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Taxonomic and functional variations in the microbial community during the upgrade process of a full-scale

Binbin Sheng, Depeng Wang, Xianrong Liu, Guangxing Yang, Wu Zeng, Yiqing Yang, Fangang Meng

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第6期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1272-7

摘要: Abstract • Upgrade process was investigated in a full-scale landfill leachate treatment plant. • The optimization of DO can technically achieve the shift from CND to PND process. • Nitrosomonas was mainly responsible for ammonium oxidation in PND system. • An obviously enrichment of Thauera was found in the PND process. • Enhanced metabolic potentials on organics was found during the process update. Because of the low access to biodegradable organic substances used for denitrification, the partial nitrification-denitrification process has been considered as a low-cost, sustainable alternative for landfill leachate treatment. In this study, the process upgrade from conventional to partial nitrification-denitrification was comprehensively investigated in a full-scale landfill leachate treatment plant (LLTP). The partial nitrification-denitrification system was successfully achieved through the optimizing dissolved oxygen and the external carbon source, with effluent nitrogen concentrations lower than 150 mg/L. Moreover, the upgrading process facilitated the enrichment of Nitrosomonas (abundance increased from 0.4% to 3.3%), which was also evidenced by increased abundance of amoA/B/C genes carried by Nitrosomonas. Although Nitrospira (accounting for 0.1%–0.6%) was found to stably exist in the reactor tank, considerable nitrite accumulation occurred in the reactor (reaching 98.8 mg/L), indicating high-efficiency of the partial nitrification process. Moreover, the abundance of Thauera, the dominant denitrifying bacteria responsible for nitrite reduction, gradually increased from 0.60% to 5.52% during the upgrade process. This process caused great changes in the microbial community, inducing continuous succession of heterotrophic bacteria accompanied by enhanced metabolic potentials toward organic substances. The results obtained in this study advanced our understanding of the operation of a partial nitrification-denitrification system and provided a technical case for the upgrade of currently existing full-scale LLTPs.

关键词: Landfill leachate     Process upgrade     Partial nitrification-denitrification     Bacterial community     Metagenomics    

resistance genes and virulence factors in receiving rivers: Benefits of wastewater treatment plant upgrade

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第7期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1682-4


● Abundance of MAGs carrying ARG-VF pairs unchanged in rivers after WWTP upgrade.

关键词: Wastewater treatment plant upgrade     Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs)     Virulence factors (VFs)     Gene co-occurrence     Genome-centric analysis    

The impacts of economic restructuring and technology upgrade on air quality and human health in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei

Chao Liu, Hancheng Dai, Lin Zhang, Changchun Feng

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-019-1155-y

摘要: Impacts of industrial restructuring and upgrade on air quality & health are assessed. An integrated approach combining different models is used for the assessment. Industrial technology upgrading is more effective than economic restructuring. Ozone is much more difficult to mitigate than PM2.5. In this study, we have analyzed possible policy options to improve the air quality in an industrialized region—Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei (BTH) in China. A comprehensive model framework integrating GAINS-China, GEOS-Chem, and IMED/HEL is established to investigate the impacts of various policies on air pollution and health effects. The model establishes a data interface between economic input/output data and the emission inventory of atmospheric pollutants in the BTH region. Based on in-depth analyses of pollutant emission standards, industrial structure, pollution-intensive industries, and emission intensities in BTH and Pearl River Delta, several scenarios are constructed to explore the effectiveness of policy pathways in improving air quality in the BTH region. These scenarios include two categories: the category of “Industrial Technology Upgrade Policy” scenarios that focuses on reducing the emission intensity of industries vs. that of “Industrial Structure Adjustment Policy” scenarios that focuses on adjusting the proportion of industrial value-added. Our results show that the policy path of industrial technology upgrading can be effective and feasible, while economic structure adjustment shows complex and mixed effectiveness. We also find that the proposed policies and measures will be efficient to reduce pollution of primary pollutants and fine particles, but may not effectively mitigate ambient ozone pollution. Ozone pollution is projected to become increasingly severe in BTH, placing a challenge to pollution mitigation strategies that requires further adjustments to address it.

关键词: Economic restructuring     Cleaner production     Ambient air pollution     Health benefits     IMED model    



《中国工程科学》 2022年 第24卷 第2期   页码 64-74 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.02.008


在传统离散制造业加快转型升级的背景下,发展智能制造将推进离散制造业提质增效、促进行业由大变强,因此数字化转型与智能化升级成为必然选择。我国离散制造各细分行业存在极大的差异性,相应的数字化转型与智能化升级路径也存在多样性,因而需要结合企业实际探讨具体实施举措。本文提炼了离散制造行业的典型特性,梳理了离散制造行业数字化转型与智能化升级面临的挑战,阐述了包括先进制造技术、新一代信息技术、新一代人工智能在内的共性关键技术;系统调研了我国离散型制造企业数字化转型与智能化升级的4 个典型案例,力求呈现领域前沿应用进展,进而提出了突破智能制造关键使能技术,研发智能制造装备,建设数字化、智能化车间和工厂,提供数字化、智能化服务,构建标准与安全体系等重点发展任务。研究建议,加快示范应用,突出“中国制造”,培育高新技术人才,制定相应的法律法规,以此推动我国离散制造行业的高质量发展。

关键词: 智能制造,离散制造行业,数字化转型、智能化升级,拓扑优化,车间调度,深度学习    

Value and governance of high-speed railway

Xiaoyan LIN, Zehua ZHANG, Meng WANG

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第4期   页码 463-482 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017054

摘要: This paper considers multiple perspectives to explore the concept of high-speed railway (HSR), rationally abstract its value formation mechanism, and quantitatively measure its actual performance. This paper analyzes the governance potential of major countries in the high-speed railway value chain and studies the feasible ways and development strategies to enhance the high-speed railway governance in China. Findings of this paper are as follows. First, the government, as the early manager of high-speed railway governance, has given way to Siemens and other integrated enterprises. Second, the high-speed railway standard output has become the core competitiveness that embodies high-speed railway. Third, the global high-speed railway market presents a hierarchical high-speed railway governance model and changes to a modular approach to governance.

关键词: high-speed railway value     communication value     high-speed railway value governance     governance path upgrade    



《中国工程科学》 2015年 第17卷 第7期   页码 133-132



关键词: 制造业;产品质量;质量升级    

Upgrade of three municipal wastewater treatment lagoons using a high surface area media

John WANG, Peng JIN, Paul L. BISHOP, Fuzhi LI

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第2期   页码 288-293 doi: 10.1007/s11783-011-0280-z

摘要: Lagoon-based municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are facing difficulties meeting the needs of rapid population growth as well as the more stringent requirements of discharge permits. Three municipal WWTPs were modified using a high surface area media with upgraded fine-bubble aeration systems. Performance data collected showed very promising results in terms of five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD ), ammonia (NH ) and total suspended solids (TSS) removal. Two-year average ammonia effluents were 4.1 mg·L for Columbia WWTP, 4 mg·L for Larchmont WWTP and 2.1 mg·L for Laurelville WWTP, respectively. Two- year average BOD effluents were 6.8, 4.9 and 2.7 mg·L , and TSS effluents were 15.0, 9.6 and 7.5 mg·L . The systems also showed low fecal coliform (FC) levels in their effluents.

关键词: wastewater lagoons     wastewater biological treatment     ammonia removal     high surface area media     fine bubble aeration    

面向数字化转型的“互联网 +”战略升级研究


《中国工程科学》 2020年 第22卷 第4期   页码 10-17 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.04.002


“互联网 +”行动计划推出5年来,新一代信息技术创新进一步加快,经济社会数字化转型呈现诸多新特征,这就要求深入研究构建转型新体系和探索转型新路径,谋划“互联网 +”行动举措演进升级。本文遵循技术产业变革的客观规律,基于技术经济理论范式,着重分析了当前技术、应用和政策等层面数字化转型新态势和转型前沿实践探索。研究表明,当前数字化转型技术体系和技术能力日益完善,新的转型目标蓝图逐步显现,信息技术和实体经济融合进入新阶段,面临着重构数字化转型框架体系,强化转型关键要素、突破转型关键环节的重要任务。对此建议,在“互联网 +”行动后续政策设计、国家“十四五”规划制定的过程中,发掘数字化要素潜力,推动数字化转型生态建设,构建转型创新网络,升级“互联网 +”政策保障体系,推动经济社会数字化转型迈向更高发展水平。

关键词: 技术产业变革     数字化转型     互联网+     产业升级    



《中国工程科学》 2015年 第17卷 第7期   页码 63-62



关键词: 中国制造     品牌发展质量     安全     创新    



《中国工程科学》 2020年 第22卷 第2期   页码 22-28 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.02.004


民生装备是高端装备的重要组成部分,在国民经济发展中具有重要地位和作用。我国民生装备的国际竞争力和综合水平与国际先进水平相比存在一定差距,新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的出现进一步暴露出我国食品、纺织、医疗等民生装备发展存在严重短板,优化升级的迫切性突出。本文选取农业、食品、纺织、医疗这 4 个涉及国民经济基础命脉的民生装备领域,研究相关装备的发展现状并进行国内外比较分析,指出我国民生装备发展存在的问题及短板。研究提出,发展民生装备应以智能制造为主攻方向,研制具备数字化、网络化、智能化功能的装备,研发关键零部件、工业软件,推动民生装备企业实施数字化、网络化、智能化改造升级并与服务业深度融合。研究建议:国家统筹民生装备领域的扶持政策,开展大规模新一轮技术改造,建设行业技术创新服务公共平台,加强国产装备和工业软件的研发与应用,由此保障和推动民生装备的优化升级。

关键词: 民生装备     智能制造     优化升级     农业     食品     纺织     医疗    



《中国工程科学》 2018年 第20卷 第4期   页码 23-28 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2018.04.005



关键词: 智能制造     总体架构     智能转型     优化升级    

Degradation of refractory organics in concentrated leachate by the Fenton process: Central compositedesign for process optimization

Senem Yazici Guvenc, Gamze Varank

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第1期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1294-1

摘要: Abstract • 90% total COD, 95.3% inert COD and 97.2% UV254 were removed. • High R2 values (over 95%) for all responses were obtained with CCD. • Operational cost was calculated to be 0.238 €/g CODremoved for total COD removal. • Fenton oxidation was highly-efficient method for inert COD removal. • BOD5/COD ratio of leachate concentrate raised from 0.04 to 0.4. The primary aim of this study is inert COD removal from leachate nanofiltration concentrate because of its high concentration of resistant organic pollutants. Within this framework, this study focuses on the treatability of leachate nanofiltration concentrate through Fenton oxidation and optimization of process parameters to reach the maximum pollutant removal by using response surface methodology (RSM). Initial pH, Fe2+ concentration, H2O2/Fe2+ molar ratio and oxidation time are selected as the independent variables, whereas total COD, color, inert COD and UV254 removal are selected as the responses. According to the ANOVA results, the R2 values of all responses are found to be over 95%. Under the optimum conditions determined by the model (pH: 3.99, Fe2+: 150 mmol/L, H2O2/Fe2+: 3.27 and oxidation time: 84.8 min), the maximum COD removal efficiency is determined as 91.4% by the model. The color, inert COD and UV254 removal efficiencies are determined to be 99.9%, 97.2% and 99.5%, respectively, by the model, whereas the total COD, color, inert COD and UV254 removal efficiencies are found respectively to be 90%, 96.5%, 95.3% and 97.2%, experimentally under the optimum operating conditions. The Fenton process improves the biodegradability of the leachate NF concentrate, increasing the BOD5/COD ratio from the value of 0.04 to the value of 0.4. The operational cost of the process is calculated to be 0.238 €/g CODremoved. The results indicate that the Fenton oxidation process is an efficient and economical technology in improvement of the biological degradability of leachate nanofiltration concentrate and in removal of resistant organic pollutants.

关键词: Concentrated leachate     Fenton oxidation     Central composite design     Biodegradability     Inert COD    

Applications of the crystallization process in the pharmaceutical industry


《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第1期   页码 2-9 doi: 10.1007/s11705-009-0297-z

摘要: The applications of the crystallization technique in the pharmaceutical industry as a purification and separation process for the isolation and synthesis of pure active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), co-crystals, controlled release pulmonary drug delivery, and separation of chiral isomers are briefly discussed using a few case studies. The effect of process variables and solvent on the polymorphism and morphology of stavudine is discussed. The implementation of external control in the form of feedback and real-time optimal control using cooling and antisolvent crystallization of paracetamol in water-isopropyl alcohol is introduced. Two methods to prepare micron-sized drug particles, namely, micro-crystallization and polymer-coated API-loaded magnetic nanoparticles for pulmonary drug delivery, are discussed. The significance of co-crystals in drug administration is highlighted using the theophylline-nicotinamide co-crystal system. Resolution of chloromandelic acid derivatives, a racemic compound, is achieved using direct crystallization and diastereomeric salts crystallization. The crystal structures of diastereomeric salts of chloromandelic acid and phenylethylamine are determined. The structure comparison between the less soluble and more soluble salts shows that weak interactions such as CH/π interactions and van der Waals forces contribute to chiral recognition when the hydrogen bonding patterns are similar.

关键词: feedback     morphology     pulmonary     paracetamol     recognition    

Review on mechanism and process of surface polishing using lasers

Arun KRISHNAN, Fengzhou FANG

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第14卷 第3期   页码 299-319 doi: 10.1007/s11465-019-0535-0

摘要: Laser polishing is a technology of smoothening the surface of various materials with highly intense laser beams. When these beams impact on the material surface to be polished, the surface starts to be melted due to the high temperature. The melted material is then relocated from the ‘peaks to valleys’ under the multidirectional action of surface tension. By varying the process parameters such as beam intensity, energy density, spot diameter, and feed rate, different rates of surface roughness can be achieved. High precision polishing of surfaces can be done using laser process. Currently, laser polishing has extended its applications from photonics to molds as well as bio-medical sectors. Conventional polishing techniques have many drawbacks such as less capability of polishing freeform surfaces, environmental pollution, long processing time, and health hazards for the operators. Laser polishing on the other hand eliminates all the mentioned drawbacks and comes as a promising technology that can be relied for smoothening of initial topography of the surfaces irrespective of the complexity of the surface. Majority of the researchers performed laser polishing on materials such as steel, titanium, and its alloys because of its low cost and reliability. This article gives a detailed overview of the laser polishing mechanism by explaining various process parameters briefly to get a better understanding about the entire polishing process. The advantages and applications are also explained clearly to have a good knowledge about the importance of laser polishing in the future.

关键词: laser polishing     surface roughness     process parameters     mechanism    

Special issue on “Green chemical process and intensification”

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第11期   页码 1533-1535 doi: 10.1007/s11705-022-2263-y

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Taxonomic and functional variations in the microbial community during the upgrade process of a full-scale

Binbin Sheng, Depeng Wang, Xianrong Liu, Guangxing Yang, Wu Zeng, Yiqing Yang, Fangang Meng


resistance genes and virulence factors in receiving rivers: Benefits of wastewater treatment plant upgrade


The impacts of economic restructuring and technology upgrade on air quality and human health in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei

Chao Liu, Hancheng Dai, Lin Zhang, Changchun Feng





Value and governance of high-speed railway

Xiaoyan LIN, Zehua ZHANG, Meng WANG





Upgrade of three municipal wastewater treatment lagoons using a high surface area media

John WANG, Peng JIN, Paul L. BISHOP, Fuzhi LI


面向数字化转型的“互联网 +”战略升级研究












Degradation of refractory organics in concentrated leachate by the Fenton process: Central compositedesign for process optimization

Senem Yazici Guvenc, Gamze Varank


Applications of the crystallization process in the pharmaceutical industry



Review on mechanism and process of surface polishing using lasers

Arun KRISHNAN, Fengzhou FANG


Special issue on “Green chemical process and intensification”
