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Lessons from market reform for renewable integration in the European Union

Furong LI

Frontiers in Energy 2018, Volume 12, Issue 4,   Pages 623-629 doi: 10.1007/s11708-018-0575-x


The European Union (EU) has the most advanced, mature, and liberal energy markets that gave rise tothe most dramatic drop in wholesale energy prices, whose fallen, however, has not been translated intoa reduction in retail energy prices.This paper highlights the key limitations in the EU market designs and network access toward renewablereforms that the EU is currently undertaken across the Member States to achieve two goals: to make the market

Keywords: wholesale energy market     retail energy market     market for renewables    

Toward energy finance market transition: Does China’s oil futures shake up global spots market?

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3,   Pages 409-424 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0207-3

Abstract: China is breaking through the petrodollar system, establishing RMB-dominating crude oil futures marketThe country is achieving a milestone in its transition to energy finance market internationalization.futures and identifies its price co-movement to uncover whether it truly shakes up the global oil spots marketChina’s oil futures may not have good price leadership in global spots market, but it features favorable

Keywords: China’s oil futures     price information spillover     price co-movement     BK spillover index     BDECO model    

Role of local governments in fostering the development of an emerging industry: A market-oriented policy

Jun JIN, Maureen McKELVEY, Ying DONG

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2020, Volume 7, Issue 3,   Pages 447-458 doi: 10.1007/s42524-020-0104-6

Abstract: local governments in stimulating an emerging industry and focuses on the specific growth of the new energygovernment in the development of emerging industries on the perspective of the creation of a large-scale marketThe creation of large-scale market demand may inspire actors to be proactive in responding to these incentivesHence, a market-oriented policy that incentivizes the creation and expansion of market demand among diversePolicies should also be adopted promptly with the development of the market.

Keywords: market demand     local government     new energy vehicles    

Construction and Research Progress of Electricity Market for High-Proportion Renewable Energy Consumption

Cheng Runting, Zhang Yongjun, Li Licheng, Ding Maosheng, Deng Wenyang,Chen Haoyong, Lin Jingchun

Strategic Study of CAE 2023, Volume 25, Issue 2,   Pages 89-99 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.02.011


A complete electricity market plays a decisive role in the allocationCurrently, a targeted,comprehensive analysis on factors that affect renewable energy consumption is urgentlyFocusing on trading mechanisms that can promote renewable energy consumption at a full time scale, thismechanisms of typical electricity markets abroad and sorts out the key factors that can promote renewable energyMoreover, the research progress of China’s electricity market for high-proportion renewable energy

Keywords: renewable energy consumption     green certificate market     carbon market     ancillary services market     demand-side    

Optimal portfolio design of energy storage devices with financial and physical right market

Frontiers in Energy 2022, Volume 16, Issue 1,   Pages 95-104 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0788-2

Abstract: With the continuous development of the spot market, in the multi-stage power market environment withthe day-ahead market and right market, the study associated with the portfolio of energy storage devicesTo maximize the profit of energy storage and avoid the imbalance of power supply and consumption andnode price fluctuation caused by transmission congestion, this paper presents a portfolio strategy of energyare verified through the test data of the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) electric power spot market

Keywords: portfolio     node price fluctuation     transmission right     energy storage right     risk aversion    

Biding strategy of vehicle parking for participating in energy and spinning reserve markets


Frontiers in Energy 2014, Volume 8, Issue 4,   Pages 403-411 doi: 10.1007/s11708-014-0333-7

Abstract: cars is presented to auction the management ability and correct parking planning in reserve spinning market, secondary energy market and grid.

Keywords: vehicle-to-grid (V2G)     spinning reserve     energy secondary market     smart parking    

Strategic Analysis of Global Energy Transition and China’s Energy Revolution

Zhao Yunlong,Kong Geng,Zhuoran,Ma Linwei,Ni Weidou

Strategic Study of CAE 2021, Volume 23, Issue 1,   Pages 15-23 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.01.005

Abstract: Energy strategies significantly influence the process of national and regional energy revolutions.development, energy system, governance of society, and operation of market).from four aspects: energy challenge, energy system, energy governance, and energy market as well asThe results show that the world faces multiple energy challenges regarding energy equity, energy security, and green energy.

Keywords: energy transition     global energy system     China’s energy system     sustainable development     energy system     governance of society     and operation of market (SEGO)    

A global carbon market?

Michael G. POLLITT

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1,   Pages 5-18 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0011-x


This paper explores the prospects for a global carbon market as the centerpiece of any serious attemptWe begin by discussing what we might mean by a global carbon market and its theoretical properties.Next, we assess recent carbon market initiatives in the US and in China.

Keywords: carbon market     carbon tax     EU ETS    

Improve China’s Strength in Energy: International Experience and Chinese Path

Zhao Wenzhi, Liang Kun , Li Zhixin , Ding Lin , Lin Shiguo

Strategic Study of CAE 2024, Volume 26, Issue 4,   Pages 9-15 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2024.04.015

Abstract: This study summarizes the experiences of major energy powerhouses worldwide regarding energy developmentsupply, low-carbon and efficient energy consumption, leading innovation in energy technologies, orderlyand open energy market, and completeness in energy governance systems.It is also important to scale up the renewable energy sources and optimize the layout of clean energythrough multi-energy coordination.

Keywords: energy powerhouse     international experience     Chinese path     energy transition     energy market     energy science    

State-of-the-Art Analysis and Perspectives for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Review

Yue Zhou, Jianzhong Wu, Chao Long, Wenlong Ming

Engineering 2020, Volume 6, Issue 7,   Pages 739-753 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.06.002

Abstract: p style="text-align:justify; margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt">As a promising solution to address the “energytrilemma” confronting human society, peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading has emerged and rapidlyWhen carrying out P2P energy trading, customers with distributed energy resources (DERs) are able todirectly trade and share energy with each other.Key aspects in P2P energy trading are identified and discussed, including market design, trading platforms

Keywords: Peer-to-peer energy trading     Distributed energy resource     Local electricity market     Blockchain     Energy    

Low-carbon technology calls for comprehensive electricity-market redesign

Yang YU

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1,   Pages 128-130 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0020-9


The energy transition also calls for electricity- market redesign.The higher difficulty induced by the green-technology penetration expose the electricity-market to ahigher market-failure risk.Thus, the future low-carbon electricity-market and associated regulation scheme require a comprehensive

Keywords: low-carbon technology     electricity-system operation     market design    

Effects of herding behavior of tradable green certificate market players on market efficiency: Insights

Frontiers in Energy 2023, Volume 17, Issue 2,   Pages 266-285 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0752-1

Abstract: Tradable green certificate (TGC) scheme promotes the development of renewable energy industry which currentlyTGC market efficiency is reflected in stimulating renewable energy investment, but may be reduced bythe herding behavior of market players.This paper proposes and simulates an artificial TGC market model which contains heterogeneous agents,, thus the fairness in TGC market is improved.

Keywords: tradable green certificate     herding behavior     evolution     heterogeneous agent model     complex network    

CORRECTION to: A global carbon market?

Michael G. POLLITT

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2022, Volume 9, Issue 4,   Pages 699-699 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0050-3

An emerging market for groundwater remediation in China: Policies, statistics, and future outlook

Deyi Hou, Guanghe Li, Paul Nathanail

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2018, Volume 12, Issue 1, doi: 10.1007/s11783-018-1027-x

Abstract: There is a rapidly emerging and potentially huge market for the remediation of contaminated groundwater

Keywords: Groundwater pollution     Contaminated land     Groundwater remediation     Emerging market    

Grid-Integration and Operation of HighProportioned New Energy

Shi Wenhui, Qu Jixian, Luo Kui, Li Qinmiao, He Yongjun, Wang Weisheng

Strategic Study of CAE 2022, Volume 24, Issue 6,   Pages 52-63 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.07.006


Vigorously developing new energy is vital for China to achieve carbonpeaking and carbon neutrality goals and to accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of its energyThis study first investigates the current status and trend of China's new energy development andguarantee problems, increasing difficulty in safe and stable operation, and an unsuitable power marketpolicies and the power market, and improve the design of the power market to adapt to new energy consumption

Keywords: high-proportioned new energy     grid-integration and operation     new energy consumption     power market     technology    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Lessons from market reform for renewable integration in the European Union

Furong LI

Journal Article

Toward energy finance market transition: Does China’s oil futures shake up global spots market?

Journal Article

Role of local governments in fostering the development of an emerging industry: A market-oriented policy

Jun JIN, Maureen McKELVEY, Ying DONG

Journal Article

Construction and Research Progress of Electricity Market for High-Proportion Renewable Energy Consumption

Cheng Runting, Zhang Yongjun, Li Licheng, Ding Maosheng, Deng Wenyang,Chen Haoyong, Lin Jingchun

Journal Article

Optimal portfolio design of energy storage devices with financial and physical right market

Journal Article

Biding strategy of vehicle parking for participating in energy and spinning reserve markets


Journal Article

Strategic Analysis of Global Energy Transition and China’s Energy Revolution

Zhao Yunlong,Kong Geng,Zhuoran,Ma Linwei,Ni Weidou

Journal Article

A global carbon market?

Michael G. POLLITT

Journal Article

Improve China’s Strength in Energy: International Experience and Chinese Path

Zhao Wenzhi, Liang Kun , Li Zhixin , Ding Lin , Lin Shiguo

Journal Article

State-of-the-Art Analysis and Perspectives for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading

Yue Zhou, Jianzhong Wu, Chao Long, Wenlong Ming

Journal Article

Low-carbon technology calls for comprehensive electricity-market redesign

Yang YU

Journal Article

Effects of herding behavior of tradable green certificate market players on market efficiency: Insights

Journal Article

CORRECTION to: A global carbon market?

Michael G. POLLITT

Journal Article

An emerging market for groundwater remediation in China: Policies, statistics, and future outlook

Deyi Hou, Guanghe Li, Paul Nathanail

Journal Article

Grid-Integration and Operation of HighProportioned New Energy

Shi Wenhui, Qu Jixian, Luo Kui, Li Qinmiao, He Yongjun, Wang Weisheng

Journal Article