
期刊论文 12


2022 4

2021 3

2018 1

2009 2

2008 1

2006 1



个人价值观 1

个人风险 1

个体患者通风隔离罩 1

个体抗缺氧能力 1

传染病 1

伦理取向 1

公共安全 1

医护人员 1

土地利用规划 1

大修间隔期 1

寿命包线 1

寿命监控 1

工程师 1

影响因素 1

技术效率 1

新冠病毒肺炎 1

社会文化 1

空气传播 1

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Development trend of urban design in “digital age”: Pan-dimensionality and individual-ubiquity

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第3期   页码 569-575 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0735-7

摘要: The wave of “digital age” featuring digital information is coming. Digital technology is profoundly changing the societal development direction and evolution paths. It also has significant bearing on production modes, social interactions and lifestyles. With regard to urban design, a system of knowledge about the creation and adaptation of material space forms that integrate humanities, art, technology and materials, digital technology has provided it with a brand-new and revolutionary scientific impetus for its evolution. The result of this evolution is “digital urban design paradigm based on human-computer interaction”, i.e., the urban development is moving toward “pan-dimensionality” and “individual ubiquity”. The future of urban design will construct a new approach to urban research and engineering, which is more complex, capable of accommodating and compatible with multiple goals of “instrumental rationality” and “value rationality”. Such a new approach shall be led by the probabilistic theory of “gray scale thinking”, reflecting quaternary synergetic view of “scientific rationality, ecological rationality, cultural rationality and technical rationality” to realize the cognitive progress of “engineering for the benefit of mankind”.

关键词: digital age     urban design     multiple objectives     human-computer interaction     pan-dimensionality     individual-ubiquity    

Leveraging individual-level data to advance air pollution health risk management

Jianxun YANG, Wenjing WU, Miaomiao LIU, Jun BI

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第2期   页码 337-342 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0189-1


Environmental health risk management is a systematic engineering task, engaging multiple disciplines from the academic and government sectors. Reducing environmental health risks has become one of the key targets in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This target has been translated into public policies at many jurisdictional levels (Yue et al., 2020). To design region-specific and targeted policy initiatives, understanding how environmental health risks are spatially distributed and temporally resolved is fundamental.

Along with the advances in high-resolution pollution mapping and projection, environmental risk assessment and management have been performed at a highly granular scale (Caplin et al., 2019). For instance, taking advantage of the fine air pollution dataset, recent research efforts have evaluated the health burdens of historical air pollution exposure or cost-benefits of pollution control policies at finer-scale administrative units and grids (Liu et al., 2017Ou et al., 2020). These assessments reveal expensive health costs of air pollution exposure and highlight that the health outcomes of air pollution are unevenly distributed across regions and more evident among vulnerable populations (Colmer et al., 2020).

Even though detailed geospatial mappings of air pollution capture local patterns, they do not necessarily represent individual-level unique exposure experiences and health outcomes. Personal exposure to air pollution can be influenced by a range of behavioral factors such as mobility patterns and self-protective actions (Tainio et al., 2021). Individual cofactors such as risk perceptions of air pollutants, baseline health conditions, and socio–economic status also influence the pollution-related health impacts (Piel et al., 2020). Dramatic variations in health risks, therefore, occur even within small spatial units such as blocks and neighborhoods. Thus, individual-level exposure and health assessment are critical in advancing the engineering management of air pollution at granular spatiotemporal scales and informing targeted local policies for reducing pollution-related health risks.

To perform air pollution health risk assessment and management at the individual level, first, gathering datasets relevant to personal exposure experiences and health outcomes is important. For example, portable sensor technology is widely applied, in which participants carry the sensors to measure their real-time locations and micro-environmental exposure (Su et al., 2017). These monitors can illustrate individual time–activity patterns and assess personal-specific pollution exposure during outdoor activities such as daily commuting and exercises (Dons et al., 2017). These activities finally form direct flows of datasets on human behaviors and are made available to researchers for more nuanced characterizations of environmental risk.

In this comment, we summarize different types of individual-level data and outline pathways through which the data may advance air pollution health risks assessment. We then review representative studies revolving around these aspects and showcase how abundant information at the individual level improves environmental health risk management. We finally detail the challenges and uncertainties in this rapidly growing field and highlight the priorities in future research. The aim is to motivate local policy actions and foster collective research efforts to promote public health.

Erratum to: On the potential of iPhone significant location data to characterize individual mobility

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第9期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-022-1556-1

On the potential of iPhone significant location data to characterize individual mobility for air pollution

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-022-1542-7


● We evaluated the accuracy of iPhone data in capturing time-activity patterns.

关键词: Air pollution exposure     Human mobility     iPhone     Significant Location     Smartphone data    



《中国工程科学》 2008年 第10卷 第9期   页码 79-83


对基于个人风险的土地利用规划进行研究,确定方法的框架和程序,并应用于某拟建液化天然气储备库周边的土地利用与布局调整。对拟建天然气储备库可能发生的事故,选取蒸气云爆炸及沸腾液体扩展蒸气爆炸进行讨论。在确定事故发生概率及事故后果的基础上,对拟建液化天然气储备库的个人风险进行计算。借鉴英国土地利用规划中个人风险的可接受标准,在液化天然气储备库周围划分三个风险区域,根据各区域的功能规定及储备库周围土地利用现状,对储备库周围的土地利用进行规划与调整。结果表明,液化天然气储备库附近有两处居民区、一个工厂需要搬迁。基于个人风险的土地利用规划方法在合理确定重大 工程选址及周边建筑与设施的布局上是行之有效的方法。

关键词: 公共安全     土地利用规划     风险定量分析     个人风险     LNG    


Uwe Schlink, Maximilian Ueberham

《工程(英文)》 2021年 第7卷 第3期   页码 285-289 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.07.023

Less attention paid to waterborne SARS-CoV-2 spreading in Beijing urban communities

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-021-1398-2


• A survey on individual’s perception of SARS-CoV-2 transmission was conducted.

关键词: Environmental dissemination     Risk communication     Individual perception    

医疗机构中用于控制空气传播传染病的个体患者通风隔离罩 Review

J. Patel, F. McGain, T. Bhatelia, S. Wang, B. Sun, J. Monty, V. Pareek

《工程(英文)》 2022年 第15卷 第8期   页码 126-132 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.12.024


作为一种局部排气通风(LEV)系统,个体患者通风(VIP)隔离罩用于将患者的空气排放物与医护人员(HCW)呼吸的空气进行分离,为减少医院获得性感染(HAI)提供了一种新的途径。最近的研究结果表明,对于典型的患者排放的气溶胶,VIP 隔离罩提供的保护与N95 口罩相当。与口罩不同的是,隔离罩的性能可以被很容易地监控,HCW可以通过警报收到故障提醒。适当使用这些相对简单的设备既可以减少感染控制对个人防护设备(PPE)的依赖,又可以为医院和诊所提供低成本、高能效的防护形式。尽管新冠病毒肺炎(COVID-19)加速了VIP 隔离罩的开发和部署,但这些设备目前仍是一项不成熟的技术。本文描述了VIP隔离罩的现状,并确定了需要进一步开发的方面,包括设备设计和相关使用规则。VIP隔离罩的概念可扩展为为个体患者提供清洁的条件和对其他环境因素如温度和湿度进行个性化控制。

关键词: 新冠病毒肺炎     个体患者通风隔离罩     空气传播     医护人员     传染病    



《中国工程科学》 2009年 第11卷 第2期   页码 92-96


提出了工程师个人价值观、社会文化、技术效率和自然环境状况是制约和影响工程师伦理取向4个 关键因素的观点,并探讨、分析了这4个因素是如何对工程师的伦理选择和道德取向产生影响和作用的。

关键词: 工程师     伦理取向     个人价值观     社会文化     技术效率     自然环境    

Individual environmental behavior: A key role in building low-carbon communities in China

Ping JIANG, Hongjia DONG, Yun ZHU, Adila ALIMUJIANG, Zhenhua ZHANG, Weichun MA

《能源前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第3期   页码 456-465 doi: 10.1007/s11708-018-0566-y


People’s social behavior, especially environmental behavior, has a great impact on energy consumption and carbon emission. This paper explores both categories of individual factors (e.g., values, habits, education, motivation, etc.) and social factors (e.g., institution, infrastructure, encouragement, etc.), to clarify the correlation between them and their sub-factors. Low-carbon campus is a representative type of low-carbon community which is less difficult to build than other communities because university students are well-educated and, to some extent, are more environmental aware and more willing to change their behaviors. The energy-saving and environment-friendly policies implemented on campus are collected and overviewed in this paper. Additionally, the leaders and employees from the related administration departments are interviewed, and the data of electricity amount and water usage are analyzed and a well-designed questionnaire is handed out in a survey. The survey investigates the environmental knowledge, energy use habits, attitude toward low-carbon transformation, comments on the current institution and so on. The results show that different groups of students have varied levels of environmental knowledge, energy use habits, and attitude toward low-carbon campus management. To improve energy conservation and cut carbon emission radically, advices on building low-carbon community are also proposed including professional curriculums of environmental protection, economic initiatives, effect management, good communications, and sound infrastructures and facilities.

关键词: behavior change     energy saving     low-carbon community     campus of Fudan University     China    



《中国工程科学》 2006年 第8卷 第6期   页码 23-27



关键词: 飞机结构     寿命包线     寿命监控     大修间隔期    


常海娟,刘猛,庞丽萍,杨鹏 ,王浚

《中国工程科学》 2009年 第11卷 第2期   页码 65-69


用一年的时间随青藏铁路列车采集了2 882样本数据,随机抽取其中的1 693份,利用非参数检验及 相关分析的方法从统计学上对可能影响耐缺氧反应的因素做分析,最后发现以前到高原时缺氧反应严重程 度、性别、吸烟习惯、肥胖度、年龄5个因素对个体的抗缺氧能力有着不可忽视的影响。该结论不仅可以为减 少旅客高原反应提供指导性意见,为高原旅客列车供氧系统设计和改进提供重要依据,也可以为后续的医学 研究提供统计学基础。

关键词: 高原反应     影响因素     青藏铁路     非参数检验     个体抗缺氧能力    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Development trend of urban design in “digital age”: Pan-dimensionality and individual-ubiquity


Leveraging individual-level data to advance air pollution health risk management

Jianxun YANG, Wenjing WU, Miaomiao LIU, Jun BI


Erratum to: On the potential of iPhone significant location data to characterize individual mobility


On the potential of iPhone significant location data to characterize individual mobility for air pollution






Uwe Schlink, Maximilian Ueberham


Less attention paid to waterborne SARS-CoV-2 spreading in Beijing urban communities



J. Patel, F. McGain, T. Bhatelia, S. Wang, B. Sun, J. Monty, V. Pareek





Individual environmental behavior: A key role in building low-carbon communities in China

Ping JIANG, Hongjia DONG, Yun ZHU, Adila ALIMUJIANG, Zhenhua ZHANG, Weichun MA






常海娟,刘猛,庞丽萍,杨鹏 ,王浚
