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Interactive effects of high-speed rail on nodal zones in a city: exploratory study on China

Guo LIU, Kunhui YE

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第3期   页码 327-335 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0051-2

摘要: The arrival of the high-speed rail (HSR) era has accelerated the pace of urban development, but its broad socioeconomic impact remains subject to intense debates. This research aims to propose a model for measuring the impact of HSR operation on HSR stations and the surrounding areas, which this research call the HSR-based nodal zone (HNZ). The proposed model is composed of two variables (i.e., transportation situation and vitality) and three subsystems (i.e., economic, societal, and environmental). Data were collected in China through questionnaire survey. Results indicate that the effects of HSR operation on HNZ are multidimensional, transportation vitality has an intermediary role in the effects, and the effects on the physical environment are negative. This study presents an early examination of the impact of HSR operation on the HSR stations and relevant areas and contributes new evidence to academic debates on the contribution of HSR to urban development. Accordingly, urban development policies should be built on the mechanism of HSR in driving the growth of HNZ.

关键词: high-speed rail     nodal zone     interactive effects     sustainable urbanization     China    

Response surface regression analysis on FeCrBSi particle in-flight properties by plasma spray

Runbo MA,Lihong DONG,Haidou WANG,Shuying CHEN,Zhiguo XING

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第11卷 第3期   页码 250-257 doi: 10.1007/s11465-016-0401-2


This work discusses the interactive effects between every two of argon flow rate, voltage, and spray distance on in-flight particles by plasma spray and constructs models that can be used in predicting and analyzing average velocity and temperature. Results of the response surface methodology show that the interactive effects between voltage and spray distance on particle in-flight properties are significant. For a given argon flow rate, particle velocity and temperature response surface are obviously bending, and a saddle point exists. With an increase in spray distance, the interactive effects between voltage and argon flow rate on particle in-flight properties appear gradually and then weaken. With an increase in voltage, the interactive effects between spray distance and argon flow rate on particle in-flight properties change from appearing to strengthening and then to weakening.

关键词: particle velocity     particle temperature     interactive effects     response surface    

long-term model with consideration of uncertainties for deployment of distributed energy resources using interactive


《能源前沿(英文)》 2014年 第8卷 第4期   页码 412-425 doi: 10.1007/s11708-014-0315-9

摘要: This paper presents a novel modified interactive honey bee mating optimization (IHBMO) base fuzzy stochastic long-term approach for determining optimum location and size of distributed energy resources (DERs). The Monte Carlo simulation method is used to model the uncertainties associated with long-term load forecasting. A proper combination of several objectives is considered in the objective function. Reduction of loss and power purchased from the electricity market, loss reduction in peak load level and reduction in voltage deviation are considered simultaneously as the objective functions. First, these objectives are fuzzified and designed to be comparable with each other. Then, they are introduced into an IHBMO algorithm in order to obtain the solution which maximizes the value of integrated objective function. The output power of DERs is scheduled for each load level. An enhanced economic model is also proposed to justify investment on DER. An IEEE 30-bus radial distribution test system is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

关键词: component     distributed energy resources     fuzzy optimization     loss reduction     interactive honey bee mating optimization (IHBMO)     voltage deviation reduction     stochastic programming    



《中国工程科学》 2011年 第13卷 第8期   页码 31-35



关键词: 高铁客站     经济社会     项目集     动态互动管理    

Conceptual study on incorporating user information into forecasting systems

Jiarui HAN, Qian YE, Zhongwei YAN, Meiyan JIAO, Jiangjiang XIA

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第4期   页码 533-542 doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-0246-6

摘要: The purpose of improving weather forecast is to enhance the accuracy in weather prediction. An ideal forecasting system would incorporate user-end information. In recent years, the meteorological community has begun to realize that while general improvements to the physical characteristics of weather forecasting systems are becoming asymptotically limited, the improvement from the user end still has potential. The weather forecasting system should include user interaction because user needs may change with different weather. A study was conducted on the conceptual forecasting system that included a dynamic, user-oriented interactive component. This research took advantage of the recently implemented TIGGE (THORPEX interactive grand global ensemble) project in China, a case study that was conducted to test the new forecasting system with reservoir managers in Linyi City, Shandong Province, a region rich in rivers and reservoirs in eastern China. A self-improving forecast system was developed involving user feedback throughout a flood season, changing thresholds for flood-inducing rainfall that were responsive to previous weather and hydrological conditions, and dynamic user-oriented assessments of the skill and uncertainty inherent in weather prediction. This paper discusses ideas for developing interactive, user-oriented forecast systems.

关键词: user-end information     user-oriented     interactive forecasting system     TIGGE (THORPEX interactive grand global ensemble)    



《中国工程科学》 2009年 第11卷 第11期   页码 64-69



关键词: 综合集成研讨厅     复杂决策问题     交互式遗传算法     性能指标论证    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第10卷 第4期   页码 648-653 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2023505


Enhancement of farming management relies heavily on enhancing farmer knowledge. In the past, both the direct learning approach and the personnel extension system for improving fertilization practices of smallholders has proven insufficiently effective. Therefore, this article proposes an interactive knowledge learning approach using artificial intelligence as a promising alternative. The system consists of two parts. The first is a dialog interface that accepts information from farmers about their current farming practices. The second part is an intelligent decision system, which categorizes the information provided by farmers in two categories. The first consists of on-farm constraints, such as fertilizer resources, split application times and seasons. The second comprises knowledge-based practices by farmers, such as nutrient in- and output balance, ratios of different nutrients and the ratios of each split nutrient amount to the total nutrient input. The interactive knowledge learning approach aims to identify and rectify incorrect practices in the knowledge-based category while considering the farmer’s available finance, labor, and fertilizer resources. Investigations show that the interactive knowledge learning approach can make a strong contribution to prevention of the overuse of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, and mitigating agricultural non-point source pollution.

关键词: artificial intelligence     extension system     non-point source pollution control     smallholders     fertilization    

可视交互式图像聚类:一种机器视觉测量中目标无关的配置优化方法 Research Article


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第24卷 第3期   页码 355-372 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2200547

摘要: 机器视觉测量(machine vision measurement, MVM)是一种用于产品质量控制的重要方法,可有效、无损地测量目标面积或长度。MVM的结果取决于其配置,尤其是图像采集的打光方案设计和图像处理的算法参数优化。在传统工作流中,工程师不断调整和验证配置以获得可接受结果,这非常耗时且严重依赖专业知识。为解决这些挑战,提出一种目标无关方法,可视交互式图像聚类,该方法通过图像聚类推荐具有共同算法参数的打光方案促进配置优化。该方法有4个步骤:数据准备、数据采样、数据处理和可视分析。在准备阶段,工程师设计几种候选打光方案获取图像,并开发算法处理图像。对每张图像,该方法按照工程师定义的参数采样,并执行算法获得结果。数据处理的核心是使用算法参数对图像之间关系进行可解释度量。基于图像关系,开发了一个视觉分析系统,VMExplorer,帮助工程师图像聚类并探索参数。最后,工程师可确定合适的打光方案和鲁棒的参数组合。为证明该方法有效性和可用性,我们与工程师进行案例研究,并从专家访谈中获得反馈。

关键词: 机器视觉测量;打光方案设计;参数优化;可视交互式图像聚类    

基于回归预测集成学习的交互式图像分割 Article

Jin ZHANG, Zhao-hui TANG, Wei-hua GUI, Qing CHEN, Jin-ping LIU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第18卷 第7期   页码 1002-1020 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601401

摘要: 对于复杂场景下的自然图像,全自动图像分割方法难以获得与真实情况吻合的结果,人们常常采用交互式分割手段实现精确分割。然而,当前及背景中存在颜色相似的区域时,传统半监督图像分割方法只能通过大量增加手工标记获得精确分割结果。为此,本文提出一种结合半监督学习的基于回归预测的集成学习交互式图像分割方法。通过集成两个互补的样条回归函数,将图像分割视为一个非线性预测问题。首先,基于已标记样本训练出两个在属性上互补的多元自适应回归样条学习器(multivariate adaptive regression splines, MARS)和薄板样条回归学习器(thin plate spline regression, TPSR);接着,提出一种基于聚类假设和半监督学习的回归器增强算法,该算法从未标记样本中抽选部分样本辅助训练MARS和TPSR;然后,引入支持向量回归方法(support vector regression, SVR)集成MARS和TPSR的预测结果;最后,对SVR集成结果进行GraphCut图像分割。在标准数据库BSDS500和Pascal VOC上进行大量实验,验证了所提算法的有效性。大量对比实验证实,所提算法在交互式自然图像分割上的表现与当前最先进算法相当。

关键词: 交互式图像分割;多元自适应回归样条;集成学习;薄板样条回归;半监督学习;支持向量回归    

交互式可视化标注与主动学习:实验比较 Research

Mohammad CHEGIN, Jürgen BERNARD, Jian CUI, Fatemeh CHEGINI, Alexei SOURIN, Keith Keith, Tobias SCHRECK

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第21卷 第4期   页码 524-535 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1900549

摘要: 监督式机器学习方法可自动分类新数据,且对数据分析非常有帮助。监督式机器学习的质量不仅依赖于使用的算法类型,也依赖于用于训练分类器的标注数据集的质量。训练数据集中的标注实例通常依赖于专业分析人员的手工选择与注释,且通常是一个单调与耗时的过程。标签可以在学习过程中为主动学习算法提供有用的输入,以自动确定数据实例的子集。交互式可视化标注技术是有前景的选择,它提供有效的视觉概览,分析人员可从中同时查看数据记录与选择项目标签。将分析人员置于循环中,生成的分类器可得到更高准确率。虽然交互式可视化标注技术的初步结果在某种意义上有前景的,考虑到用户标注可改善监督式学习,但是该技术的许多方面仍有待探索。本文使用mVis工具标注一个多元数据集以比较3种交互式可视化技术(相似图、散点矩阵与平行坐标图)以及主动学习。结果表明3种交互式可视化标注技术的分类准确率均高于主动学习算法,相对于散点矩阵与平行坐标图,用户主观上更偏爱使用相似图标注。用户也可以根据使用的可视化技术采用不同标注策略。

关键词: 交互式可视化标注;主动学习;可视分析    

Interactive DE for solving combined security environmental economic dispatch considering FACTS technology


《能源前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第4期   页码 429-447 doi: 10.1007/s11708-013-0270-x

摘要: This paper presents an efficient interactive differential evolution (IDE) to solve the multi-objective security environmental/economic dispatch (SEED) problem considering multi shunt flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices. Two sub problems are proposed.The first one is related to the active power planning to minimize the combined total fuel cost and emissions, while the second is a reactive power planning (RPP) using multi shunt FACTS device based static VAR compensator (SVC) installed at specified buses to make fine corrections to the voltage deviation, voltage phase profiles and reactive power violation. The migration operation inspired from biogeography-based optimization (BBO) algorithm is newly introduced in the proposed approach, thereby effectively exploring and exploiting promising regions in a space search by creating dynamically new efficient partitions. This new mechanism based migration between individuals from different subsystems makes the initial partitions to react more by changing experiences. To validate the robustness of the proposed approach, the proposed algorithm is tested on the Algerian 59-bus electrical network and on a large system, 40 generating units considering valve-point loading effect. Comparison of the results with recent global optimization methods show the superiority of the proposed IDE approach and confirm its potential for solving practical optimal power flow in terms of solution quality and convergence characteristics.

关键词: optimal power flow (OPF)     economic dispatch     environment     differential evolution     migration operator     multi-objective     flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS)     static VAR compensator (SVC)    

Temporal variation of PM-associated health effects in Shijiazhuang, Hebei

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1376-0


•Annual mean PM2.5 in Shijiazhuang were 87, 95, and 82 µg/m3 in 2015–2017.

关键词: PM2.5     Health effects     Integrated exposure-response model     Shijiazhuang    

Synergistic effects and kinetics analysis for co-pyrolysis of vacuum residue and plastics

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第18卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11705-024-2414-4

摘要: This study utilized a thermogravimetric analyzer to assess the thermal decomposition behaviors and kinetics properties of vacuum residue (VR) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) polymers. The kinetic parameters were calculated using the Friedman technique. To demonstrate the interactive effects between LDPE and VR during the co-pyrolysis process, the disparity in mass loss and mass loss rate between the experimental and calculated values was computed. The co-pyrolysis curves obtained through estimation and experimentation exhibited significant deviations, which were influenced by temperature and mixing ratio. A negative synergistic interaction was observed between LDPE and VR, although this inhibitory effect could be mitigated or eliminated by reducing the LDPE ratio in the mixture and increasing the co-pyrolysis temperature. The co-pyrolysis process resulted in a reduction in carbon residue, which could be attributed to the interaction between LDPE and the heavy fractions, particularly resin and asphaltene, present in VR. These findings align with the pyrolysis behaviors exhibited by the four VR fractions. Furthermore, it was observed that the co-pyrolysis process exhibited lower activation energy as the VR ratio increased, indicating a continuous enhancement in the reactivity of the mixed samples during co-pyrolysis.

关键词: co-pyrolysis     heavy residual oil     polyethylene     thermogravimetric analysis     synergistic effects    

Synergistic effects of sodium hypochlorite disinfection and iron-oxidizing bacteria on early corrosion

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第6期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-021-1506-3


• The early corrosion process in the cast iron pipes was investigated.

关键词: Cast iron pipe corrosion     Drinking water distribution systems     Chlorine disinfection     Iron-oxidizing bacteria     Coupling effects    



《中国工程科学》 2003年 第5卷 第2期   页码 40-44



关键词: 仿真技术     系统仿真     半实物仿真     分布交互仿真    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Interactive effects of high-speed rail on nodal zones in a city: exploratory study on China

Guo LIU, Kunhui YE


Response surface regression analysis on FeCrBSi particle in-flight properties by plasma spray

Runbo MA,Lihong DONG,Haidou WANG,Shuying CHEN,Zhiguo XING


long-term model with consideration of uncertainties for deployment of distributed energy resources using interactive






Conceptual study on incorporating user information into forecasting systems

Jiarui HAN, Qian YE, Zhongwei YAN, Meiyan JIAO, Jiangjiang XIA











Jin ZHANG, Zhao-hui TANG, Wei-hua GUI, Qing CHEN, Jin-ping LIU



Mohammad CHEGIN, Jürgen BERNARD, Jian CUI, Fatemeh CHEGINI, Alexei SOURIN, Keith Keith, Tobias SCHRECK


Interactive DE for solving combined security environmental economic dispatch considering FACTS technology



Temporal variation of PM-associated health effects in Shijiazhuang, Hebei


Synergistic effects and kinetics analysis for co-pyrolysis of vacuum residue and plastics


Synergistic effects of sodium hypochlorite disinfection and iron-oxidizing bacteria on early corrosion



