《机械工程前沿(英文)》 >> 2014年 第9卷 第4期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-014-0314-x
Analytical model and finite element computation of braking torque in electromagnetic retarder
1. The 45th Research Institute of CETC, Beijing 100176, China
2. College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronic Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
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An analytical model has been developed for analyzing the braking torque in electromagnetic retarder by flux tube and armature reaction method. The magnetic field distribution in air gap, the eddy current induced in the rotor and the braking torque are calculated by the developed model. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional finite element models for retarder have also been developed. Results from the analytical model are compared with those from finite element models. The validity of these three models is checked by the comparison of the theoretical predictions and the measurements from an experimental prototype. The influencing factors of braking torque have been studied.