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Real-time prediction of tunnel face conditions using XGBoost Random Forest algorithm

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第12期   页码 1777-1795 doi: 10.1007/s11709-023-0044-4

摘要: Real-time perception of rock conditions based on continuously collected data to meet the requirements of continuous Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) construction presents a critical challenge that warrants increased attention. To achieve this goal, this paper establishes real-time prediction models for fractured and weak rock mass by comparing 6 different algorithms using real-time data collected by the TBM. The models are optimized in terms of selecting metric, selecting input features, and processing imbalanced data. The results demonstrate the following points. (1) The Youden’s index and area under the ROC curve (AUC) are the most appropriate performance metrics, and the XGBoost Random Forest (XGBRF) algorithm exhibits superior prediction and generalization performance. (2) The duration of the TBM loading phase is short, usually within a few minutes after the disc cutter contacts the tunnel face. A model based on the features during the loading phase has a miss rate of 21.8%, indicating that it can meet the early warning needs of TBM construction well. As the TBM continues to operate, the inclusion of features calculated from subsequent data collection can continuously correct the results of the real-time prediction model, ultimately reducing the miss rate to 16.1%. (3) Resampling the imbalanced data set can effectively improve the prediction by the model, while the XGBRF algorithm has certain advantages in dealing with the imbalanced data issue. When the model gives an alarm, the TBM operator and on-site engineer can be reminded and take some necessary measures for avoiding potential tunnel collapse. The real-time predication model can be a useful tool to increase the safety of TBM excavation.

关键词: Tunnel Boring Machine     fractured and weak rock mass     machine learning model     real-time early warming     tunnel face rock condition    

Application of a vertex chain operation algorithm on topological analysis of three-dimensional fracturedrock masses

Zixin ZHANG, Jia WU, Xin HUANG

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第11卷 第2期   页码 187-208 doi: 10.1007/s11709-017-0391-0

摘要: Identifying the morphology of rock blocks is vital to accurate modelling of rock mass structures. This paper applies the concepts of directed edges and vertex chain operations which are typical for block tracing approach to block assembling approach to construct the structure of three-dimensional fractured rock masses. Polygon subtraction and union algorithms that rely merely on vertex chain operation are proposed, which allow a fast and convenient construction of complex faces/loops. Apart from its robustness in dealing with finite discontinuities and complex geometries, the advantages of the current methodology in tackling some challenging issues associated with the morphological analysis of rock blocks are addressed. In particular, the identification of complex blocks with interior voids such as cavity, pit and torus can be readily achieved based on the number and the type of loops. The improved morphology visualization approach can benefit the pre-processing stage when analyzing the stability of rock masses subject to various engineering impacts using the block theory and the discrete element method.

关键词: morphology     block assembling     vertex operation     discontinuities    

Computational methods for fracture in rock: a review and recent advances


《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第2期   页码 273-287 doi: 10.1007/s11709-018-0459-5

摘要: We present an overview of the most popular state-of-the-art computational methods available for modelling fracture in rock. The summarized numerical methods can be classified into three categories: Continuum Based Methods, Discrete Crack Approaches, and Block-Based Methods. We will not only provide an extensive review of those methods which can be found elsewhere but particularly address their potential in modelling fracture in rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering. In this context, we will discuss their key applications, assumptions, and limitations. Furthermore, we also address ‘general’ difficulties that may arise for simulating fracture in rock and fractured rock. This review will conclude with some final remarks and future challenges.

关键词: numerical modelling     method development     rock mechanics     fractured rock     rock fracturing    

Experimental study on the progressive failure and its anchoring effect of weak-broken rock vertical slope

Hehua ZHU, Qianwei XU, Wenqi DING, Feng HUANG

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第2期   页码 208-224 doi: 10.1007/s11709-011-0111-0

摘要: To improve the understanding on the failure behavior and its anchoring effect of weak-broken rock slope, the rock of grade IV according to China is taken as reference prototype, and a series of model tests were carried out in laboratory. These tests can be divided into two categories, that is, with bolt reinforcement and without bolt reinforcement. In which, the stability of slope reinforced with different bolt diameter, different anchor length and different space are studied. The test results show that the collapse of slope is the combination of tension failure at the top and the compression-shearing failure at the bottom of the slope, and its failure process presents progressive characteristics. The contributions of bolt reinforcement are mainly reflected by the aspects of shear resistance, crack resistance and anti-extension. The reinforcement of blot not only can improve the vertical bearing capacity before failure, but also can reduce the vertical settlement and allow greater lateral rock wall deformation; what is more, the stress concentration degree in rock mass can be dispersed, which do help to improve the stability of slope rock mass.

关键词: progressive failure     weak-broken rock     slope     model test     bolt    

Simulation of blast induced crater in jointed rock mass by discontinuous deformation analysis method

Youjun NING, Xinmei AN, Jun YANG, Guowei MA,

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第2期   页码 223-232 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0022-5

摘要: Rock blasting is a dynamic process accompanied with the propagations of shock waves and the dispersion of the explosion gas. This paper adopts the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) method to simulate the rock blasting process. A dynamic parameter adjustment and the non-reflecting boundary condition are implemented in the DDA method. The sub-block DDA method to simulate fracture problems is used. The blasting process in jointed rock mass is simulated by application of the explosion gas pressure on the expanding borehole walls and induced connected fracture surfaces around the boreholes. The blast craters with different overburdens are derived. The whole process including the explosion gas dispersion, borehole expansion, rock mass failure and cast, and the formation of the final blasting piles in rock blasting are well reproduced numerically. Parametric study for different overburdens is carried out, and the results are analyzed and discussed.

关键词: blast crater     jointed rock mass     explosion gas pressure     discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) method    



《中国工程科学》 2014年 第16卷 第8期   页码 45-53


依托关角隧道河谷浅埋段,展开富水软弱围岩隧道支护受力特征及方案的研究。对试验段的初支围岩压力、钢架应力、锚杆轴力、衬砌水压力进行现场监测,结果表明:初支应力不能得到有效控制、突水突泥塌方现象时有发生,现有的支护方案无法满足浅埋段安全施工要求。在监测数据基础上,经过综合分析,对支护方案作出调整。在Ⅴ级围岩区段,拱部120°范围设超前管棚和小导管,宽大节理掌子面超前小导管注浆加固,初期支护取消系统锚杆,采用I20 型钢钢架和拱墙设双层钢筋网;在Ⅵ级围岩区段,超前支护采用管棚工作室施作拱部180°及以下1 m范围的0°角长管棚,全断面超前水平钻孔注浆,初期支护取消系统锚杆,采用I20 型钢钢架、三台阶型钢临时横撑和双层防水板。研究成果可为河谷浅埋隧道支护方案的确定提供理论依据和基础数据,为同类工程的设计与施工决策提供借鉴。

关键词: 隧道工程     河谷浅埋     软弱围岩     支护方案     现场监测    



《中国工程科学》 2015年 第17卷 第2期   页码 50-58


长英质岩体常赋含Cu、Mo、W、Sn、Nb、Ta而形成稀有及有色金属矿床,大多数富矿岩体都属于小岩体(面积<10 km2)。赋含铜钼矿的岩体中岩浆的SiO2、K2O、K2O/Na2O高有利于富集Mo;Al2O3、Fe2O3T、MgO、CaO含量高有利于富集Cu。赋含钨锡矿的岩体中岩浆的SiO2、K2O高有利于富集W;Al2O3、Fe2O3T、MgO、CaO含量高有利于富集Sn。赋含铌钽的岩体中岩浆中高Fe2O3T、低P2O5、富碱、高TiO2有利于Nb的富集。含Cu矿岩体基本都属I型花岗岩,而含Mo矿岩体属由I型到S型的过渡类型;赋含钨锡矿的岩体基本属于S型花岗岩;而赋含铌钽矿的长英质岩体成因类型复杂,I型、S型、A型花岗岩均有。

关键词: 长英质岩体;稀有金属;有色金属;岩石成因;小岩体    



《中国工程科学》 2013年 第15卷 第5期   页码 71-79



关键词: 深部岩体     动力破坏     时间效应     断裂损伤     岩爆     分区破裂    

interface adhesion factor on the bearing capacity of strip footing placed on cohesive soil overlying rockmass

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第6期   页码 1494-1503 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0768-y

摘要: The problem related to bearing capacity of footing either on pure soil or on pure rock mass has been investigated over the years. Currently, no study deals with the bearing capacity of strip footing on a cohesive soil layer overlying rock mass. Therefore, by implementing the lower bound finite element limit analysis in conjunction with the second-order cone programming and the power cone programming, the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip footing located on a cohesive soil overlying rock mass is determined in this study. By considering the different values of interface adhesion factor (αcr) between the cohesive soil and rock mass, the ultimate bearing capacity of strip footing is expressed in terms of influence factor (If) for different values of cohesive soil layer cover ratio (Tcs/B). The failure of cohesive soil is modeled by using Mohr−Coulomb yield criterion, whereas Generalized Hoek−Brown yield criterion is utilized to model the rock mass at failure. The variations ofIf with different magnitudes of αcr are studied by considering the influence of the rock mass strength parameters of beneath rock mass layer. To examine stress distribution at different depths, failure patterns are also plotted.

关键词: bearing capacity     soil-rock interface     Hoek−Brown yield criterion     plasticity     limit analysis    



《中国工程科学》 2005年 第7卷 第3期   页码 78-83


硗碛水电站宽级配碎石土心墙堆石坝坝高123 m,坝肩两岸千枚岩、砂岩岩体强风化水平深度14.6~66.4 m,由于岩体强风化深度大,按规范开挖工程量巨大,故仅开挖至强风化上部(局部达强风化中部),突破该规范要求。文章详实论述了硗碛水电站坝肩强风化岩体处理方案、灌浆试验成果及工艺要求,论证了采用灌浆加固及防渗处理的可行性,提出了处理措施及施工控制标准。

关键词: 硗碛水电站     土石坝     坝肩处理     强风化岩体     固结灌浆     帷幕灌浆    

深部开采的一些挑战 Review

Charles Fairhurst

《工程(英文)》 2017年 第3卷 第4期   页码 527-537 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2017.04.017


持续增长的全球矿产供给对于满足迅速增长的世界人口的需求和期望是必不可少的。这意味着要向更深处开采。由设备供应商通过自持久R&D 研发的自动开采系统,减少了矿工暴露于恶劣的工作环境并增加了安全性。为确定矿产经济地被开采出来的深度,安全性的增长在于“地面控制”和岩石力学。尽管第二次世界大战以来,为将力学应用在采矿设计上,研究者付出了许多重要的努力,但均出现过技术和组织上的障碍。相较于大多数其他工科学科所遇到的典型工程材料,原位岩石是更复杂的一种。几千年来,采矿工程在设计上大量地依赖于经验方法。随着日益向矿山深部探索,这些方法不再适用于解决21 世纪的挑战。2008 年综合岩体模型(SRM)的发展给研究者提供了分析各向异性和不连续性岩体变形行为的能力——这些属性于1966 年被国际岩石力学学会(ISRM)的主席和创始人Leopold Müller 描述为原位岩石的本质特征。运用SRM 在大尺度采矿作业数值模拟(如崩落法)上的最新进展揭露了未预料到的岩石的变形行为。大量的平行计算和云计算技术的应用提供了许多重要机会,例如,评价数值预测中的不确定性;建立现用于岩石工程中的经验法则的力学基础及其在现有经验之上的岩体行为预测的正确性;还有在深部开采的优化设计中采用离散元法。首次,采矿和岩石工程将有其自有的基于力学的“实验室”。这有望成为在未来深部高效开采设计中的主要手段。通过在有80 多年历史的塔斯马尼亚Mount Lyell 铜矿应用采矿法反演,本文以演示实验室中DEM 和SRM 程序应用的讨论作为结束。

关键词: 深部开采     岩石的不连续性     综合岩体模型     矿产资源     岩石力学    

Crack evolution of soft–hard composite layered rock-like specimens with two fissures under uniaxial compression

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第6期   页码 1372-1389 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0772-2

摘要: Acoustic emission and digital image correlation were used to study the spatiotemporal evolution characteristics of crack extension of soft and hard composite laminated rock masses (SHCLRM) containing double fissures under uniaxial compression. The effects of different rock combination methods and prefabricated fissures with different orientations on mechanical properties and crack coalescence patterns were analyzed. The characteristics of the acoustic emission source location distribution, and frequency changes of the crack evolution process were also investigated. The test results show that the damage mode of SHCLRM is related to the combination mode of rock layers and the orientation of fractures. Hard layers predominantly produce tensile cracks; soft layers produce shear cracks. The first crack always sprouts at the tip or middle of prefabricated fractures in hard layers. The acoustic emission signal of SHCLRM with double fractures has clear stage characteristics, and the state of crack development can be inferred from this signal to provide early warning for rock fracture instability. This study can provide a reference for the assessment of the fracture development status between adjacent roadways in SHCLRM in underground mines, as well as in roadway layout and support.

关键词: soft−hard composite layered rock mass     double cracks     crack evolution     acoustic emission     digital image correlation    



《中国工程科学》 2010年 第12卷 第7期   页码 28-32



关键词: 西堠门大桥     岩体深部裂隙发育特征     综合勘察技术    

The effects of interfacial strength on fractured microcapsule

Luthfi Muhammad MAULUDIN, Chahmi OUCIF

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第2期   页码 353-363 doi: 10.1007/s11709-018-0469-3

摘要: The effects of interfacial strength on fractured microcapsule are investigated numerically. The interaction between crack and microcapsule embedded in mortar matrix is modeled based on cohesive approach. The microcapsules are modelled with variation of core-shell thickness ratio and potential cracks are represented by pre-inserted cohesive elements along the element boundaries of the mortar matrix, microcapsules core, microcapsule shell, and at the interfaces between these phases. Special attention is given to the effects of cohesive fracture on the microcapsule interface, namely fracture strength, on the load carrying capacity and fracture probability of the microcapsule. The effect of fracture properties on microcapsule is found to be significant factor on the load carrying capacity and crack propagation characteristics. Regardless of core-shell thickness ratio of microcapsule, the load carrying capacity of self-healing material under tension increases as interfacial strength of microcapsule shell increases. In addition, given the fixed fracture strength of the interface of microcapsule shell, the higher the ratio core-shell thickness, the higher the probability of microcapsules being fractured.

关键词: interfacial strength     cohesive elements     microcapsule     core-shell thickness ratio     fracture properties    

Analysis and stabilization control of a voltage source controlled wind farm under weak grid conditions

《能源前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第6期   页码 943-955 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0793-5

摘要: This paper investigates and discusses the interaction stability issues of a wind farm with weak grid connections, where the wind turbines (WTs) are controlled by a new type of converter control strategy referred to as the voltage source (VS) control. The primary intention of the VS control method is to achieve the high-quality inertial response capability of a single WT. However, when it is applied to multiple WTs within a wind farm, its weak-grid performance regarding the stability remains concealed and needs to be clarified. To this end, a frequency domain model of the wind farm under the VS control is first developed. Based on this model and the application of a stability margin quantification index, not only the interactions between the wind farm and the weak grid but also those among WTs will be systematically assessed in this paper. A crucial finding is that the inertial response of VS control has negative impacts on the stability margin of the system, and the dominant instability mode is more related to the interactions among the WTs rather than the typical grid-wind farm interaction. Based on this knowledge, a stabilization control strategy is then proposed, aiming for stability improvements of VS control while fulfilling the demand of inertial responses. Finally, all the results are verified by time-domain simulations in power systems computer aided design/electromagnetic transients including DC(PSCAD/EMTDC).

关键词: weak grids     voltage source (VS) control     wind turbine (WT)     stabilization control     wind farm     inertial response    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Real-time prediction of tunnel face conditions using XGBoost Random Forest algorithm


Application of a vertex chain operation algorithm on topological analysis of three-dimensional fracturedrock masses

Zixin ZHANG, Jia WU, Xin HUANG


Computational methods for fracture in rock: a review and recent advances



Experimental study on the progressive failure and its anchoring effect of weak-broken rock vertical slope

Hehua ZHU, Qianwei XU, Wenqi DING, Feng HUANG


Simulation of blast induced crater in jointed rock mass by discontinuous deformation analysis method

Youjun NING, Xinmei AN, Jun YANG, Guowei MA,











interface adhesion factor on the bearing capacity of strip footing placed on cohesive soil overlying rockmass






Charles Fairhurst


Crack evolution of soft–hard composite layered rock-like specimens with two fissures under uniaxial compression





The effects of interfacial strength on fractured microcapsule

Luthfi Muhammad MAULUDIN, Chahmi OUCIF


Analysis and stabilization control of a voltage source controlled wind farm under weak grid conditions
