
期刊论文 34


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2018 4

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2015 3

2014 1

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2008 1

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2006 2

2004 3

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模式识别 2

模糊聚类 2

聚类算法 2

CA-QFD方法 1

GPU;密度峰值;聚类;并行计算 1

K平均聚类 1

PM2.52.5浓度聚类 1

PM2.52.5浓度预测 1

petri网 1

ε-不敏感损失函数 1

中心聚类 1

产品优化设计 1

例外点 1

决策表 1

决策规则 1

分簇算法 1

分类法;聚类算法;信息科学;知识管理;机器学习 1

初始聚类中心 1

加权数据 1

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排序: 展示方式:

一种基于锚点的谱聚类方法 None

Qin ZHANG, Guo-qiang ZHONG, Jun-yu DONG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第19卷 第11期   页码 1385-1396 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1700262

摘要: 为解决该问题,提出一种新的基于锚点谱聚类方法(anchor-based spectral clustering,ASC)。将该方法与经典谱聚类方法和两种最新谱聚类加速方法,即能量迭代聚类(power iteration clustering,PIC)和基于地标聚类(landmark-based spectral clustering

关键词: 聚类;谱聚类;图拉普拉斯;锚点    

A systematic approach to ON-OFF event detection and clustering analysis of non-intrusive appliance load

Chuan Choong YANG,Chit Siang SOH,Vooi Voon YAP

《能源前沿(英文)》 2015年 第9卷 第2期   页码 231-237 doi: 10.1007/s11708-015-0358-6

摘要: The aim of non-intrusive appliance load monitoring (NIALM) is to disaggregate the energy consumption of individual electrical appliances from total power consumption utilizing non-intrusive methods. In this paper, a systematic approach to ON-OFF event detection and clustering analysis for NIALM were presented. From the aggregate power consumption data set, the data are passed through median filtering to reduce noise and prepared for the event detection algorithm. The event detection algorithm is to determine the switching of ON and OFF status of electrical appliances. The goodness-of-fit (GOF) methodology is the event detection algorithm implemented. After event detection, the events detected were paired into ON-OFF pairing appliances. The results from the ON-OFF pairing algorithm were further clustered in groups utilizing the -means clustering analysis. The -means clustering were implemented as an unsupervised learning methodology for the clustering analysis. The novelty of this paper is the determination of the time duration an electrical appliance is turned ON through combination of event detection, ON-OFF pairing and -means clustering. The results of the algorithm implementation were discussed and ideas on future work were also proposed.

关键词: non-intrusive appliance load monitoring     event detection     goodness-of-fit (GOF)     K-means clustering     ON-OFF pairing    

A sampling method based on URL clustering for fast web accessibility evaluation

Meng-ni ZHANG,Can WANG,Jia-jun BU,Zhi YU,Yu ZHOU,Chun CHEN

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第16卷 第6期   页码 449-456 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1400377

摘要: When evaluating the accessibility of a large website, we rely on sampling methods to reduce the cost of evaluation. This may lead to a biased evaluation when the distribution of checkpoint violations in a website is skewed and the selected samples do not provide a good representation of the entire website. To improve sampling quality, stratified sampling methods first cluster web pages in a site and then draw samples from each cluster. In existing stratified sampling methods, however, all the pages in a website need to be analyzed for clustering, causing huge I/O and computation costs. To address this issue, we propose a novel page sampling method based on URL clustering for web accessibility evaluation, namely URLSamp. Using only the URL information for stratified page sampling, URLSamp can efficiently scale to large websites. Meanwhile, by exploiting similarities in URL patterns, URLSamp cluster pages by their generating scripts and can thus effectively detect accessibility problems from web page templates. We use a data set of 45 web sites to validate our method. Experimental results show that our URLSamp method is both effective and efficient for web accessibility evaluation.

关键词: Page sampling     URL clustering     Web accessibility evaluation    

Application of a Novel Fuzzy Clustering Method Based on Chaos Immune Evolutionary Algorithm for Edge

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2006年 第1卷 第1期   页码 85-89 doi: 10.1007/s11465-005-0023-6


A novel fuzzy clustering method based on chaos immune evolutionary algorithm (CIEFCM) is presented to solve fuzzy edge detection problems in image processing. In CIEFCM, a tiny disturbance is added to a filial generation group using a chaos variable and the disturbance amplitude is adjusted step by step, which greatly improves the colony diversity of the immune evolution algorithm (IEA). The experimental results show that the method not only can correctly detect the fuzzy edge and exiguous edge but can evidently improve the searching efficiency of fuzzy clustering algorithm based on IEA.

关键词: disturbance amplitude     disturbance     diversity     generation     processing    



《中国工程科学》 2008年 第10卷 第11期   页码 65-68



关键词: 装配序列     petri网     灰色聚类决策    

TIE算法:一种用于处理演化数据的聚类分层分类法生成技术上层算法 None

Rabia IRFAN, Sharifullah KHAN, Kashif RAJPOOT, Ali Mustafa QAMAR

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第19卷 第6期   页码 763-782 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1700517

摘要: 分类法可实现对大量数据的有效组织和访问。分类法是表示数据概念的一种方法,其需要通过不断演进来反映数据变化。现有分类法自动生成技术无法处理数据演化,因此,所生成的分类法不能真实反映数据。为反映数据演变,可从头对分类法进行再生,或根据数据变化随时对分类法进行增量演进。其中,前者的时间和资源成本较高。提出一种新颖的分类增量进化(TIE)算法,用于处理随时间演变的数据。TIE是一种现有聚类分层分类法生成技术的上层算法,它允许现有分类法增量地演进。在计算机领域的研究论文中对该算法进行了评估。结果表明,与从头再生分类法相比,随数据演化的分类法生成算法耗时非常短,且在单位时间下性能更佳。

关键词: 分类法;聚类算法;信息科学;知识管理;机器学习    



《中国工程科学》 2010年 第12卷 第9期   页码 73-77



关键词: 无线自组传感器网     连通可靠度     分簇算法    

基于GPU的密度峰值并行聚类算法 Article

Ke-shi GE, Hua-you SU, Dong-sheng LI, Xi-cheng LU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第18卷 第7期   页码 915-927 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601786

摘要: 基于密度峰值的聚类方法DP (density peak)由于其新颖有效的特点而广泛应用于科学研究。然而,当确定集群中心时,DP会对每对数据点操作多次,从而导致较高的计算复杂度。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于GPU (graphics processing unit)的高效并行密度峰值算法。我们分析密度峰值聚类算法的原理来研究其计算瓶颈,并评估其并行的潜力。根据分析,我们提出了CUDA-DP (compute unified device architecture-DP),一种针对GPU架构的高效并行密度峰值聚类算法,并用CUDA实现了这种并行方法。具体来说,我们使用共享内存减少了全局内存访问量。更进一步,为了利用GPU的合并访问机制,我们将CUDA-DP程序的数据结构从AOS (array of structures)重构为SOA (structure of arrays)。另外,我们分别引入二进制搜索方法和采样方法,以避免对距离矩阵进行排序造成的计算开销。实验结果表明,与基于CPU的密度峰值实现相比,CUDA-DP可以实现超过45倍的加速。

关键词: GPU;密度峰值;聚类;并行计算    



《中国工程科学》 2004年 第6卷 第9期   页码 38-45


针对极大熵聚类算法MEC(maximum entropy clustering)对例外点(outliers)较敏感和不能标识例外点的缺陷,提出了一种改进的极大熵聚类算法RMEC(robust maximumentropy clustering)。

关键词:     聚类     鲁棒性     例外点     ε-不敏感损失函数     权重因子    

Application of

Weifang SHI, Weihua ZENG

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2014年 第8卷 第1期   页码 117-127 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0581-5

摘要: The homogeneous risk characteristics within a sub-area and the heterogeneous from one sub-area to another are unclear using existing environmental risk zoning methods. This study presents a new zoning method by determining and categorizing the risk characteristics using the -means clustering data mining technology. The study constructs indices and develops index quantification models for environmental risk zoning by analyzing the mechanism of environmental risk occurrence. We calculate the source risk index, air risk field index, water risk field index, and target vulnerability of the study area with Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park using a 100 m × 100 m mesh grid as the basic zoning unit, and then use -means clustering to analyze the environmental risk in the area. We obtain the optimal clustering number with the largest average silhouette coefficient by calculating the average silhouette coefficients of clustering at different -values. The clustering result with the optimal clustering number is then used for the environmental risk zoning, and the zoning result is mapped using the geographic information system. The study area is divided into five sub-areas. The common environmental risk characteristics within the same sub-area, as well as the differences between sub-areas, are presented. The zoning is helpful in risk management and is convenient for decision makers to distribute limited resources to different sub-areas in the design of risk reducing intervention.

关键词: environmental risk zoning     k-means clustering     silhouette coefficient     chemical industrial park     risk management    

基于专家示教聚类经验池的高效深度强化学习 Research Article


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第24卷 第11期   页码 1541-1556 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2300084

摘要: 作为强化学习领域最基本的主题之一,样本效率对于深度强化学习算法的部署至关重要。与现有大多数从不同类型的后验分布中对动作进行采样的探索方法不同,我们专注于策略的采样过程,提出一种有效的选择性采样方法,通过对环境的内部层次结构建模来提高样本效率。具体来说,首先在策略采样过程中使用聚类方法生成动作候选集,随后引入一个用于对内部层次结构建模的聚类缓冲区,它由同轨数据、异轨数据以及专家数据组成,用于评估探索阶段动作候选集中不同类别动作的价值。通过这种方式,我们的方法能够更多地利用专家示教数据中的监督信息。在6种不同的连续运动环境中进行了实验,结果表明选择性采样方法具有卓越的强化学习性能和更快的收敛速度。特别地,在LGSVL任务中,该方法可以减少46.7%的收敛步数和28.5%的收敛时间。代码已开源,见https://github.com/Shihwin/SelectiveSampling。

关键词: 强化学习;采样效率;采样过程;聚类方法;自动驾驶    

电动汽车锂电池模块设计中相似性能电池聚类的综合方法 Article

李伟, 陈思琦, 彭雄斌, 肖蜜, 高亮, Akhil Garg, 包能胜

《工程(英文)》 2019年 第5卷 第4期   页码 795-802 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.07.005


新能源汽车的核心组成部分为能量存储系统,该系统由多个锂电池模块组成,为车辆传动系统提供主要动力。然而模块中的单体电池由于生产制造的缺陷,在性能上往往表现出差异。这些差异的存在会导致电池模块的不完全充放电以及温度分布的不均匀,进而导致循环寿命和电池容量随着时间的推移而降低。为解决这一问题,本工作采用实验和数值方法对性能相似的电池进行了全面的聚类研究,从而得到了电化学性能更好的电池模块。首先通过模块拆解实验来测量电池性能参数,并基于k-均值聚类与支持向量聚类算法设计电池模块,每个模块均由12块电池组成。然后在风冷条件下测量一定时间内电池模块的实际温升,验证聚类设计的效果。研究发现第三类(支持向量聚类)电池模块的性能最佳,充放电最高观测温度为32 ℃。相比之下,其他电池模块的最高温度值要更高:第一类(厂家原装)电池模块为40 ℃,第二类(厂家原装)电池模块为36 ℃,以及第四类(k-均值聚类)电池模块为35 ℃。

关键词: 聚类算法     电池模块     均衡     电动汽车    

Seasonal variations of transport pathways andpotential sources of PM

Yuan Chen, Shaodong Xie, Bin Luo

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第1期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-018-1009-z

摘要: Seasonal pattern of transport pathways and potential sourcesof PM in Chengdu during 2012–2013were investigated based on hourly PM data,backward trajectories, clustering analysis, potential source contributionfunction (PSCF), and concentration-weighted trajectory (CWT) method.The annual hourly mean PM concentrationin Chengdu was 97.4 mg·m . 5, 5, 5 and 3 mean clusters were generatedin four seasons, respectively. Short-distance air masses, which travelledwithin the Sichuan Basin with no specific source direction and relativelyhigh PM loadings (>80 mg·m ) appearedas important pathways in all seasons. These short pathways indicatedthat emissions from both local and surrounding regions of Chengducontributed significantly to PM pollution.The cities in southern Chengdu were major potential sources with PSCF>0.6and CWT>90 mg·m . The northeastern pathway prevailed throughoutthe year with higher frequency in autumn and winter and lower frequencyin spring and summer. In spring, long-range transport from southernXinjiang was a representative dust invasion path to Chengdu, and theCWT values along the path were 30-60 mg·m . Long-range transportwas also observed in autumn from southeastern Xinjiang along a northwesterlypathway, and in winter from the Tibetan Plateau along a westerly pathway.In summer, the potential source regions of Chengdu were smaller thanthose in other seasons, and no long-range transport pathway was observed.Results of PSCF and CWT indicated that regions in Qinghai and Tibetcontributed to PM pollution in Chengdu aswell, and their CWT values increased to above 30 mg·m in winter.

关键词: Transport pathway     Backwardtrajectory     Clustering analysis     Potential source     Chengdu    


Hui-zong LI,Xue-gang HU,Yao-jin LIN,Wei HE,Jian-han PAN

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第17卷 第2期   页码 122-134 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1500187


社交标记系统广泛应用于Web 2.0。许多用户使用这些系统自由地创建,组织,管理和共享Internet资源。但是,社交标签系统产生的许多模糊且不受控制的标签不仅恶化了用户的体验,而且限制了资源的检索效率。标签聚类可以将具有相似语义的标签聚合在一起,并有助于缓解上述问题。在本文中,我们首先提出一种基于共生组相似度的通用方法,该方法利用用户,资源和标签之间的三元关系来度量标签之间的语义相关性。然后,我们提出了一种频谱聚类方法来解决标注数据的高维和稀疏性。实验结果表明,该方法是有效的。

关键词: 社交标签系统,标签共现,频谱聚类,组相似度http://dx.doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.1500187,    



《中国工程科学》 2004年 第6卷 第12期   页码 32-36



关键词: 模糊聚类     粗糙集     决策表     决策规则    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作


Qin ZHANG, Guo-qiang ZHONG, Jun-yu DONG


A systematic approach to ON-OFF event detection and clustering analysis of non-intrusive appliance load

Chuan Choong YANG,Chit Siang SOH,Vooi Voon YAP


A sampling method based on URL clustering for fast web accessibility evaluation

Meng-ni ZHANG,Can WANG,Jia-jun BU,Zhi YU,Yu ZHOU,Chun CHEN


Application of a Novel Fuzzy Clustering Method Based on Chaos Immune Evolutionary Algorithm for Edge






Rabia IRFAN, Sharifullah KHAN, Kashif RAJPOOT, Ali Mustafa QAMAR






Ke-shi GE, Hua-you SU, Dong-sheng LI, Xi-cheng LU





Application of

Weifang SHI, Weihua ZENG






李伟, 陈思琦, 彭雄斌, 肖蜜, 高亮, Akhil Garg, 包能胜


Seasonal variations of transport pathways andpotential sources of PM

Yuan Chen, Shaodong Xie, Bin Luo



Hui-zong LI,Xue-gang HU,Yao-jin LIN,Wei HE,Jian-han PAN



