
期刊论文 145

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展开 ︾


最小二乘法 3

参数估计 2

最小二乘支持向量机 2

最小作用量原理 2

运动估计 2

2R-1C模型;嵌入式系统;参数估计;非迭代方法;二次型 1

Arrhenius模型 1

CP);符号间干扰(inter symbol interference, ISI);载波间干扰(inter carrier interference 1



HVAC系统 1

Hammerstein非线性系统;神经模糊网络;数据滤波;混合信号;工业控制 1

ICI);最大似然估计(maximum likelihood estimation 1

LS算法 1

MLE) 1


OFDM);快速傅立叶变换(Fast Fourier transform, FFT);循环前缀(cyclic prefix 1

S-N曲线 1

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New decentralized control technique based on substructure and LQG approaches

Ying LEI, Ying LIN,

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2009年 第4卷 第4期   页码 386-392 doi: 10.1007/s11465-009-0041-x

摘要: Decentralized control is more suitable for structural control of large-scale structures. In this paper, a new decentralized control technique is proposed based on the linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) and substructure approaches. A large-scale structure is divided into a set of smaller substructures. Each substructure is controlled by its own local controller with interaction forces at substructural interfaces, which are considered as “unknown external inputs” to the substructure concerned. An algorithm of recursive least squares estimation for the unknown excitation is proposed. A numerical example of the decentralized control of a tall building is studied to illustrate the new proposed algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed decentralized control provides satisfactory control performance when comparing with the conventional centralized LQG control algorithm and is viable for the future structural control of large-scale structures.

关键词: substructures     decentralized control     linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG)     Kalman filter     unknown input     least-squares estimation    



《中国工程科学》 2011年 第13卷 第9期   页码 76-82



关键词: 非线性恢复力     磁流变阻尼器     最小二乘拟合     等效线性系统     非参数化模型    

electroencephalogram signals using spatial constraint independent component analysis based recursive leastsquares in brain-computer interface

Bang-hua YANG,Liang-fei HE,Lin LIN,Qian WANG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第16卷 第6期   页码 486-496 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1400299

摘要: Ocular artifacts cause the main interfering signals within electroencephalogram (EEG) signal measurements. An adaptive filter based on reference signals from an electrooculogram (EOG) can reduce ocular interference, but collecting EOG signals during a long-term EEG recording is inconvenient and uncomfortable for the subject. To remove ocular artifacts from EEG in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), a method named spatial constraint independent component analysis based recursive least squares (SCICA-RLS) is proposed. The method consists of two stages. In the first stage, independent component analysis (ICA) is used to decompose multiple EEG channels into an equal number of independent components (ICs). Ocular ICs are identified by an automatic artifact detection method based on kurtosis. Then empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is employed to remove any cerebral activity from the identified ocular ICs to obtain exact artifact ICs. In the second stage, first, SCICA applies exact artifact ICs obtained in the first stage as a constraint to extract artifact ICs from the given EEG signal. These extracted ICs are called spatial constraint ICs (SC-ICs). Then the RLS based adaptive filter uses SC-ICs as reference signals to reduce interference, which avoids the need for parallel EOG recordings. In addition, the proposed method has the ability of fast computation as it is not necessary for SCICA to identify all ICs like ICA. Based on the EEG data recorded from seven subjects, the new approach can lead to average classification accuracies of 3.3% and 12.6% higher than those of the standard ICA and raw EEG, respectively. In addition, the proposed method has 83.5% and 83.8% reduction in time-consumption compared with the standard ICA and ICA-RLS, respectively, which demonstrates a better and faster OA reduction.

关键词: Ocular artifacts     Electroencephalogram (EEG)     Electrooculogram (EOG)     Brain-computer interface (BCI)     Spatial constraint independent component analysis based recursive least squares (SCICA-RLS)    

Estimation of photolysis half-lives of dyes in a continuous-flow system with the aid of quantitative

Davoud BEIKNEJAD,Mohammad Javad CHAICHI

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2014年 第8卷 第5期   页码 683-692 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0680-y

摘要: In this paper the photolysis half-lives of the model dyes in water solutions and under ultraviolet (UV) radiation were determined by using a continuous-flow spectrophotometric method. A quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) study was carried out using 21 descriptors based on different chemometric tools including stepwise multiple linear regression (MLR) and partial least squares (PLS) for the prediction of the photolysis half-life ( ) of dyes. For the selection of test set compounds, a K-means clustering technique was used to classify the entire data set, so that all clusters were properly represented in both training and test sets. The QSPR results obtained with these models show that in MLR-derived model, photolysis half-lives of dyes depended strongly on energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital ( ), largest electron density of an atom in the molecule ( ) and lipophilicity (log ). While in the model derived from PLS, besides aforementioned and descriptors, the molecular surface area ( ), molecular weight ( ), electronegativity ( ), energy of the second highest occupied molecular orbital ( ) and dipole moment ( ) had dominant effects on logt values of dyes. These were applicable for all classes of studied dyes (including monoazo, disazo, oxazine, sulfonephthaleins and derivatives of fluorescein). The results were also assessed for their consistency with findings from other similar studies.

关键词: dye     photolysis half-life     quantitative structure-property relationship     continuous-flow     stepwise multiple linear regression     partial least squares    

联合卫星重力、卫星测高及陆地重力异常构建高分辨率地球重力场模型SGG-UGM-2 Article

梁伟, 李建成, 徐新禹, 张胜军, 赵永奇

《工程(英文)》 2020年 第6卷 第8期   页码 860-878 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.05.008


本文采用椭球谐分析方法构建了一个新的2190阶地球重力场模型SGG-UGM-2,使用的数据包括卫星重力观测数据[重力场与海洋环流探测卫星(Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer, GOCE)和重力场与气候实验卫星(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, GRACE)]、卫星测高数据和EGM2008 (Earth Gravitational Model 2008)模型重力异常数据。首先,基于椭球谐分析和系数转换方法(ellipsoidal harmonic analysis and coefficient transformation, EHA-CT),推导了适用于点值和均值重力异常的一套严密积分公式和最小二乘计算公式,改正了Rapp和Pavlis 1990年积分公式中的错误,并通过数值模拟试验证明了本文推导公式的严密性。然后,使用GOCE、GRACE、多代卫星测高数据和EGM2008重力异常数据计算了2190阶2159次的重力场模型SGGUGM-2,其中251阶到2190阶2159次模型系数是用全球地面重力异常数据集(包含海洋重力数据)采用块对角最小二乘方法解算,而2~250阶系数是联合卫星(GRACE和GOCE)和地面重力异常法方程采用严格最小二乘法计算,并采用方差分量估计方法确定不同观测数据的相对权。最后,使用中国和美国区域的全球定位系统(global positioning system, GPS)/水准数据对模型进行了检核。结果表明,SGG-UGM-2与国际权威模型EIGEN-6C4的精度相当,在中国的精度明显优于EGM2008,整体精度优于GECO模型,与SGG-UGM-1模型相比,其精度在中国和美国均有提升。

关键词: 重力场模型     GOCE     GRACE     卫星测高     块对角最小二乘法    

系统误差条件下基于AOA/TOA/FOA的多目标结构总体最小二乘算法 None

Xin CHEN, Ding WANG, Rui-rui LIU, Jie-xin YIN, Ying WU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第19卷 第7期   页码 917-936 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1700735

摘要: 单站无源定位系统避免了多个观测站之间复杂的时间同步和信息交换,在电子战中越来越重要。基于单个运动站定位系统,考虑到来自不同目标的观测具有相同的观测站位置及速度误差,提出一种具有高定位精度和数值稳定性的定位方法。根据到达角(AOA)、到达时间(TOA)和到达频率(FOA)等观测量,推导出相应的伪线性方程。在此基础上,提出一种结构总体最小二乘(STLS)优化模型,并利用逆迭代算法获得固定目标的位置。推导了所提算法的定位性能,并通过一阶误差分析证明了STLS算法的理论性能和约束总体最小二乘算法的理论性能一致,两者都能够达到克拉美罗界精度。仿真结果表明了理论推导的正确性和所提算法的优越性。

关键词: 单站;结构总体最小二乘;逆迭代;到达角(AOA);到达时间(TOA);到达频率(FOA);多源    

Comparison of modeling methods for wind power prediction: a critical study

Rashmi P. SHETTY, A. SATHYABHAMA, P. Srinivasa PAI

《能源前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第2期   页码 347-358 doi: 10.1007/s11708-018-0553-3

摘要: Prediction of power generation of a wind turbine is crucial, which calls for accurate and reliable models. In this work, six different models have been developed based on wind power equation, concept of power curve, response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural network (ANN), and the results have been compared. To develop the models based on the concept of power curve, the manufacturer’s power curve, and to develop RSM as well as ANN models, the data collected from supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) of a 1.5 MW turbine have been used. In addition to wind speed, the air density, blade pitch angle, rotor speed and wind direction have been considered as input variables for RSM and ANN models. Proper selection of input variables and capability of ANN to map input-output relationships have resulted in an accurate model for wind power prediction in comparison to other methods.

关键词: power curve     method of least squares     cubic spline interpolation     response surface methodology     artificial neural network (ANN)    

采用线性和非线性拟合方法进行指数模型参数估计 Article

Ping YANG,Chao-peng WU,Yi-lu GUO,Hong-bo LIU,Hui HUANG,Hang-zhou WANG,Shu-yue ZHAN,Bang-yi TAO,Quan-quan MU,Qiang WANG,Hong SONG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第18卷 第3期   页码 434-444 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601683

摘要: 本文探讨了通过线性和非线性拟合方法估计指数模型中的未知参数。基于多元函数极值定理及泰勒级数展开,从理论上证明了:在实验测量数据中包含噪声的情况下,通过线性拟合方法所得到的参数估计值并不能保证指数模型的残差平方和达到最小。通过数值仿真对线性和非线性拟合方法的结果进行了对比,仿真结果显示:线性方法只能获得未知参数的次优估计,但非线性方法给出更准确的结果。利用水下图像和成像距离数据对水体光谱衰减系数进行了估计,结果证实非线性拟合方法能够对参数估计准确度有明显的提升。

关键词: 指数模型;参数估计;线性最小二乘法;非线性拟合    

Impacts of building information modeling (BIM) implementation on design and construction performance: a resource dependence theory perspective

Dongping CAO, Heng LI, Guangbin WANG

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第1期   页码 20-34 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017010

摘要: Drawing on resource dependence theory, this paper develops and empirically tests a model for understanding how the implementation of building information modeling (BIM) in construction projects impacts the performance of different project participating organizations through improving their interorganizational collaboration capabilities. Based on two sets of survey data collected from designers and general contractors in BIM-based construction projects in China, the results from partial least squares analysis and bootstrapping mediation test provide clear evidence that BIM-enabled capabilities of information sharing and collaborative decision-making as a whole play a significant role in determining BIM-enabled efficiency and effectiveness benefits for both designers and general contractors. The results further reveal that designers and general contractors benefit from project BIM implementation activities significantly non-equivalently, and that this non-equivalence closely relates to the different roles played by designers and general contractors in BIM-enabled interorganizational resource exchange processes. The findings validate the resource dependence theory perspective of BIM as a boundary spanning tool to manage interorganizational resource dependence in construction projects, and contribute to deepened understandings of how and why project participating organizations benefit differently from the implementation of interorganizational information technologies like BIM.

关键词: building information modeling     interorganizational collaboration     construction project performance     resource dependence theory     partial least squares modeling    

基于最小二乘法的EAST托卡马克光学等离子体边缘重建 None

Hao LUO, Zheng-ping LUO, Chao XU, Wei JIANG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第19卷 第9期   页码 1124-1134 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1700041

摘要: 重建等离子体位形是托卡马克装置中一个非常重要的课题。平衡与反演编码(equilibrium and fitting, EFIT)是部分托卡马克中常用的等离子体边缘重建方法。然而,这种磁方法有一些不可避免的缺点。提出一种光学等离子体边缘重建算法,将EFIT编码结果作为标准值学习光学重建模型。在边缘提取方面,传统边缘检测方法不能提取较清晰的等离子体边缘。因此,提出一种基于全局对比度的方法在图像平面提取等离子体边缘。这种方法对光照有很好的鲁棒性。用一个同阶多项式和一个转换矩阵拟合提取等离子体边缘和EFIT重建等离子体边缘。为在没有相机标定的前提下获取转换矩阵,用最小二乘法最小化光学边缘和EFIT重建边缘误差,得到一个数学模型,该数学模型将提取的等离子体边缘从一个图像平面转换到托卡马克极向平面。一旦获得这个转换矩阵,便可在捕获的任意图像重建光学等离子体边缘。展示了所提方法和EFIT之间的误差,并讨论不同多项式阶数的实验结果。

关键词: 光学等离子体重建;边缘检测;全局对比度;最小二乘法;EAST托卡马克    

Identification of thermal error in a feed system based on multi-class LS-SVM

Chao JIN, Bo WU, Youmin HU, Yao CHENG

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2012年 第7卷 第1期   页码 47-54 doi: 10.1007/s11465-012-0307-6


Research of thermal characteristics has been a key issue in the development of high-speed feed system. The thermal positioning error of a ball-screw is one of the most important objects to consider for high-accuracy and high-speed machine tools. The research work undertaken herein ultimately aims at the development of a comprehensive thermal error identification model with high accuracy and robust. Using multi-class least squares support vector machines (LS-SVM), the thermal positioning error of the feed system is identified with the variance and mean square value of the temperatures of supporting bearings and screw-nut as feature vector. A series of experiments were carried out on a self-made quasi high-speed feed system experimental bench HUST-FS-001 to verify the identification capacity of the presented method. The results show that the recommended model can be used to predict the thermal error of a feed system with good accuracy, which is better than the ordinary BP and RBF neural network. The work described in this paper lays a solid foundation of thermal error prediction and compensation in a feed system.

关键词: least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM)     feed system     thermal error     precision machining    



《中国工程科学》 2001年 第3卷 第11期   页码 54-59


针对某些工业过程控制参数高度时变的特点和LS拟合算法存在病态估计的现象,提出了一类基于 修正目标函数的时变参数估计算法,并给出递推辅助变量算法。此类算法不仅具有较强的实时跟踪能力和较高 的估计精度,而且能克服病态估计,摆脱了伪随机信号在工程中带来的麻烦。新算法没有增加计算量,非常适 合于工程应用,仿真及实际应用结果都证明新算法是有效的。文中给出了有关新算法的定理及其证明。

关键词: 参数估计     计算方法     LS算法     时变系统     工业生产    

Timing decision-making method of engine blades for predecisional remanufacturing based on reliability analysis

Le CHEN, Xianlin WANG, Hua ZHANG, Xugang ZHANG, Binbin DAN

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第14卷 第4期   页码 412-421 doi: 10.1007/s11465-019-0551-0

摘要: A timing decision-making method for predecisional remanufacturing is presented. The method can effectively solve the uncertainty problem of remanufacturing blanks. From the perspective of reliability, this study analyzes the timing decision-making interval for predecisional remanufacturing of mechanical products during the service period and constructs an optimal timing model based on energy consumption and cost. The mapping relationships between time and energy consumption are predicted by using the characteristic values of performance degradation of products combined with the least squares support vector regression algorithm. Application of game theory reveals that when the energy consumption and cost are comprehensively optimal, this moment is the best time for predecisional remanufacturing. Used engine blades are utilized as an example to demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method.

关键词: predecisional remanufacturing     reliability     least squares support vector regression (LS-SVR)     game theory    

基于子空间的离散时滞系统辨识 Article

Qiang LIU,Jia-chen MA

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第17卷 第6期   页码 566-575 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1500358

摘要: 本文研究了具有未知时延的线性随机时滞系统的辨识问题。时滞系统被表达为具有单一时延的时滞差分方程。首先利用状态增广方法将时滞系统转化为一个等价的线性时不变系统,然后采用传统的子空间辨识方法来估计增广系统矩阵。本文提出了一种ACS算法,从而得到时滞系统的状态空间模型。最后,基于ACS算法得到的相似变换,重新得到卡尔曼状态序列。采用最小二乘法,利用卡尔曼状态序列和输入输出数据,得出相同状态空间下的时滞系统矩阵。仿真结果表明了这种算法的有效性。

关键词: 辨识问题;时滞系统;子空间辨识方法;ACS算法;最小二乘法    



《中国工程科学》 2011年 第13卷 第12期   页码 45-50



关键词: 水电站厂房     耦联振动     粒子群优化算法     最小二乘支持向量机     响应预测    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

New decentralized control technique based on substructure and LQG approaches

Ying LEI, Ying LIN,





electroencephalogram signals using spatial constraint independent component analysis based recursive leastsquares in brain-computer interface

Bang-hua YANG,Liang-fei HE,Lin LIN,Qian WANG


Estimation of photolysis half-lives of dyes in a continuous-flow system with the aid of quantitative

Davoud BEIKNEJAD,Mohammad Javad CHAICHI



梁伟, 李建成, 徐新禹, 张胜军, 赵永奇



Xin CHEN, Ding WANG, Rui-rui LIU, Jie-xin YIN, Ying WU


Comparison of modeling methods for wind power prediction: a critical study

Rashmi P. SHETTY, A. SATHYABHAMA, P. Srinivasa PAI



Ping YANG,Chao-peng WU,Yi-lu GUO,Hong-bo LIU,Hui HUANG,Hang-zhou WANG,Shu-yue ZHAN,Bang-yi TAO,Quan-quan MU,Qiang WANG,Hong SONG


Impacts of building information modeling (BIM) implementation on design and construction performance: a resource dependence theory perspective

Dongping CAO, Heng LI, Guangbin WANG



Hao LUO, Zheng-ping LUO, Chao XU, Wei JIANG


Identification of thermal error in a feed system based on multi-class LS-SVM

Chao JIN, Bo WU, Youmin HU, Yao CHENG





Timing decision-making method of engine blades for predecisional remanufacturing based on reliability analysis

Le CHEN, Xianlin WANG, Hua ZHANG, Xugang ZHANG, Binbin DAN



Qiang LIU,Jia-chen MA



