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《中国工程科学》 >> 2013年 第15卷 第10期


1. 青岛农业大学海洋科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266109;

2. 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 青岛市海水鱼类种子工程与生物技术重点实验室,山东青岛 266071;

3. 中国海洋大学水产学院, 山东青岛 266003;

4. 莱州明波水产有限公司,山东莱州 261418

资助项目 :农业公益性行业科研专项(nyhyzx07-046);国家鲆鲽类产业技术体系建设专项资金(nycytx-50);农业公益性行业科研专项(项目编号:201003024)资助 收稿日期: 2013-01-24 发布日期: 2013-10-09 15:48:48.000

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[ 1 ] 雷霁霖. 中国海水养殖大产业架构的战略思考[J]. 中国水产科 学,2010(3):600-609. 链接1

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[ 3 ] 宿 墨,刘 晃,宋红桥,等. 转鼓式微滤机颗粒去除率及能耗 的运行试验研究[J]. 渔业现代化,2008(5):9-12. 链接1

[ 4 ] Samir Ahmad Ali. Design and evaluate a drum screen filter driven by undershot waterwheel for aquaculture recirculating systems [J]. Aquacultural Engineering,2013(54):38-44. 链接1

[ 5 ] 顾川川,刘 晃,倪 琦. 循环水养殖系统中旋流颗粒过滤器 设计研究[J]. 渔业现代化,2010,37(5):9-18. 链接1

[ 6 ] 臧维玲,戴习林,徐嘉波,等. 室内凡纳滨对虾工厂化养殖循 环水调控技术与模式[J]. 水产学报,2008(5):749-757. 链接1

[ 7 ] 祝 莹,杨绍斌. 臭氧配合复合光合细菌对虹鳟鱼病的防治研 究[J]. 水产科技情报,2009(1):27-30. 链接1

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[ 9 ] Christopher Good,John Davidson,Carla Welsh,et al. The effects of ozonation on performance,health and welfare of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in low-exchange water recirculation aquaculture systems [J]. Aquacultural Engineering,2011,44 (3):97-102. 链接1

[10] Jeonghwan Park,Youhee Kim,Pyong-Kih Kim,et al. Effects of two different ozone doses on seawater recirculating systems for black sea bream Acanthopagrus schlegeli(Bleeker):Removal of solids and bacteria by foam fractionation [J]. Aquacultural Engineering,2011,44(1):19-24. 链接1

[11] John Davidson,Christopher Good,Carla Welsh,et al. The effects of ozone and water exchange rates on water quality and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss performance in replicated water recirculating systems [J]. Aquacultural Engineering, 2011,44(3):80-96. 链接1

[12] Schroeder J P,Croot P L,Von Dewitz B,et al. Potential and limitations of ozone for the removal of ammonia,nitrite,and yellow substances in marine recirculating aquaculture systems [J]. Aquacultural Engineering,2011,45(1):35-41. 链接1

[13] Silva J,Laranjeira A,Serradeiro R,et al. Ozonated seawater induces genotoxicity and hematological alterations in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)— Implications for management of recirculation aquaculture systems [J]. Aquaculture,2011,318 (1-2):180-184. 链接1

[14] 曹剑香,梁道栋,孙成波. 蛋白分离器对循环水养殖水质理化 因子的调控作用[J]. 水产养殖,2010,31(5):9-12. 链接1

[15] John Colt,Barnaby Watten,Tim Pfeiffer. Carbon dioxide stripping in aquaculture. Part 1:Terminology and reporting [J]. Aquacultural Engineering,2012,47:27-37. 链接1

[16] Tomoko Sakami,Tadashi Andoh,Tetsuo Morita,et al. Phylogenetic diversity of ammonia- oxidizing archaea and bacteria in biofilters of recirculating aquaculture systems [J]. Marine Genomics,2012(7):27-31. 链接1

[17] 陈 珠,刘 鹰. 河魨循环水养殖系统生物滤器中异样细菌 的群落结构[C]//第三届水产工业化养殖技术暨封闭循环水养 殖技术国际研讨会. 北京:现代教育出版社,2013.

[18] 张海耿,马绍赛,李秋芬,等. 循环水养殖系统(RAS)生物载 体上微生物群落结构变化分析[J]. 环境科学,2011,32(1): 231-239. 链接1

[19] 刘长发,姚敬元,袁 瑗,等. 循环海水养殖系统硝化滤器中 氨氧化微生物分析[J]. 渔业现代化,2012(3):1-6,12. 链接1

[20] 李秋芬,傅雪军,张 艳,等. 循环水养殖系统生物滤池细菌 群落的 PCR-DGGE 分析[J]. 水产学报,2011,35(4):579- 585. 链接1

[21] Bärbel U Foesel,Harold L Drake,Andreas Schramm. Defluviimonas denitrificans gen. nov.,sp. nov.,and Pararhodobacter aggregans gen. nov.,sp. nov.,non-phototrophic Rhodobacteraceae from the biofilter of a marine aquaculture [J]. Systematic and Applied Microbiology,2011,34(7):498-502. 链接1

[22] Liu Huang,Che Xuan,Zhang Yulei. Performance of sequencing microbead biofilters in a recirculating aquaculture system [J]. Aquacultural Engineering,2013,52:80-86. 链接1

[23] Díaz V,Ibáñez R,Gómez P,et al. Kinetics of nitrogen compounds in a commercial marine Recirculating Aquaculture System [J]. Aquacultural Engineering,2012,50:20-27. 链接1

[24] Jonas Prehn,Christopher K Waul,Lars-Flemming Pedersen,et al. Impact of water boundary layer diffusion on the nitrification rate of submerged biofilter elements from a recirculating aquaculture system [J]. Water Research,2012,46(11):3516-3524. 链接1

[25] Simon P Gregory,Paul J Dyson,David Fletcher,et al. Nitrogen removal and changes to microbial communities in model flood/drain and submerged biofilters treating aquaculture wastewater [J]. Aquacultural Engineering,2012,50:37-45. 链接1

[26] 秦继辉,孙建明,班 同,等. 抽屉式生物滤器在漠斑牙鲆循 环水养殖中的效果研究[J]. 渔业现代化,2012(2):6-9. 链接1

[27] Iván Andrés Sánchez O,Tsunao Matsumoto. Hydrodynamic characterization and performance evaluation of an aerobic three phase airlift fluidized bed reactor in a recirculation aquaculture system for Nile Tilapia production [J]. Aquacultural Engineering,2012,47:16-26. 链接1

[28] 宋奔奔,宿 墨,单建军,等. 水力负荷对移动床生物滤器硝 化功能的影响[J]. 渔业现代化,2012(5):1-6. 链接1

[29] Luo Guozhi,Li Ping,Tan Hongxin,et al. The start-up and saline adaptation of mesophilic anaerobic sequencing batch reactor treating sludge from recirculating aquaculture systems [J]. Aquacultural Engineering,2013(54):9-15. 链接1

[30] 唐成婷,谭哄新. 聚丁酸丁二醇酯(PBS)的空间位置对其反硝 化性能的影响[C]//第三届水产工业化养殖技术暨封闭循环水 养殖技术国际研讨会. 北京:现代教育出版社,2013 .

[31] 李秀辰,李俐俐,张国琛,等. 养殖固体废弃物作碳源的海水 养殖废水反硝化净化效果[J]. 农业工程学报,2010,26(4): 275-279. 链接1

[32] 李 平,杜 军,谭洪新,等. 厌氧序批式反应器(ASBR)处 理循环水养殖系统固体有机物的研究[J]. 水处理技术,2011, 37(8):86-90. 链接1

[33] Lu Lu,Tan Hongxin,Luo Guozhi,et al. The effects of Bacillus subtilis on nitrogen recycling from aquaculture solid waste using heterotrophic nitrogen assimilation in sequencing batch reactors [J]. Bioresource Technology,2012,124:180-185. 链接1

[34] 傅雪军,马绍赛,曲克明,等. 微生态制剂对生物挂膜及牙鲆 生长的影响研究[J]. 海洋科学,2011,35(4):15-20. 链接1

[35] 张 正,王印庚,曹 磊,等. 海水循环水养殖系统生物膜快 速挂膜试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2012,15:157-162. 链接1

[36] 王 威,曲克明,朱建新,等. 3种滤料生物滤器的挂膜与黑 鲷幼鱼循环水养殖效果[J]. 中国水产科学,2012(5):833- 840. 链接1

[37] Kari J K Attramadal,Gunvor Øie,Trond R Størseth,et al. The effects of moderate ozonation or high intensity UV- irradiation on the microbial environment in RAS for marine larvae [J]. Aquaculture,2012,330-333:121-129. 链接1

[38] 王振华,谷 坚,管崇武,等. 几种碱性试剂对循环水养殖系 统中 pH 调节的研究[J]. 中国农学通报,2010,26(1):308- 311. 链接1

[39] Gwang- Yeol Yoo,Xiaojie Wang,Semin Choi,et al. Dietary microbial phytase increased the phosphorus digestibility in juvenile Korean rockfish Sebastes schlegeli fed diets containing soybean meal [J]. Aquaculture,2005,243(1-4):315-322. 链接1

[40] 雷霁霖. 迎接鲆鲽类工业化养殖新时代——鲆鲽类走工业化 养殖发展之路的战略思考[J]. 中国水产科学,2010,17(3): 600-609.
