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Development and applications of functional gene microarrays in the analysis of the functional diversity, composition, and structure of microbial communities

Zhili HE, Joy D. VAN NOSTRAND, Ye DENG, Jizhong ZHOU

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第1期   页码 1-20 doi: 10.1007/s11783-011-0301-y

摘要: Functional gene arrays (FGAs) are a special type of microarrays containing probes for key genes involved in microbial functional processes, such as biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and metals, biodegradation of environmental contaminants, energy processing, and stress responses. GeoChips are considered as the most comprehensive FGAs. Experimentally established probe design criteria and a computational pipeline integrating sequence retrieval, probe design and verification, array construction, data analysis, and automatic update are used to develop the GeoChip technology. GeoChip has been systematically evaluated and demonstrated to be a powerful tool for rapid, specific, sensitive, and quantitative analysis of microbial communities in a high-throughput manner. Several generations of GeoChip have been developed and applied to investigate the functional diversity, composition, structure, function, and dynamics of a variety of microbial communities from different habitats, such as water, soil, marine, bioreactor, human microbiome, and extreme ecosystems. GeoChip is able to address fundamental questions related to global change, bioenergy, bioremediation, agricultural operation, land use, human health, environmental restoration, and ecological theories and to link the microbial community structure to environmental factors and ecosystem functioning.

关键词: functional gene arrays (FGAs)     GeoChip     microbial communities     functional diversity/composition/structure     environmental factor     ecosystem functioning    

Effect of salinity on community structure and naphthalene dioxygenase gene diversity of a halophilic

Tingting Fang, Ruisong Pan, Jing Jiang, Fen He, Hui Wang

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第6期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-016-0888-0

摘要: Various salinities affected the PAH-biodegrading community structure. Various salinities affected the growth of strains with different salt tolerance. The two genes belonged to a new divergent cluster of the known -like genes. The two main genes had correlations with the phenanthrene degradation. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of salinity on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) biodegradation, community structure and naphthalene dioxygenase gene ( ) diversity of a halophilic bacterial consortium with the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) approach. The consortium was developed from oil-contaminated saline soil after enrichment for six times, using phenanthrene as the substrate. The prominent species in the bacterial consortium at all salinities were identified as halophilic bacteria , , , , and uncultured bacteria. The predominant microbes gradually changed associating with the saline concentration fluctuations ranging from 0.1% to 25% (w/v). Two alpha subunits were dominant at salinities ranging from 0.1% to 20%, while not been clearly detected at 25% salinity. Consistently, the biodegradation occurred at salinities ranging from 0.1% to 20%, while no at 25% salinity, suggesting the two genes played an important role in the degradation. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that both of the two alpha subunits were related to the classic -like gene from AN10 and PaK1, while one with identity of about 82% and the other one with identity of 90% at amino acid sequence level. We concluded that salinity greatly affected halophilic bacterial community structure and also the functional genes which were more related to biodegradation.

关键词: Phenanthrene     Halophilic bacteria     Gene diversity     Naphthalene dioxygenase genes    

Genetic diversity and population structure of indigenous chicken breeds in South China

Xunhe HUANG,Jinfeng ZHANG,Danlin HE,Xiquan ZHANG,Fusheng ZHONG,Weina LI,Qingmei ZHENG,Jiebo CHEN,Bingwang DU

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第2期   页码 97-101 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2016102

摘要: A total of 587 individuals from 12 indigenous chicken breeds from South China and two commercial breeds were genotyped for 26 microsatellites to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure. All microsatellites were found to be polymorphic. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 36, with an average of 12.10 ± 7.00 (SE). All breeds, except White Recessive Rock, had high allelic polymorphism (>0.5). Higher genetic diversity was revealed in the indigenous chicken breeds rather than in the commercial breeds. Potential introgression from the commercial breeds into the indigenous chickens was also detected. The population structure of these indigenous chicken breeds could be explained by their geographical distribution, which suggested the presence of independent history of breed formation. Data generated in this study will provide valuable information to the conservation for indigenous chicken breeds in future.

关键词: microsatellites     genetic diversity     population structure     indigenous chicken     South China     conservation    

Phylogenetic diversity of NO reductases, new tools for monitoring, and insights into NO production in

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第10期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-022-1562-3


● 548 representative nor genes were collected to create complete phylogenetic trees.

关键词: N2O     Greenhouse gas     NO reductase     NO dismutase     Primer     Crystal structure    

Changes in structure and functional properties of whey proteins induced by high hydrostatic pressure:

Xiaoming LIU, Jia NING, Stephanie CLARK,

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2009年 第3卷 第4期   页码 436-442 doi: 10.1007/s11705-009-0251-0

摘要: High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) is an alternative technology to heat processing for food product modifications. It does not cause environmental pollution and eliminates the use of chemical additives in food products. This review covers the research conducted to understand the effect of HHP on structure and functional properties of whey proteins. In this paper, the mechanism underlying pressure-induced changes in -lactoglobulin and -lactabumin is also discussed and how they related to functional properties such as hydrophobicity, foam stability, and flavor-binding capacity.

关键词: -lactoglobulin     processing     functional     alternative technology     environmental    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第3期   页码 359-361 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE -2021417


Intensive monoculture agriculture has contributed greatly to global food supply over many decades, but the excessive use of agricultural chemicals (fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides) and intensive cultivation systems has resulted in negative side effects, such as soil erosion, soil degradation, and non-point source pollution[1]. To many observers, agriculture looms as a major global threat to nature conservation and biodiversity. As noted in the Global Biodiversity Outlook 4[2], the drivers associated with food systems and agriculture account for around 70% and 50% of the projected losses by 2050 of terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity, respectively[3].

In addition, agricultural development and modernization of agriculture has led to a decline in the total number of plant species upon which humans depend for food[4]. Currently, fewer than 200 of some 6000 plant species grown for food contribute substantially to global food output, and only nine species account for 67% of total crop production[3]. The global crop diversity has declined in past decades.

Crop species diversity at a national scale was identified as one of the most important factors that stabilize grain production at a national level[5]. A group of long-term field experiments demonstrated that crop diversity also stabilizes temporal grain productivity at field level[6]. Therefore, maintaining crop diversity at both national and field levels is of considerable importance for food security at national and global scales.

Crop diversity includes temporal (crop rotation) and spatial diversity (e.g., intercropping, agroforestry, cultivar mixtures and cover crops) at field scale. Compared to intensive monocultures, diversified cropping systems provide additional options to support multiple ecosystem functions. For instance, crop diversity may increase above- and belowground biodiversity, improve yield stability, reduce pest and disease damage, reduce uses of chemicals, increase the efficiency of the use land, light water and nutrient resources, and enhance stress resilience in agricultural systems.

To highlight advances in research and use of crop diversity, from developing and developed countries, we have prepared this special issue on “Crop Diversity and Sustainable Agriculture” for Frontiers of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering, mainly focusing on intercropping.

Intercropping, growing at least two crops at the same time as a mixture, for example, in alternate rows or strips, is one effective pathway for increasing crop diversity at the field scale. Over recent decades, there have been substantial advances in terms of understanding of processes between intercropped species and applications in practice. There are 10 articles in this special issue including letters, opinions, review and research articles with contributions from Belgium, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerlands, UK, and Mexico etc.

The contributors are internationally-active scientists and agronomists contributing to intercropping research and extension. For example, Antoine Messean is coordinator of the EU H2020 Research project DiverIMPACTS “Diversification through rotation, intercropping, multiple cropping, promoted with actors and value chains towards sustainability”. Eric Justes is coordinator of the EU H2020 Research project ReMIX “Redesigning European cropping systems based on species mixtures”. Maria Finckh has worked on crop cultivar mixture and organic agriculture over many years. Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen has outstanding expertise in intercropping research and applications, moving from detailed studies on species interactions in intercropping to working with farmers and other stakeholders to make intercropping work in practical farming. In addition to these established scientists, young scientists who have taken an interest in intercropping also contribute to the special issue, including Wen-Feng Cong, Yixiang Liu, Qi Wang, Hao Yang and others.

The first contribution to this special issue addresses how to design cropping systems to reach crop diversification, with Wen-Feng Cong and coworkers ( https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021392) considering that it is necessary to optimize existing and/or design novel cropping systems based on farming practices and ecological principles, and to strengthen targeted ecosystem services to achieve identified objectives. In addition, the design should consider regional characteristics with the concurrent objectives of safe, nutritious food production and environmental protection.

The benefits of crop diversification have been demonstrated in many studies. Wen-Feng Cong and coworkers describe the benefits of crop diversification at three scales: field, farm, and landscape. Hao Yang and coauthors reviewed the multiple functions of intercropping. Intercropping enhances crop productivity and its stability, it promotes efficient use of resources and saves mineral fertilizer, controls pests and diseases of crops and reduces the use of pesticides. It mitigates climate change by sequestering carbon in soil, reduces non-point source pollution, and increases above- and belowground biodiversity of other taxa at field scale ( https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021398).

Eric Justes and coworkers proposed the “4C” framework to help understand the role of species interactions in intercropping ( https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021414). The four components are competition, complementary, cooperation (facilitation) and compensation, which work often simultaneously in intercropping. Hao Yang and coworkers used the concept of diversity effect from ecology to understand the contribution of complementarity and selection effects to enhanced productivity in intercropping. The complementarity effect consists of interspecific facilitation and niche differentiation between crop species, whereas the selection effect is mainly derived from competitive processes between species such that one species dominates the other ( https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021398). Also, Luis Garcia-Barrios and Yanus A. Dechnik-Vazquez dissected the ecological concept of the complementarity and selection effects to develop a relative multicrop resistance index to analyze the relation between higher multicrop yield and land use efficiency and the different ecological causes of overyielding under two contrasting water stress regimes ( https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021412).

Odette Denise Weedon and Maria Renate Finckh found that composite cross populations, with different disease susceptibilities of three winter wheat cultivars, were moderately resistant to brown rust and even to the newly emerged stripe rust races prevalent in Europe since 2011, but performance varied between standard and organic management contexts ( https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021394).

Comparing the performance of intercrops and sole crops is critical to make a sound evaluation of the benefits of intercropping and assess interactions between species choice, intercrop design, intercrop management and factors related to the production situation and pedoclimatic context. Wopke van der Werf and coworkers review some of the metrics that could be used in the quantitative synthesis of literature data on intercropping ( https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021413).

Interspecific interactions provide some of the advantages of intercropping, and can be divided into above- and belowground interactions. Aboveground interactions can include light and space competition, which is influenced by crop species traits. Root exudates are also important in interspecific interactions between intercropped or rotated species. Qi Wang and coworkers estimated the light interception of growth stage of maize-peanut intercropping and corresponding monocultures, and found that intercropping has higher light interception than monoculture, and increasing plant density did not further increase light interception of intercropping ( https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021403). Yuxin Yang and coworkers reported that the root exudates of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) can reduce infection of tobacco by Phytophthora nicotianae via inhibiting the motility and germination of the spores of the pathogen ( https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021399).

Focusing on the application of intercropping, Wen-Feng Cong and coworkers formulated species recommendations for different regions of China for different crop diversity patterns and crop species combinations. These authors also suggested three steps for implementing crop diversification on the North China Plain. Although there are multiple benefits of crop diversification, its extension and application are hindered by various technical, organizational, and institutional barriers along value chains, especially in Europe. Based on the findings of the European Crop Diversification Cluster projects, Antoine Messéan and coworkers suggested that there needs to be more coordination and cooperation between agrifood system stakeholders, and establish multiactor networks, toward an agroecological transition of European agriculture ( https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021406). In addition, Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen and coworkers report the outcomes of a workshop for participatory research to overcome the barriers to enhanced coordination and networking between stakeholders ( https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021416).

Intercropping, though highly effective in labor-intensive agriculture, may be difficult to implement in machine-intensive, large-scale modern agriculture because appropriate large equipment is not commercially available for planting and harvesting various crop mixtures grown with strip intercropping[6]. Thus, the appropriate machinery will need to be developed for further practical application in large-scale agriculture.

As the guest editors, we thank all the authors and reviewers for their great contributions to this special issue on “Crop Diversity and Sustainable Agriculture”. We also thank the FASE editorial team for their kind supports.

Distribution of phytoplankton community and its influence factors in an urban river network, East China

Ling Sun, Hui Wang, Yuanqing Kan, Shiliang Wang

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第6期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-018-1062-7


Effects of urban river conditions on phytoplankton community were investigated.

Nitrate utilization and hydrodynamic condition affected phytoplankton distribution.

A winter bloom was induced by abundant ammonia, total phosphorus and organic matters.

The diatoms and euglenoids dominated in an urban beheaded river ecosystem.

关键词: Phytoplankton composition     Spatiotemporal distribution     Functional groups     Nitrate nitrogen     Winter bloom    

Methanogenic community structure in simultaneous methanogenesis and denitrification granular sludge

Yujiao Sun, Juanjuan Zhao, Lili Chen, Yueqiao Liu, Jiane Zuo

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第4期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-018-1067-2


• UASB with SMD granules was operated with high removal efficiency of COD and NO3--N.

Methanosaetaceae was absolute predominant methanogen in SMD granules.

• The methanogen quantity and activity decreased as C/N decreased from 20:1 to 5:1.

• Bacterial community succession happened with C/N decreasing.

关键词: Simultaneous methanogenesis and denitrification (SMD)     Methanogens     Community structure     Diversity index     Granular sludge    

The interaction of the structure-directing agent with the zeolite framework determines germanium distribution

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第18卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11705-024-2417-1

摘要: We report results from computational modeling of the relative stability of germanosilicate SCM-15 structure due to different distribution of germanium heteroatoms in the double four-member rings (D4Rs) of the framework and the orientation of the structure directing agent (SDA) molecules in the as-synthesized zeolite. The calculated relative energies of the bare zeolite framework suggest that structures with germanium ions clustered in the same D4Rs, e.g., with large number of Ge–O–Ge contacts, are the most stable. The simulations of various orientations of the SDA in the pores of the germanosilicate zeolite show different stability order—the most stable models are the structures with germanium spread among all D4Rs. Thus, for SCM-15 the stabilization due to the presence of the SDA and their orientation, is thermodynamic factor directing both the formation of specific framework type and Ge distribution in the framework during the synthesis. The relative stability of bare structures with different germanium distribution is of minor importance. This differs from SCM-14 germanosilicate, reported earlier, for which the stability order is preserved in presence of SDA. Thus, even for zeolites with the same chemical composition and SDA, the characteristics of their framework lead to different energetic preference for germanium distribution.

关键词: zeolite     density functional theory     structure-directing agent     SCM-15    

Fungal diversity and its mechanism of community shaping in the milieu of sanitary landfill

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第4期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1370-6


Ascomycota was the predominant phylum in sanitary landfill fungal communities.

关键词: Sanitary landfill     Fungal community     Diversity     Saprotroph     Physical habitat     Environmental factor    

Laser interference fabrication of large-area functional periodic structure surface

Lei WANG, Zi-Han WANG, Yan-Hao YU, Hong-Bo SUN

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第13卷 第4期   页码 493-503 doi: 10.1007/s11465-018-0507-9


Functional periodic structures have attracted significant interest due to their natural capabilities in regulating surface energy, surface effective refractive index, and diffraction. Several technologies are used for the fabrication of these functional structures. The laser interference technique in particular has received attention because of its simplicity, low cost, and high-efficiency fabrication of large-area, micro/nanometer-scale, and periodically patterned structures in air conditions. Here, we reviewed the work on laser interference fabrication of large-area functional periodic structures for antireflection, self-cleaning, and superhydrophobicity based on our past and current research. For the common cases, four-beam interference and multi-exposure of two-beam interference were emphasized for their setup, structure diversity, and various applications for antireflection, self-cleaning, and superhydrophobicity. The relations between multi-beam interference and multi-exposure of two-beam interference were compared theoretically and experimentally. Nanostructures as a template for growing nanocrystals were also shown to present future possible applications in surface chemical control. Perspectives on future directions and applications for laser interference were presented.

关键词: laser interference     four-beam interference     multi-exposure of two-beam interference     additive fabrication    

Microbial community structure in different wastewater treatment processes characterized by single-strand

ZHAO Yangguo, WANG Aijie, REN Nanqi, ZHAO Yan

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2008年 第2卷 第1期   页码 116-121 doi: 10.1007/s11783-008-0018-8

摘要: In order to investigate microbial community structures in different wastewater treatment processes and understand the relationship between the structures and the status of processes, the microbial community diversity, variety and distribution in five wastewater treatment pro cesses were studied by a culture-independent genetic fingerprinting technique single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). The five processes included denitrifying and phosphate-removal system (diminished N), Chinese traditional medicine wastewater treatment system (P), beer wastewater treatment system (W), fermentative biohydrogen-producing system (H), and sulfate-reduction system (S). The results indicated that the microbial community profiles in the wastewater bioreactors with the uniform status were very similar. The diversity of microbial populations was correlated with the complexity of organic contaminants in wastewater. Chinese traditional medicine wastewater contained more complex organic components; hence, the population diversity was higher than that of simple nutrient bioreactors fed with molasses wastewater. Compared with the strain bands in a simulated community, the relative proportion of some functional microbial populations in bioreactors was not dominant. Fermentative biohydrogen producer in the better condition bioreactor had only a 5% band density, and the sp. in the sulfate-reducing bioreactor had less than 1.5% band density. The SSCP profiles could identify the difference in microbial community structures in wastewater treatment processes, monitor some of the functional microbes in these processes, and consequently provide useful guidance for improving their efficiency.

关键词: technique single-strand     proportion     bioreactor     community diversity     fingerprinting technique    

Functional characterization of a thermostable methionine adenosyltransferase from

Yanhui Liu,Biqiang Chen,Zheng Wang,Luo Liu,Tianwei Tan

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第2期   页码 238-244 doi: 10.1007/s11705-016-1566-2

摘要: MATTt (a thermostable methionine adenosyltransferase from HB27) was overexpressed in and purified using Ni-NTA affinity column. The enzymatic activity of MATTt was investigated in a temperature range from 30 °C to 90 °C, showing that MATTt exhibited a high enzymatic activity and good thermostability at 80 °C. Circular dichroism spectra reveals that MATTt contains high portion of -sheet structures contributing to the thermostability of MATTt. The kinetic parameter, is 4.19 mmol/L and 1.2 mmol/L for ATP and methionine, respectively. MATTt exhibits the highest enzymatic activity at pH 8. Cobalt (Co ) and zinc ion (Zn ) enhances remarkably the activity of MATTt compared to the magnesium ion (Mg ). All these results indicated that the thermostable MATTt has great potential for industry applications.

关键词: ion-preference     methionine adenosyltransferase     secondary structure     thermostability     Thermus thermophilus    

Latest advances in ionic liquids promoted synthesis and application of advanced biomass materials

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第7期   页码 798-816 doi: 10.1007/s11705-023-2316-x

摘要: The utilization of sustainable resources provides a path to relieving the problem of dependence on fossil resources. In this context, biomass materials have become a feasible substitute for petroleum-based materials. The development of biomass materials is booming and advanced biomass materials with various functional properties are used in many fields including medicine, electrochemistry, and environmental science. In recent years, ionic liquids have been widely used in biomass pretreatments and processing owing to their “green” characteristics and adjustable physicochemical properties. Thus, the effects of ionic liquids in biomass materials generation require further study. This review summarizes the multiple roles of ionic liquids in promoting the synthesis and application of advanced biomass materials as solvents, structural components, and modifiers. Finally, a prospective approach is proposed for producing additional higher-quality possibilities between ionic liquids and advanced biomass materials.

关键词: biomass materials     functional materials     ionic liquids     synthesis     structure-property relationship    

Composition” and regularisation of architectural production in contemporary China

Hua LI

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第4期   页码 465-473 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0097-z

摘要: The purpose of this paper is to explore how the “Beaux-Arts” “composition” sustained the constitution of design principles for architectural production in China in the last two decades of the twentieth century. “Composition”, a key technique of the “Beaux-Arts” system, is not a simple act of “putting elements together” into a unified whole, but also relates to an array of different “constructions” of architectural knowledge which regulate and sustain the act of design. Through analysing the structure of three “textbooks” published in the early 1980s, this paper examines three aspects of the “constructions”: the setting up of the principles for governing architectural forms, regularisation of design methods and approaches for architectural practice, and the construction of a “tradition” for the expression of “Chineseness”.

关键词: composition     “Beaux-Arts”     regulate     architectural production    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Development and applications of functional gene microarrays in the analysis of the functional diversity, composition, and structure of microbial communities

Zhili HE, Joy D. VAN NOSTRAND, Ye DENG, Jizhong ZHOU


Effect of salinity on community structure and naphthalene dioxygenase gene diversity of a halophilic

Tingting Fang, Ruisong Pan, Jing Jiang, Fen He, Hui Wang


Genetic diversity and population structure of indigenous chicken breeds in South China

Xunhe HUANG,Jinfeng ZHANG,Danlin HE,Xiquan ZHANG,Fusheng ZHONG,Weina LI,Qingmei ZHENG,Jiebo CHEN,Bingwang DU


Phylogenetic diversity of NO reductases, new tools for monitoring, and insights into NO production in


Changes in structure and functional properties of whey proteins induced by high hydrostatic pressure:

Xiaoming LIU, Jia NING, Stephanie CLARK,




Distribution of phytoplankton community and its influence factors in an urban river network, East China

Ling Sun, Hui Wang, Yuanqing Kan, Shiliang Wang


Methanogenic community structure in simultaneous methanogenesis and denitrification granular sludge

Yujiao Sun, Juanjuan Zhao, Lili Chen, Yueqiao Liu, Jiane Zuo


The interaction of the structure-directing agent with the zeolite framework determines germanium distribution


Fungal diversity and its mechanism of community shaping in the milieu of sanitary landfill


Laser interference fabrication of large-area functional periodic structure surface

Lei WANG, Zi-Han WANG, Yan-Hao YU, Hong-Bo SUN


Microbial community structure in different wastewater treatment processes characterized by single-strand

ZHAO Yangguo, WANG Aijie, REN Nanqi, ZHAO Yan


Functional characterization of a thermostable methionine adenosyltransferase from

Yanhui Liu,Biqiang Chen,Zheng Wang,Luo Liu,Tianwei Tan


Latest advances in ionic liquids promoted synthesis and application of advanced biomass materials


Composition” and regularisation of architectural production in contemporary China

Hua LI
