’ conferences, intercultural trainingsessions and personal training.

Keywords: international research training group     limited resources     maize     phosphate    

Reform of the System and Policy Adjustment on Chinese Manufacturing Industry

The Research Group for Reform of the System and Policy Adjustment on Chinese Manufacturing Industry

Strategic Study of CAE 2015, Volume 17, Issue 7,   Pages 37-40


The Chinese manufacturing industry development have made remarkable achievements. Now it is on the key stage facing transformation, upgrading and special opportunity. However, there are structural and institutional obstacles and imperfect policies, adverse to the transformation from big to powerful manufacturing industry, so it is urgent to conduct the system and mechanism reform and policy adjustment. The reform of the system of manufacturing industry should take the new industrialization as the lead, persist the market direction, and release the activity of labor, knowledge, technology, management and capital of the manufacturing field. Learning the experience and enlightenment from the developed counties, the whole policy system, including the market competition, fiscal, financial and tax, innovation, talent, small and medium-sized enterprises, and opening to the outside world policies, should be further improved, in order to create a good market environment and institutional environment for the development of manufacturing industry.

Keywords: development of manufacturing industry     international experience     reform of the system     policy adjustment    

Research Trends in Information Technology Applications in Construction Safety Engineering and Management

Mirosɬaw J. Skibniewski

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2014, Volume 1, Issue 3,   Pages 246-259 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2014034

Abstract: Through analysis of articles published from 2000 to March 2014 in Automaton in Construction (AUTCON), an internationalresearch journal published by Elsevier, this paper summarizes the topics of research and the institutionsworldwide where research was conducted in construction safety engineering and management.The underlying research topics and their related IT implementations are discussed, and research trends

Keywords: automation     international research journal     research trends     industrial safety engineering and management    

perioperative transesophageal echocardiography: should new guidelines exist for limited echocardiography training

Yong G. Peng, Gregory M. Janelle

Frontiers of Medicine 2012, Volume 6, Issue 3,   Pages 332-337 doi: 10.1007/s11684-012-0212-8

Abstract: However, the minimum training requirements needed for the anesthesia provider to obtain the competency

Keywords: transesophageal echocardiography     curriculum     competency training     hemodynamic instability    

Current status and trend of international development of bioenergy

Zhu Wanbin,Li Jie,Yuan Xufeng,Cheng Xu,Wang Xiaofen

Strategic Study of CAE 2011, Volume 13, Issue 2,   Pages 96-100


This paper reviewed the research priorities, advances of tapping theAn overall picture of exploration efforts on bioenergy by international community was given.

Keywords: bioenergy     research and development     international situation    

Role of exercise training on insulin resistance and TNF-α in high-fat diet rats

Hui SUN MD, Xiuling DENG MM, Fangxi XIAO MD, Lulu CHEN MD, Huiqing LI MD,

Frontiers of Medicine 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4,   Pages 403-407 doi: 10.1007/s11684-009-0071-0

Abstract: The HF group was randomly assigned to two subgroups after 18 weeks: sedentary group (SE; =10) and exercisetraining group (ET; =12) that performed swimming exercise training for 6 weeks, while both groups continuedappeared in the HF group.After exercise training for 6 weeks, compared with the SE group, both ISI and serum TNF-α concentrationIn conclusion, exercise training ameliorates insulin resistance.

Keywords: exercise training     insulin resistance     tumor necrosis factor-α    

Intelligent negotiation model for ubiquitous group decision scenarios Project supported byand the ECSEL JU (No. 662189) A preliminary version was presented at the 13th International


Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2016, Volume 17, Issue 4,   Pages 296-308 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1500344

Abstract: Supporting group decision-making in ubiquitous contexts is a complex task that must deal with a largeHere we propose an approach for an intelligent negotiation model to support the group decision-makinglogic due to the type of communication employed by the agents and it intends to support the ubiquitous group

Keywords: Group decision support systems     Ubiquitous computing     Automatic negotiation     Social networks     Multi-agent    

Essential training steps to achieving competency in the basic intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography

Yong G. Peng,Haibo Song,E. Wang,Weipeng Wang,Jin Liu

Frontiers of Medicine 2015, Volume 9, Issue 1,   Pages 123-128 doi: 10.1007/s11684-014-0366-7

Abstract: TEE training pathways and practice guidelines have been well established in western countries and manyHowever, TEE training and practice information for anesthesiologists are lacking in China.Hence, establishing a consensus on the ideal TEE training approach for anesthesiologists in China isDeveloping an effective curriculum that can be incorporated into an anesthesiology resident’s overall trainingTEE modality to help in intraoperative management and surgical decision making, publishing basic TEE training

Keywords: transesophageal echocardiography     guidelines     training     competency    

Main Index of Manufacturing Power

The Research Group of Research on Manufacturing Power Evaluation System

Strategic Study of CAE 2015, Volume 17, Issue 7,   Pages 7-19

Abstract: The research group has held several seminars on the index system construction, the manufacturing powerthe abroad index system and on the paths of the industrialized countries from weak to powerful, the researchCombined with the results of the index system construction and evaluation, the research has also proposed

Keywords: manufacturing power     strategic roadmap     evaluation system    

Compliance Management of Overseas Operation of Chinese Construction Companies

Luo Min, Li Qiming

Strategic Study of CAE 2021, Volume 23, Issue 4,   Pages 87-96 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.04.010

Abstract: In this article, we introduce the World Bank Group sanctions system for funded projects, and summarizethe control measures adopted by developed countries and international organizations against the multinationalThese measures are a technical reference for Chinese construction companies to master international rulesand conduct international business.We also present several prominent issues, such as the gradual strengthening of international supervision

Keywords: construction company     overseas operation     compliance management     the World Bank Group     international    

Strategic Research on China’s Laser Technology and Its Application by 2035

Research Group of Strategic Research on China’s Laser Technology and Its Application by 2035

Strategic Study of CAE 2020, Volume 22, Issue 3,   Pages 1-6 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.03.001

Abstract: application, the Chinese Academy of Engineering launched a major consulting project “Strategic ResearchThis paper is a comprehensive research report on the project.briefly analyzes laser technology and its instrumental, leading, and disruptive role in scientific researchand industrial application, and summarizes the present situation of research and application of laserIt also should establish research and development special projects concerning laser application to create

Keywords: laser technology,laser manufacturing,laser communication,laser diagnosis and treatment    

Emergence mechanisms of group consensus in social networks

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2024, Volume 11, Issue 2,   Pages 362-368 doi: 10.1007/s42524-023-0277-x

Abstract: actions and interactions of individuals within a social network group.In our exploration of extant research on group consensus, we illuminate two frequently underestimatedThis process encompasses self-organized communication and interaction among group members, collectivelyguiding the group towards cognitive convergence and viewpoint integration.Concurrently, it holds substantial importance for advancing the broader research landscape pertaining

Keywords: group consensus     social network     collective intelligence    

International Correlation Research Program: Cross-Fault Measurement for Earthquake Prediction

Manchao He, Qiru Sui, Zhigang Tao,

Engineering 2023, Volume 31, Issue 12,   Pages 15-18 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2023.03.016

Title Author Date Type Operation

Chinese and German maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources—a new Sino-German internationalresearch training group


Journal Article

Chinese and German maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources—a new Sino-German internationalresearch training group

Torsten MÜLLER, Fusuo ZHANG

Journal Article

Reform of the System and Policy Adjustment on Chinese Manufacturing Industry

The Research Group for Reform of the System and Policy Adjustment on Chinese Manufacturing Industry

Journal Article

Research Trends in Information Technology Applications in Construction Safety Engineering and Management

Mirosɬaw J. Skibniewski

Journal Article

perioperative transesophageal echocardiography: should new guidelines exist for limited echocardiography training

Yong G. Peng, Gregory M. Janelle

Journal Article

Current status and trend of international development of bioenergy

Zhu Wanbin,Li Jie,Yuan Xufeng,Cheng Xu,Wang Xiaofen

Journal Article

Role of exercise training on insulin resistance and TNF-α in high-fat diet rats

Hui SUN MD, Xiuling DENG MM, Fangxi XIAO MD, Lulu CHEN MD, Huiqing LI MD,

Journal Article

Intelligent negotiation model for ubiquitous group decision scenarios Project supported byand the ECSEL JU (No. 662189) A preliminary version was presented at the 13th International


Journal Article

Essential training steps to achieving competency in the basic intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography

Yong G. Peng,Haibo Song,E. Wang,Weipeng Wang,Jin Liu

Journal Article

Main Index of Manufacturing Power

The Research Group of Research on Manufacturing Power Evaluation System

Journal Article

Compliance Management of Overseas Operation of Chinese Construction Companies

Luo Min, Li Qiming

Journal Article

Key technological innovations in the construction of the main terminal of Beijing Daxing International

Journal Article

Strategic Research on China’s Laser Technology and Its Application by 2035

Research Group of Strategic Research on China’s Laser Technology and Its Application by 2035

Journal Article

Emergence mechanisms of group consensus in social networks

Journal Article

International Correlation Research Program: Cross-Fault Measurement for Earthquake Prediction

Manchao He, Qiru Sui, Zhigang Tao,

Journal Article