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Emerging challenges to structural integrity technology for high-temperature applications

TU Shantung

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2007年 第2卷 第4期   页码 375-387 doi: 10.1007/s11465-007-0066-y

摘要: Structural integrity technology has been widely used with great success for the design, manufacture and failure prevention of modern constructions such as chemical and petrochemical plants, power generation and energy conversion systems, as well as space and oceanic exploration. The modern needs of structural integrity technology are largely attributed to the increase of service temperature of the structures that results in the efficiency improvement in energy conversion and chemical processing technologies. Besides the needs arising from large-scale high-temperature plants, the high tech developments, such as micro chemo-mechanical systems and high-power electronics, provide new challenges to structural integrity technology. The present paper summarizes the recent technical progresses in large process plants and the aviation industry, micro chemo-mechanical systems, fuel cells, high-temperature electronics, and packaging and coating technologies. The state-of-the-art of structural integrity technology for high temperature applications is reviewed. Suggestions are provided for the improvement of current design and assessment methods.

关键词: manufacture     aviation industry     conversion     petrochemical     temperature    

植根航宝 雕铸精华——记中国航空工业制造工程研究所

《中国工程科学》 2000年 第2卷 第2期   页码 93-94



《中国工程科学》 2023年 第25卷 第1期   页码 88-95 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.01.005



关键词: 航空;铝合金;高强高韧;高比模量    



《中国工程科学》 2023年 第25卷 第5期   页码 157-164 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.05.008


在世界各国共同应对气候变化的大背景下,航空业面临的碳减排任务压力极大;民机产品设计及制造过程中的碳减排是实现航空净零排放的核心途径,及时开展航空制造业绿色低碳化发展研究对支撑实现民航业“双碳”战略目标具有重要意义。本文从满足未来碳排放强制标准、布局新能源技术发展、推动可持续发展方面分析了航空制造业绿色低碳化的发展需求,梳理了国内外民机产品设计、材料应用、生产制造的发展现状,凝练了我国航空制造业面临的主要问题。着眼于民机产品环保竞争力提升、民机生产制造能耗降低,研究提出了航空制造业主要技术方向的降碳潜力和阶段性发展目标,阐述了绿色飞机设计、绿色飞机材料、绿色飞机制造3 个技术维度的发展路线。从加强顶层政策约束及规划、开展先进技术研发、促进产业链协同、布局碳补偿与交易等方面提出了管理性举措建议,以期全面推动航空制造业绿色低碳化发展。

关键词: 航空制造业;绿色;低碳化;飞机设计;材料;飞机制造    

Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of plastics for aviation oil production: energy and economic analyses

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第18卷 第7期   页码 81-81 doi: 10.1007/s11705-024-2436-y

摘要: Microwave-assisted pyrolysis is an effective method for recycling plastic wastes into oils that can be used for aviation fuels. In this study, energy and economic analyses of aviation oil production from microwave-assisted pyrolysis of polystyrene were performed. The total energy efficiency, recovered energy efficiency, unitary cost, unitary energy economic cost, relative cost difference, and energy economic factor were detailed. And the effects of microwave power, pyrolysis temperature, microwave absorbent loading, and microwave absorbent type on these parameters were covered. It was found that pyrolysis temperature has the most significant effect on the unitary cost and unitary energy economic cost of aviation oil, and-microwave absorbent type has a significant influence on energy economic factor during the whole microwave-assisted pyrolysis process. The optimum reaction conditions at the tonnage system for pyrolysis of 1 t polystyrene were microwave power of 650 W, pyrolysis temperature of 460 °C, and silicon carbide (microwave absorbent) at a loading of 2 t (twice than feedstock loading). At these optimal conditions, the total energy efficiency, recovered energy efficiency, unitary cost, unitary energy economic cost, relative cost difference, and energy economic factor were 62.78%, 96.51%, 3.21 × 104 yuan·t–1, 779 yuan·GJ–1, 1.49, and 71.02%, respectively.

关键词: energy analysis     economic analysis     microwave-assisted pyrolysis     polystyrene     aviation oil    



《中国工程科学》 2023年 第25卷 第5期   页码 165-173 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.05.015


碳达峰、碳中和战略目标进入了实施阶段,给处于快速发展期的民用航空(民航)运输业带来了新的压力与挑战,相应碳减排策略研究获得国内外高度关注。本文梳理了国际民航(主要指商用飞机)运输业低碳化发展的形势与要求,研判了我国民航运输业低碳化发展的宏观形势、发展现状和面临问题,提出了相应发展目标和基本思路。通过行业规划、产品创新、低碳能源、航空公司运营等方面的共同努力,到2060 年我国民航运输业将如期实现碳中和,全面形成绿色低碳的发展格局。技术创新是推动民航运输业低碳化转型的核心驱动力,建议布局低碳商用飞机产品研发和关键技术攻关、加快推进可持续航空燃料的市场化应用、发展智慧航空以促进低碳运营,从而促成我国民航运输业高质量发展。

关键词: 民用航空运输;商用飞机;低碳发展;高效化;智慧化    

In-depth multi-component analysis of bio-aviation fuel derived from waste cooking oil using comprehensive

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第18卷 第12期 doi: 10.1007/s11705-024-2494-1

摘要: The characterization of bio-aviation fuel composition is paramount for assessing biomass conversion processes and its suitability to meet international standards. Compared with one-dimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry (1DGC-MS), comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC × GC-MS) emerges as a promising analytical approach for bio-aviation fuel, offering enhanced separation, resolution, selectivity, and sensitivity. This study addresses the qualitative and quantitative analysis methods for both bulk components and trace fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) in bio-aviation fuel obtained by hydrogenation at 400 °C with Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3&Meso-SAPO-11 as catalyst using GC × GC-MS. In bulk composition analysis, C12 concentration was highest at 25.597%. Based on GC × GC-MS analysis platform, the quality control method of FAME in bio-aviation fuel was established. At the split ratio of 10:1, limits of detections of six FAMEs were 0.011–0.027 mg·kg–1, and limits of quantifications were 0.036–0.090 mg·kg–1, and the GC × GC-MS research platform had the ability to detect FAME from 2 to 5 mg·kg–1. The results showed that this bio-aviation fuel did not contain FAME.

关键词: bio-aviation fuel     fatty acid methyl ester     GC × GC-MS     quantity    



《中国工程科学》 2001年 第3卷 第7期   页码 1-6



关键词: 航空     航空器     环境     排放     噪声    



《中国工程科学》 2019年 第21卷 第3期   页码 127-132 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.03.021


通用航空以其自身包含范围广泛等优点,近些年得到了广泛重视,通航企业数量迅速增加,通用航空企业规模不断扩大。但是,通用航空企业要保持快速发展,并创造更多的社会价值和市场价值,选择合适的运营模式就显得至关重要。本文通过借鉴发达国家经验,结合我国通用航空企业发展的实际需求,对中国通用航空公司及相关企业的运营模式进行了深入研究。同时,以辽宁锐翔通用航空有限公司为例,采用理论结合实际情况,应用PEST-SWOT 分析方法,全面系统地分析了辽宁锐翔通用航空有限公司的发展所具备的内部优势、劣势和面临的机遇、威胁,并提出了相应的发展策略。

关键词: 交通运输     通用航空公司     相关企业     运营模式     SWOT-PEST 分析法    



《中国工程科学》 2003年 第5卷 第2期   页码 93-93



《中国工程科学》 2005年 第7卷 第11期   页码 17-20



关键词: 视情维修     优化模型     决策     成本    

Systematic literature review on smart contracts in the construction industry: Potentials, benefits, and

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第2期   页码 196-213 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0188-2

摘要: The development of digital transformation in the construction industry has led to the increasing adoption of smart contracts. As programmable applications to automatically write, verify, and enforce transaction conditions, smart contracts can be used in different areas mainly to improve automation level, information security, and built digital environment enhancement. However, the smart contract is commonly mentioned as a blockchain appendage, while its unique connotation and value in the construction industry have not been recognized. Therefore, this study carries out a systematic review based on 81 research articles published from 2014 to 2021 on smart contract applications in construction to explore and highlight their potentials under domain-specific requirements. Results are analyzed according to research type categorization and domain codification. Eight research domains are identified, where the three most highly explored domains are contract and payment, supply chain and logistics, and information management. The integration of smart contracts with other innovative concepts and advanced technologies is analyzed. The applicability, benefits, and challenges of smart contract applications regarding different research domains are discussed.

关键词: smart contracts     blockchain     construction industry     BIM     systematic review    

Target the neglected VOCs emission from iron and steel industry in China for air quality improvement

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第8期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1695-z


● Haze formation in China is highly correlated with iron and steel industry.

关键词: Volatile organic compounds     Iron and steel industry     Air quality     Sinter flue gas emission    


宋薇薇 ,杨凤田,项松,韩成业,康桂文,樊馨月

《中国工程科学》 2023年 第25卷 第5期   页码 192-201 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.05.019


在航空碳减排引发各国广泛关注、航空运输业低碳化发展渐成趋势的背景下,突出氢能“高效、清洁、可持续”,可作为未来航空器最佳能源载体的特征,拓展氢能飞机研制与应用,具有重大的价值和广阔的前景。本文结合航空领域“双碳”目标研判了氢能飞机的发展背景,系统梳理了国外氢能飞机的前沿规划、我国氢能飞机总体研究及飞行试验的最新进展;详细分析了氢能飞机研制与应用关键技术体系,涵盖氢能飞机总体设计、液态储氢罐、氢燃料电池、氢燃料涡轮发动机、氢燃料航空内燃机、氢能飞机安全与适航技术、氢燃料加注基础设施。着眼未来氢能飞机的产业化发展需求,针对通勤/ 短程氢能飞机构建了相应的总拥有成本(TCO)模型,测算结果表明2045年前后通勤 / 短程氢能飞机将与纯电动飞机、燃油飞机的TCO基本持平。进一步提出了采取多技术路线同步发展、坚持动力先行、科学有序地开展研发、推进适航标准体系建设等氢能飞机发展建议,以期为航空科技革新、航空运输业高质量发展等研究提供基础参考。

关键词: 氢能航空;氢能飞机;技术体系;总拥有成本;产业化    

The Development Situation, Future and Counter Measures of Remanufacturing Industry in China

Wen-qiang Liu,Jun-yuan Mo,Cheng-kui Gu

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第2期   页码 123-131 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016021

摘要: Currently, resource supply and demand contradiction, and over-loaded environment capacity have become a bottleneck for sustainable economic development in China. Electro-mechanical products are approaching a peak of obsolescence, and massive abandoned electro-mechanical products are causing severe environmental pollution, huge waste of resources and potential safety hazard. Remanufacturing is repairing or modifying worn mechanical products using high-tech method, which buffers the contradiction between wasting and shortage of resources, and brings industry towards a comprehensive utilization of resource and environmental protection. As a new strategic industry, remanufacturing, which is highly coherent with the development strategy of the circular economy, is still in its infancy in China. This paper analyzes the developmental trends and problems of the remanufacturing industry in China, and proposes promoting measures based on the engineering practices of remanufacturing.

关键词: remanufacturing     industry     measures     development    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Emerging challenges to structural integrity technology for high-temperature applications

TU Shantung


植根航宝 雕铸精华——记中国航空工业制造工程研究所








Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of plastics for aviation oil production: energy and economic analyses





In-depth multi-component analysis of bio-aviation fuel derived from waste cooking oil using comprehensive














Systematic literature review on smart contracts in the construction industry: Potentials, benefits, and


Target the neglected VOCs emission from iron and steel industry in China for air quality improvement



宋薇薇 ,杨凤田,项松,韩成业,康桂文,樊馨月


The Development Situation, Future and Counter Measures of Remanufacturing Industry in China

Wen-qiang Liu,Jun-yuan Mo,Cheng-kui Gu
