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A road-map for energy-neutral wastewater treatment plants of the future based on compact technologies (including MBBR)

Hallvard Ødegaard

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第4期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-016-0835-0

摘要: In the paper concepts for wastewater treatment of the future are discussed by the use of a) one flow diagram based on established, compact, proven technologies (i.e. nitrification/denitrification for N-removal in the mainstream) and b) one flow diagram based on emerging, compact technologies (i.e. de-ammonification in the main stream).The latter (b) will give an energy-neutral wastewater treatment plant, while this cannot be guaranteed for the first one (a). The example flow diagrams show plant concepts that a) minimize energy consumption by using compact biological and physical/chemical processes combined in an optimal way, for instance by using moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) processes for biodegradation and high-rate particle separation processes, and de-ammonification processes for N-removal and b)maximize energy (biogas) production through digestion by using wastewater treatment processes that minimize biodegradation of the sludge (prior to digestion) and pretreatment of the sludge prior to digestion by thermal hydrolysis. The treatment plant of the future should produce a water quality (for instance bathing water quality) that is sufficient for reuse of some kind (toilet flushing, urban use, irrigation etc.). The paper outlines compact water reclamation processes based on ozonation in combination with coagulation as pretreatment before ceramic membrane filtration. In the paper concepts for domestic wastewater treatment plants of the future are discussed by the use of a) one flow diagram based on established, compact, proven technologies (i.e. nitrification/denitrification for N-removal in the mainstream) and b) one flow diagram based on emerging, compact technologies (i.e. de-ammonification in the main stream).The latter (b) will give an energy-neutral wastewater treatment plant, while this cannot be guaranteed for the first one (a). The example flow diagrams show plant concepts that a) minimize energy consumption by using compact biological and physical/chemical processes combined in an optimal way, for instance by using moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) processes for biodegradation and high-rate particle separation processes, and de-ammonification processes for N-removal and b)maximize energy (biogas) production through digestion by using wastewater treatment processes that minimize biodegradation of the sludge (prior to digestion) and pretreatment of the sludge prior to digestion by thermal hydrolysis. The treatment plant of the future should produce a water quality (for instance bathing water quality) that is sufficient for reuse of some kind (toilet flushing, urban use, irrigation etc.). The paper outlines compact water reclamation processes based on ozonation in combination with coagulation as pretreatment before ceramic membrane filtration.

关键词: China concept WWTP     Energy-neutrality     De-ammonification     moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)    

Elucidation of the last steps of photo-ammonification: analytical method development and mechanism elucidation

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第18卷 第8期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-024-1860-z


● A new method was developed for simultaneous quantification of multiple NOCs.

关键词: Ammonification     NOCs     Amines     Nitrogen mass balance    

Crop residues: applications of lignocellulosic biomass in the context of a biorefinery

Maria Carolina ANDRADE, Caio de Oliveira GORGULHO SILVA, Leonora Rios de SOUZA MOREIRA, Edivaldo Ximenes

《能源前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第2期   页码 224-245 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0730-7

摘要: Interest in lignocellulosic biomass conversion technologies has increased recently because of their potential to reduce the dependency on non-renewable feedstocks. Residues from a variety of crops are the major source of lignocellulose, which is being produced in increasingly large quantities worldwide. The commercial exploitation of crop residues as feedstocks for biorefineries which could be used to produce a variety of goods such as biofuels, biochemicals, bioplastics, and enzymes is an attractive approach not only for adding value to residues but also for providing renewable products required by the expanding bioeconomy market. Moreover, the implementation of biorefineries in different regions has the potential to add value to the specific crop residues produced in the region. In this review, several aspects of crop residue application in biorefineries are discussed, including the role of crop residues in the bioeconomy and circular economy concepts, the main technical aspects of crop residue conversion in biorefineries, the main crop residues generated in different regions of the world and their availability, the potential value-added bioproducts that can be extracted or produced from each crop residue, and the major advantages and challenges associated with crop residue utilization in biorefineries. Despite their potential, most biomass refining technologies are not sufficiently advanced or financially viable. Several technical obstacles, especially with regard to crop residue collection, handling, and pre-treatment, prevent the implementation of biorefineries on a commercial scale. Further research is needed to resolve these scale-up-related challenges. Increased governmental incentives and bioeconomic strategies are expected to boost the biorefinery market and the cost competitiveness of biorefinery products.

关键词: crop residue     biorefinery     bioproduct     biomass     circular bioeconomy     enzyme    

基于量子点元胞自动机的纳米级加密结构设计 Regular Article

Bikash Debnath, Jadav Chandra Das, Debashis De,dr.debashis.de@gmail.com

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第20卷 第11期   页码 1578-1586 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800458

摘要: 基于密码学的量子点元胞自动机(QCA)是纳米技术领域新范例,在整体性能上优于传统互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)技术。为保障纳米通信的数据安全,提出一种基于量子元胞自动机的安全通信系统。利用设计的电路对输入数据加密,通过纳米路由器和数据路径选择器将其传到输出通道,然后将数据解密,恢复其原始形式。实验结果和理论推导证明了电路的准确性。此外,分析了电路功耗和复杂性。

关键词: 量子点元胞自动机(QCA);多数决定门密码学;加密;解密;纳米级路由    

Research on Microelectromagnetic Relays

LI De-sheng, LIU Ben-dong

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2006年 第1卷 第1期   页码 111-114 doi: 10.1007/s11465-005-0013-8


A new microelectromagnetic relay is presented and fabricated based on micromachining technology, aiming at the miniaturization and high manufacturing efficiency of electromagnetic relays. This microrelay is composed of a lower magnetic circuit, a planar exciting coil, and an upper magnetic armature. A complete magnetic circuit is composed, and the ON and OFF states are controlled by the current of the exciting coil. The dimension of this microrelay is 5 mm ? 5 mm ? 0.4 mm. The fabrication process mainly includes lithography, sputtering, electroplating, etching, sacrifice-layer technology, etc. Electromagnetic force is calculated theoretically. The calculation results are used for the optimization design of the armature and the number of turns of the exciting coil. A microelectromagnetic relay is fabricated and the initial test results are given. The resistance of the exciting coil is about 300 Ω. The switch-on state resistance is about 1.7 Ω at an exciting current of about 50 mA.

关键词: sacrifice-layer technology     OFF     complete     microelectromagnetic     Electromagnetic    


Paulo César DE FACCIO CARVALHO, Jean Víctor SAVIAN, Tomas DELLA CHIESA, William DE SOUZA FILHO, José, Priscila PINTO, Amanda POSSELT MARTINS, Sebastian VILLARINO, Júlio Kuhn DA TRINDADE, Pedro Arthur DE

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第1期   页码 97-110 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2020380

摘要: The Rio de la Plata region comprises central Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil. Modern agriculture developed around 1900 with recent decades being characterized by the advance of cropping areas over native grasslands. Highly specialized agriculture has decoupled crop and livestock production but has succeeded in intensifying yields. However, significant losses of ecosystem services have been reported. Thus, questions have been raised on the sustainability of this pathway. A glance at world regions that have experienced similar trends suggests that an urgent course correction is needed. A major concern has been the lack of diversity in regions with highly specialized agriculture, promoting renewed interest in integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS), not only because ICLS are more diverse than specialized systems, but also because they are rare examples of reconciliation between agroecosystem intensification and environmental quality. Consequently, this paper discusses alternatives to redesign multifunctional landscapes based on ICLS. Recent data provide evidence that recoupling crop and animal production increases the resilience of nutrient cycling functions and economic indicators to external stressors, enabling these systems to face climate-market uncertainty and reconcile food production with the provision of diverse ecosystem services. Finally, these concepts are exemplified in case studies where this perspective has been successfully applied.

关键词: grazing     integrated crop-livestock systems     mixed crops-livestock     Pampa    

基于iMOEA/D-DE的组合权重模型 Research Article


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第23卷 第4期   页码 604-616 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2000545

摘要: 为准确求解评估方法的权重,提出一种基于iMOEA/D-DE(基于差分进化分解的改进多目标进化算法)的组合权重模型。多专家权重仅考虑主观权重,导致客观性差。同时,设计了具有自学习能力的自适应变异系数和交叉概率系数,以提高MOEA/D-DE算法的鲁棒性。由于现有权重评价方法不能单独评价权重,提出一种基于相对熵的新权重评价方法。

关键词: 组合权重;MOEA/D-DE;博弈论;自学习能力;相对熵    

Environmental problems of vibrations induced by railway traffic

XIA He, CAO Yanmei, De Roeck Guido, Degrande Geert

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第2期   页码 142-152 doi: 10.1007/s11709-007-0015-1

摘要: In this paper, a general review is made on the problems of vibrations of the ground and nearby buildings induced by railway traffic, and on the researches on this subject in theoretical analyses, numerical simulations, and field experiments. The characteristics of ground vibrations induced by railway traffic and their propagation, from the aspects of duration, intensity distribution, vehicle load and speed, are summarized. The vibration influences on the daily life of people, the operation of high-tech devices and the safety of buildings, and the vibration properties of subsoil and buildings adjacent to the underground, ground and elevated railway systems are introduced.

关键词: underground     vibration     numerical     subsoil     propagation    

Exploration of Strategies for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control and Relevant System Development in China

Long-de Wang

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2015年 第2卷 第1期   页码 2-12 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2015002

摘要: Chronic non-communicable diseases have become a major threat to humanity. International studies have shown that of 57 million deaths worldwide in 2008, 36 million (63%) were caused by chronic non-communicable diseases; of these, 29 million (80%) occurred in low and middle income countries. The WHO predicts that if the current trend continues, the annual number of deaths due to chronic non-communicable diseases will increase to 55 million by 2030. Due to acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, along with population aging and rapid changes of people’s lifestyle, the morbidity and mortality from chronic diseases are rapidly increasing in China. Therefore, dealing with the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases has become one of the current major health issues for China to address. On the basis of summarizing the status of major chronic diseases in China, analyzing the key issues and key factors in chronic disease prevention and control, and reviewing and summarizing the experience from the previous projects, this paper proposes the following recommendations as strategies for chronic disease prevention and control and development of relevant system, which China should adopt. All relevant government departments should formulate corresponding policies; establish a coordinated and efficient work system with rational structure and clear division of tasks and responsibilities within the system. Implementation and development of “integrated medicine” in system is necessary. Work norms and requirements will then improve the performance and efficiency in chronic disease prevention and control in China.

关键词: chronic disease prevention and control     strategy and system construction    

Josse De Baerdemaeker:园艺机器人——挑战与展望(2019年10月18日)

Josse De Baerdemaeker(高级职称)


关键词: 农业科学    

Impacts of de-icing salt pollution on urban road greenspace: a case study of Beijing

Zhouyuan LI,Yingmei LIANG,Junhui ZHOU,Xiao SUN

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2014年 第8卷 第5期   页码 747-756 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0644-2

摘要: De-icing salt contamination of urban soil and greenspace has been a common issue of concern in many countries for years. In the 2009/2010 winter, Beijing experienced a contamination accident resulting from the overuse of de-icing salt, reported as almost 30000 tons, which severely damaged urban vegetation alongside roadways. The methods of sampling and rating for both soil contamination and response of the plant populations were developed to rapidly assess this emergency environmental event. Results showed that the shrubs were more severely damaged than the arbors in terms of both degree and extent, as almost all of the surveyed shrubs were severely damaged from the salt contamination, while only about 1/4 of the recorded arbors were rated as “severely injured” according to the integral plant injury index. The rating of the injury level showed that the trees like a, , and the shrubs like , showed less tolerance to de-icing salt pollution. The patterns of vegetation damage demonstrated that the ever-green shrubs alongside roads and the deciduous arbors in the center of roads were most vulnerable to the salt damage.

关键词: de-icing salt     environmental impact assessment     urban ecology     greenspace    

Nonlinear cumulative damage model for multiaxial fatigue

SHANG De-guang, SUN Guo-qin, DENG Jing, YAN Chu-liang

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2006年 第1卷 第3期   页码 265-269 doi: 10.1007/s11465-006-0035-x

摘要: On the basis of the continuum fatigue damage theory, a nonlinear uniaxial fatigue cumulative damage model is first proposed. In order to describe multiaxial fatigue damage characteristics, a nonlinear multiaxial fatigue cumulative damage model is developed based on the critical plane approach. The proposed model can consider the multiaxial fatigue limit, mean hydrostatic pressure and the unseparated characteristic for the damage variables and loading parameters. The recurrence formula of fatigue damage model was derived under multilevel loading, which is used to predict multiaxial fatigue life. The results showed that the proposed nonlinear multiaxial fatigue cumulative damage model is better than Miner s rule.


Giorgia De Guido, Matteo Compagnoni, Laura A. Pellegrini, Ilenia Rossetti

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第2期   页码 315-325 doi: 10.1007/s11705-017-1698-z

摘要: Carbon capture and storage (CCS) have acquired an increasing importance in the debate on global warming as a mean to decrease the environmental impact of energy conversion technologies, by capturing the CO produced from the use of fossil fuels in electricity generation and industrial processes. In this respect, post-combustion systems have received great attention as a possible near-term CO capture technology that can be retrofitted to existing power plants. This capture technology is, however, energy-intensive and results in large equipment sizes because of the large volumes of the flue gas to be treated. To cope with the demerits of other CCS technologies, the chemical looping combustion (CLC) process has been recently considered as a solution for CO separation. It is typically referred to as a technology without energy penalty. Indeed, in CLC the fuel and the combustion air are never mixed and the gases from the oxidation of the fuel (i.e., CO and H O) leave the system as a separate stream and can be separated by condensation of H O without any loss of energy. The key issue for the CLC process is to find a suitable oxygen carrier, which provides the fuel with the activated oxygen needed for combustion. The aim of this work is to explore the feasibility of using perovskites as oxygen carriers in CLC and to consider the possible advantages with respect to the scrubbing process with amines, a mature post-combustion technology for CO separation.

关键词: CO2 capture     monoethanolamine     chemical looping combustion     oxygen carrier     perovskites    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第1期


• Current intensification trends in the Rio de la Plata need urgent re-direction.

•Integrated crop-livestock systems reconcile food production with ecosystem services.

•Case studies validate recoupling as a sustainable way to ecological intensification.


The Rio de la Plata region comprises central Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil. Modern agriculture developed around 1900 with recent decades being characterized by the advance of cropping areas over native grasslands. Highly specialized agriculture has decoupled crop and livestock production but has succeeded in intensifying yields. However, significant losses of ecosystem services have been reported. Thus, questions have been raised on the sustainability of this pathway. A glance at world regions that have experienced similar trends suggests that an urgent course correction is needed. A major concern has been the lack of diversity in regions with highly specialized agriculture, promoting renewed interest in integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS), not only because ICLS are more diverse than specialized systems, but also because they are rare examples of reconciliation between agroecosystem intensification and environmental quality. Consequently, this paper discusses alternatives to redesign multifunctional landscapes based on ICLS. Recent data provide evidence that recoupling crop and animal production increases the resilience of nutrient cycling functions and economic indicators to external stressors, enabling these systems to face climate-market uncertainty and reconcile food production with the provision of diverse ecosystem services. Finally, these concepts are exemplified in case studies where this perspective has been successfully applied.


Antonello De Risi

《工程(英文)》 2018年 第4卷 第2期   页码 175-179 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2018.03.013

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

A road-map for energy-neutral wastewater treatment plants of the future based on compact technologies (including MBBR)

Hallvard Ødegaard


Elucidation of the last steps of photo-ammonification: analytical method development and mechanism elucidation


Crop residues: applications of lignocellulosic biomass in the context of a biorefinery

Maria Carolina ANDRADE, Caio de Oliveira GORGULHO SILVA, Leonora Rios de SOUZA MOREIRA, Edivaldo Ximenes



Bikash Debnath, Jadav Chandra Das, Debashis De,dr.debashis.de@gmail.com


Research on Microelectromagnetic Relays

LI De-sheng, LIU Ben-dong



Paulo César DE FACCIO CARVALHO, Jean Víctor SAVIAN, Tomas DELLA CHIESA, William DE SOUZA FILHO, José, Priscila PINTO, Amanda POSSELT MARTINS, Sebastian VILLARINO, Júlio Kuhn DA TRINDADE, Pedro Arthur DE





Environmental problems of vibrations induced by railway traffic

XIA He, CAO Yanmei, De Roeck Guido, Degrande Geert


Exploration of Strategies for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control and Relevant System Development in China

Long-de Wang


Josse De Baerdemaeker:园艺机器人——挑战与展望(2019年10月18日)

Josse De Baerdemaeker(高级职称)



Impacts of de-icing salt pollution on urban road greenspace: a case study of Beijing

Zhouyuan LI,Yingmei LIANG,Junhui ZHOU,Xiao SUN


Nonlinear cumulative damage model for multiaxial fatigue

SHANG De-guang, SUN Guo-qin, DENG Jing, YAN Chu-liang



Giorgia De Guido, Matteo Compagnoni, Laura A. Pellegrini, Ilenia Rossetti





Antonello De Risi
