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Isolation, characterization and identification of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria from the rhizosphere

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024559


● Isolation of potential PGPR from rhizosphere sandy BRIS soil of Acacia mangium .

关键词: Biofertilizer     corn     organic molasses me- dium     PGP characteristic     phytohormone     potassium nitrate     siderophores    

Modeling water and heat transfer in soil-plant-atmosphere continuum applied to maize growth under plastic

Meng DUAN, Jin XIE, Xiaomin MAO

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第2期   页码 144-161 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019258


Based on our previous work modeling crop growth (CropSPAC) and water and heat transfer in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC), the model was improved by considering the effect of plastic film mulching applied to field-grown maize in North-west China. In CropSPAC, a single layer canopy model and a multi-layer soil model were adopted to simulate the energy partition between the canopy and water and heat transfer in the soil, respectively. The maize growth module included photosynthesis, growth stage calculation, biomass accumulation, and participation. The CropSPAC model coupled the maize growth module and SPAC water and heat transfer module through leaf area index (LAI), plant height and soil moisture condition in the root zone. The LAI and plant height were calculated from the maize growth module and used as input for the SPAC water and heat transfer module, and the SPAC module output for soil water stress conditions used as an input for maize growth module. We used , the representation of evaporation resistance, instead of the commonly used evaporation resistance to reflect the change of latent heat flux of soil evaporation under film mulching as well as the induced change in energy partition. The model was tested in a maize field at Yingke irrigation area in North-west China. Results showed reasonable agreement between the simulations and measurements of LAI, above-ground biomass and soil water content. Compared with the original model, the modified model was more reliable for maize growth simulation under film mulching and showed better accuracy for the LAI (with the coefficient of determination = 0.92, the root mean square of error RMSE= 1.23, and the Nush-Suttclife efficiency E = 0.87), the above-ground biomass (with = 0.96, RMSE= 7.17 t·ha and E = 0.95) and the soil water content in 0–1 m soil layer (with = 0.78, RMSE= 49.44 mm and E = 0.26). Scenarios were considered to simulate the influence of future climate change and film mulching on crop growth, soil water and heat conditions, and crop yield. The simulations indicated that the change of LAI, leaf biomass and yield are negatively correlated with temperature change, but the growing degree-days, evaporation, soil water content and soil temperature are positively correlated with temperature change. With an increase in the ratio of film mulching area, the evaporation will decrease, while the impact of film mulching on crop transpiration is not significant. In general, film mulching is effective in saving water, preserving soil moisture, increasing soil surface temperature, shortening the potential growth period, and increasing the potential yield of maize.

关键词: film mulching     growth stage     leaf area index     maize growth     water and heat transfer    

Combined use of inoculation and low phosphorus application increased plant growth, root nodulation and

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024556


● Two bean cultivars responded strongly to Rhizobium inoculation in both 2012 and 2013, relative to uninoculated control.

关键词: Bean cultivars     grain yield     Hawassa Dume     Ibbado     nodule dry matter     nodule number     pod number per plant     seed number per pod     shoot biomass    

Chromium phytoextraction and physiological responses of the hyperaccumulator Swartz to plant growth-promoting

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第1期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1609-0


● Improved Cr phytoextration efficiency was achieved by B. cereus inoculation.

关键词: Hexavalent chromium     Hyperaccumulator     Rhizobacteria     Leersia hexandra Swartz     Bacillus cereus     Consortia    



《中国工程科学》 2000年 第2卷 第2期   页码 68-73


目前我国海带养殖面积约1.5万hm2,年产干品27t,占世界海藻总产量的50%。三十烷醇(TA)乳粉可显著提高海带的产量和品质,海带苗经2mg/L TA浸泡2h后放养,能促进假根生长,提高保苗率,增加叶绿素、岩藻黄素含量,促进碳、氮代谢,增加干物质积累。处理比对照平均增收干品6.57t/hm2,增产率为35%。同时,海带可比对照增收碘24.24kg/hm2、褐藻胶1.665t/hm2、甘露醇1.278t/hm2。TA乳粉属国内外首创,具有无毒、高效、成本低、不变质及贮运方便等优点,已在全国海带上推广1.6万hm2,创经济效益3亿多元。

关键词: 三十烷醇     海带     植物生长调节剂    



《中国工程科学》 2001年 第3卷 第2期   页码 91-94



关键词: 三十烷醇     农业     植物生长调节剂     植物生长促进剂    

Toxicity mechanisms of photodegraded polyvinyl chloride nanoplastics on pea seedlings

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第18卷 第4期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-024-1809-2


● Photodegraded polyvinyl chloride nanoplastics (PVC-NPs) inhibited pea seedlings’ growth.

关键词: Nanoplasctics     Polyvinyl chloride     Toxicity mechanisms     Plant growth    



《中国工程科学》 2002年 第4卷 第11期   页码 82-88


三十烷醇(TA)乳粉是一种广谱性的植物生长调节剂,1997年被农业部列入全国农牧渔业丰收计划项目后,五六年来在福建省水稻上试验、示范、推广工作取得显著进展。在水稻幼穗分化2—3期和孕穗期分别叶面喷施1~2 mg/L TA一次,能促进稻株生长发育,提高碳、氮代谢水平,增加有效穗、穗粒数、穗实粒数,提高结实率、千粒重和晒干率等。处理比对照平均增产干谷0.964 t/hm2,增产率为15.4 %,并能改善品质。据多年多点多次的验收、考种和测产的数据表明,其增产效果稳定,重现性好。不仅产出/投入比高,而且具有无毒害、无污染、成本低、效益高和使用方法简便等优点,对增加粮食产量和发展无公害农业有重要意义。

关键词: 三十烷醇     水稻     植物生长调节剂    

Stress response to nanoplastics with different charges in L. during seed germination and seedling growth

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第4期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1643-y


● Higher concentrations of PS, PS-NH2 and PS-SO3H inhibited seed germination.

关键词: Nanoplastics     Rape (Brassica napus L.)     Physiology and biochemistry     Nutrient absorption     Plant quality     Toxicity    

Compact solar-powered plasma water generator: enhanced germination of aged seed with the corona dielectric barrier discharger

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024573


● Developed a novel solar-powered corona dielectric barrier discharge (cDBD) microreactor for sustainable agriculture.

关键词: Non-thermal plasma     plant growth     reactor design     seed germination    

Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of global phosphorus use: focus on root and rhizosphere levels in the agronomic system


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第4期   页码 357-365 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019275


Phosphorus (P) is essential for life and for efficient crop production, but global P use with limited recycling is inefficient in several sectors, including agronomy. Unfortunately, plant physiologists, agronomists, farmers and end users employ different measures for P use efficiency (PUE), which often masks their values at different scales. The term P use effectiveness, which also considers energetic and sustainability measures in addition to P balances, is also a valuable concept. Major physiological and genetic factors for plant P uptake and utilization have been identified, but there has been limited success in genetically improving PUE of modern crop cultivars. In maize, studies on root architectural and morphological traits appear promising. Rhizosphere processes assist in mobilizing and capturing sparingly soluble phosphate from rock phosphate. Combinations of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms with ammonium-based nitrogen fertilizer, as well as strategies of fertilizer placement near the roots of target crops, can moderately enhance PUE. The desired concentration of P in the products differs, depending on the final use of the crop products as feed, food or for energy conversion, which should be considered during crop production.

关键词: acquisition efficiency     plant growth promoting rhizobacteria     phosphate     use efficiency     utilization efficiency    

Functional trait differences between native bunchgrasses and the invasive grass

Huiqin HE, Thomas A. MONACO, Thomas A. JONES

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第1期   页码 139-147 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2017175

摘要: We conducted 30- and 60-d greenhouse experiments to compare functional traits of (invasive annual grass) and four perennial bunchgrasses under well-watered or drought conditions. Even under drought, experienced significantly less stress (i.e., higher xylem pressure potential and greater shoot water content, water use per day and water-use efficiency) and biomass production than the perennial grasses after 30 d. However, after 60 d, its superiority was reduced under infrequent watering. Differences among perennial grasses were more pronounced for physiological traits under infrequent watering and for morphological traits under frequent watering. (fast-growing species) had a higher transpiration rate, lower leaf temperature, and lower water-use efficiency than the other grasses after 30 d. In contrast, (slow-growing) had lower xylem pressure potential and higher leaf temperature than all other grasses under infrequent watering. Under frequent watering, shoot dry mass and specific leaf area of was matched by (moderate-growing species). Our results indicate that multiple-species plantings or seedings are necessary to foster greater weed resistance against . We also emphasize that when choosing plant material for restoration, performance during both pulse (resource-rich) and inter-pulse (resource-poor) periods should be considered.

关键词: annual grass     comparative growth     drought response     invasive plant     native grass     specific leaf area     soil-water use    

Optimizing hairy root production from explants of

Zhaogui YAN, Shengyu LIU, Junlian ZHANG, Guan HUANG, Lijun DUAN, Yaomei YE

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第4期   页码 513-522 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019272


is a shrub that has been used in traditional herbal medicine. It has great pharmaceutical potential for treating diseases such as cancer and diabetes. As a prerequisite for propagation of this species on a large scale, hairy roots in were induced using and various factors affecting hairy root induction and growth evaluated. Seven factors were tested: (1) type of explant, (2) type of culture medium, (3) duration of pre-culture, (4) inoculum cell density, (5) duration of infection, (6) acetosyringone concentration in the culture medium, and (7) duration of incubation. The optimal protocol for hairy root induction and growth was: young shoots, pre-cultured in Y1 for 2 d, inoculated with broth with an OD of 0.6 for 20 min, and incubated for 3 d. Putative transgenic hairy roots were initially identified by morphology and then confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. Successful and optimal production of hairy roots is a critical prerequisite for industrial scale clonal propagation of . Being able to cultivate the plant on a large scale will provide rapid and ready supply of the plant materials that can be used in herbal medicine and in scientific and industrial exploitation.

关键词: hairy root induction     medicinal plant     MS growth medium     Phyllanthus hainanensis     Rhizobium rhizogenes    

Economic Growth Model Based on Six Basic Factors of Production—Xu Growth Rate Equation

Shou-bo Xu,Zong-yuan Huang

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2014年 第1卷 第2期   页码 160-175 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2014024

摘要: This paper proposes an economic growth model based on the Six Basic Factors of Production and Xu Growth Rate Equation for the first time, which fills-in the deficits of the New Classical Economic Growth Model based on the Solow Model. The empirical analysis indicates that over the past three decades, the consumption of six basic factors of production had complicated relations with economic growth. In some years, the consumption rate of the basic factors of production was meager, but the economy witnessed relatively rocketing growth rate; in some years, the factors of production consumption rate was very high, but the economy growth rate slowed down. In general, economy grows at the expenses of huge consumption of four factors. There is an obvious characteristic of huge input and low efficiency. The average contribution rate of technological advance peaks in the middle, while it drops down at two ends. Noticeably, since 2004, the technology contribution rate generally shows a downward trend, reasons of which should be explored systematically in aspects like economic policy and industry structure with a view to boost further transformation of the macro-economy scientific growth model.

关键词: six basic factors of production     economic growth model     Xu Growth Rate Equation    



《中国工程科学》 2003年 第5卷 第12期   页码 12-18


螺旋藻是一种已有35亿年生命史的最古老的原核光合生物,已被联合国粮农组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)誉为“21世纪最佳保健食品”。通过多年多点室内外试验研究,探明了TA乳粉促进螺旋藻优质高产的应用技术。在螺旋藻工厂化生产中,向养殖池添加TA0.01~0.02mg/L的TA乳粉,能促进螺旋藻的细胞分裂、增殖及藻丝生长,提高净光合速率和干物质积累,增强硝酸还原酶活力和呼吸强度,并显著提高蛋白质、氨基酸、藻蓝蛋白、β-胡萝卜素、叶绿素及类胡萝卜素等含量。在促进螺旋藻品质明显改善的同时,还能显著提高其生物产量,处理比对照的增产幅度可达1.19~1.76 g/d·m2,增产率20%~30%。用TA乳粉作为螺旋藻养殖的调节剂及其养殖工艺是一项新创举,并开拓了TA乳粉在微藻上应用研究的新领域,是促进螺旋藻优质高产的一种比较好的方法,应用前景十分广阔。

关键词: TA乳粉     螺旋藻     植物生长调节剂    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Isolation, characterization and identification of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria from the rhizosphere


Modeling water and heat transfer in soil-plant-atmosphere continuum applied to maize growth under plastic

Meng DUAN, Jin XIE, Xiaomin MAO


Combined use of inoculation and low phosphorus application increased plant growth, root nodulation and


Chromium phytoextraction and physiological responses of the hyperaccumulator Swartz to plant growth-promoting








Toxicity mechanisms of photodegraded polyvinyl chloride nanoplastics on pea seedlings





Stress response to nanoplastics with different charges in L. during seed germination and seedling growth


Compact solar-powered plasma water generator: enhanced germination of aged seed with the corona dielectric barrier discharger


Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of global phosphorus use: focus on root and rhizosphere levels in the agronomic system



Functional trait differences between native bunchgrasses and the invasive grass

Huiqin HE, Thomas A. MONACO, Thomas A. JONES


Optimizing hairy root production from explants of

Zhaogui YAN, Shengyu LIU, Junlian ZHANG, Guan HUANG, Lijun DUAN, Yaomei YE


Economic Growth Model Based on Six Basic Factors of Production—Xu Growth Rate Equation

Shou-bo Xu,Zong-yuan Huang



