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Phosphorus use efficiency and fertilizers: future opportunities for improvements


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第4期   页码 332-340 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019274


The continued supply of phosphate fertilizers that underpin global food production is an imminent crisis. The rock phosphate deposits on which the world depends are not only finite, but some are contaminated, and many are located in geopolitically unstable areas, meaning that fundamental changes will have to take place in order to maintain food production for a growing global population. No single solution exists, but a combination of approaches to phosphorus management is required not only to extend the lifespan of the remaining non-renewable rock phosphate reserves, but to result in a more efficient, sustainable phosphorus cycle. Solutions include improving the efficiency of fertilizer applications to agricultural land, alongside a better understanding of phosphorus cycling in soil-plant systems, and the interactions between soil physics, chemistry and biology, coupled with plant traits. Opportunities exist for the development of plants that can access different forms of soil phosphorus (e.g., organic phosphorus) and that use internal phosphorus more efficiently. The development of different sources of phosphorus fertilizers are inevitably required given the finite nature of the rock phosphate supplies. Clear opportunities exist, and it is now important that a concerted effort to make advances in phosphorus use efficiency is prioritized.

关键词: organic phosphorus     phosphorus fertilizer     phosphorus use efficiency     rock phosphate    

Genetic study and molecular breeding for high phosphorus use efficiency in maize


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第4期   页码 366-379 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019278


Phosphorus is the second most important macronutrient after nitrogen and it has many vital functions in the life of plants. Most soils have a low available P content, which has become a key limiting factor for increasing crop production. Also, low P use efficiency (PUE) of crops in conjunction with excessive application of P fertilizers has resulted in serious environmental problems. Thus, dissecting the genetic architecture of crop PUE, mining related quantitative trait loci (QTL) and using molecular breeding methods to improve high PUE germplasm are of great significance and serve as an efficient approach for the development of sustainable agriculture. In this review, molecular and phenotypic characteristics of maize inbred lines with high PUE, related QTL and genes as well as low-P responses are summarized. Based on this, a breeding strategy applying genomic selection as the core, and integrating the existing genetic information and molecular breeding techniques is proposed for breeding high PUE maize inbred lines and hybrids.

关键词: maize     phosphorus use efficiency     quantitative trait loci     genetic study     molecular breeding     genomic selection    

Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of global phosphorus use: focus on root and rhizosphere levels


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第4期   页码 357-365 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019275


Phosphorus (P) is essential for life and for efficient crop production, but global P use with limited recycling is inefficient in several sectors, including agronomy. Unfortunately, plant physiologists, agronomists, farmers and end users employ different measures for P use efficiency (PUE), which often masks their values at different scales. The term P use effectiveness, which also considers energetic and sustainability measures in addition to P balances, is also a valuable concept. Major physiological and genetic factors for plant P uptake and utilization have been identified, but there has been limited success in genetically improving PUE of modern crop cultivars. In maize, studies on root architectural and morphological traits appear promising. Rhizosphere processes assist in mobilizing and capturing sparingly soluble phosphate from rock phosphate. Combinations of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms with ammonium-based nitrogen fertilizer, as well as strategies of fertilizer placement near the roots of target crops, can moderately enhance PUE. The desired concentration of P in the products differs, depending on the final use of the crop products as feed, food or for energy conversion, which should be considered during crop production.

关键词: acquisition efficiency     plant growth promoting rhizobacteria     phosphate     use efficiency     utilization efficiency    

Phosphorus supply and management in vegetable production systems in China

Rui WANG, Weiming SHI, Yilin LI

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第4期   页码 348-356 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019277


Vegetable production systems involve high rates of chemical and organic fertilizer applications, leading to significant P accumulation in vegetable soils, as well as a decrease in P use efficiency (PUE), which is one of the key limiting factors in vegetable production. This review introduces the vegetable production systems in China and their fertilization status, and analyzes probable causes of overfertilization of vegetable fields. Poorly developed root systems and high P demand have led to the need to maintain much higher available P concentrations in the root zone for regular growth of vegetables, which might necessitate higher phosphate fertilizer input than the plants require. Research on strategies to improve vegetable PUE and the mechanisms of these strategies are summarized in this review. Increasing the P uptake by vegetables by supplying P during the critical growth stage and effectively utilizing the accumulated P by optimizing the C:P ratio in soils can substantially increase PUE. These advances will provide a basis for improving PUE and optimizing phosphate fertilizer applications in vegetable production through regulatory measures. In addition, some policies are recommended that could ensure the safety of vegetables and improve product quality. This review also aims to improve understanding of P cycling in vegetable fields and assist in the development of best practices to manage P reserves globally.

关键词: phosphate fertilizer     phosphorus use efficiency     vegetable production systems     phosphorus management     policy recommendation    

Strategies for improving fertilizer phosphorus use efficiency in Chinese cropping systems

Gu FENG, Jingping GAI, Xionghan FENG, Haigang LI, Lin ZHANG, Keke YI, Jialong LV, Yiyong ZHU, Li TANG, Yilin LI

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第4期   页码 341-347 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019280


A four-year project, entitled “The mechanisms of fraction transformation and high use efficiency of P fertilizer in Chinese cropping systems” commenced in 2017. The project was established to answer three key questions and looked at 17 cropping systems on ten soils. First, we asked what are the dynamics of transformation, fixation and mobilization of P fertilizers in soil-cropping systems? Second, what are the mechanisms of soil-crop-microbe interactions by which P fertilizer can be efficiently used? Third, how to manipulate the processes of P use in cropping systems? The targets of this project are (1) to explore the mechanisms of P fixation, the pathways of loss of P availability and the threshold of migration of fertilizer P in the field; (2) to uncover mechanisms by which soil legacy P is mobilized through root physiological and morphological processes and through arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and P-solubilizing bacteria in rhizosphere and hyphosphere; (3) to estimate the biological potential of crops for high efficiency P absorption and use; (4) to innovate new approaches for improving the efficiency of P fertilizers. The outcomes will provide theoretical support for setting standards for limitation of P fertilizer application rate in the main cropping zones of China.

关键词: fixation     mobilization     phosphorus fertilizer     rhizosphere     transformations     utilization    

Innovations of phosphorus sustainability: implications for the whole chain


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第4期   页码 321-331 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019283


Phosphorus (P) is a non-renewable resource, therefore ensuring global food and environmental security depends upon sustainable P management. To achieve this goal, sustainable P management in the upstream and downstream sectors of agriculture from mineral extraction to food consumption must be addressed systematically. The innovation and feasibility of P sustainability are highlighted from the perspective of the whole P-based chain, including the mining and processing of P rock, production of P fertilizers, soil and rhizosphere processes involving P, absorption and utilization of P by plants, P in livestock production, as well as flow and management of P at the catchment scale. The paper also emphasizes the importance of recycling P and the current challenges of P recovery. Finally, sustainable solutions of holistic P management are proposed from the perspective of technology improvement with policy support.

关键词: P-use efficiency     recycling     sustainable management     the whole P chain    

Comments on “Innovations for phosphorus sustainability: implications for the whole food chain” in specialissue of “Sustainable Phosphorus Use in Agri-Food System”

Peter M. VITOUSEK, Xuejun LIU

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第4期   页码 441-442 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019284

Highlights of special issue on “Sustainable Phosphorus Use in Agri-Food System”


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第4期   页码 311-312 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019285


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第4期   页码 599-602 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE -2021409

The effect of different agricultural management practices on irrigation efficiency, water use efficiency


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第2期   页码 185-194 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2017149

摘要: This paper explores the effect of varying agricultural management practices on different water efficiency indicators: irrigation efficiency (IE), crop water use efficiency (WUE), and green and blue water footprint (WF). We take winter wheat in an experimental field in Northern China as a case study and consider a dry, average and wet year. We conducted 24 modeling experiments with the AquaCrop model, for all possible combinations of four irrigation techniques, two irrigation strategies and three mulching methods. Results show that deficit irrigation most effectively improved blue water use, by increasing IE (by 5%) and reducing blue WF (by 38%), however with an average 9% yield reduction. Organic or synthetic mulching practices improved WUE (by 4% and 10%, respectively) and reduced blue WF (by 8% and 17%, respectively), with the same yield level. Drip and subsurface drip irrigation improved IE and WUE, but drip irrigation had a relatively large blue WF. Improvements in one water efficiency indicator may cause a decline in another. In particular, WUE can be improved by more irrigation at the cost of the blue WF. Furthermore, increasing IE, for instance by installing drip irrigation, does not necessarily reduce the blue WF.

关键词: field management     irrigation efficiency     water footprint     water productivity     water use efficiency    

Highlights of special issue on “Sustainable Phosphorus Use in Agri-Food System”

Hans LAMBERS, Lixing YUAN, Xuejun LIU

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第4期   页码 530-530 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019316

Effects of dwarfing genes on water use efficiency of bread wheat

Jiakun YAN, Suiqi ZHANG

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第2期   页码 126-134 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2017134

摘要: Climate change has increased the risk of drought, which significantly limits plant productivity. Various ways of increasing water availability and sustaining growth of crop plants in drought-prone environments are available. Genetic advances in grain yields under rainfed conditions have been achieved with the introduction of dwarfing genes. A thorough understanding of the effects of different dwarfing genes on root growth, coleoptile length, grain yields and water using efficiency (WUE) will provide opportunities to select appropriate genes for breeding high WUE and grain yield cultivars. This review focuses on the mechanism involved in genes that reduce plant height and affect root and coleoptile length, their consequent effects on grain yields and WUE, and suggests that for rainfed and irrigation-limited environments, combining GAR and GAI dwarfing genes in breeding may help boost WUE and yields, and more materials from different parental sources should be collected to assess opportunities for potential comprehensive application of specific genes.

关键词: coleoptile length     wheat     dwarfing genes     grain yield     root     water use efficiency    

Approaches to achieve high grain yield and high resource use efficiency in rice

Jianchang YANG

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第2卷 第2期   页码 115-123 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2015055

摘要: This article discusses approaches to simultaneously increase grain yield and resource use efficiency in rice. Breeding nitrogen efficient cultivars without sacrificing rice yield potential, improving grain fill in later-flowering inferior spikelets and enhancing harvest index are three important approaches to achieving the dual goal of high grain yield and high resource use efficiency. Deeper root distribution and higher leaf photosynthetic N use efficiency at lower N rates could be used as selection criteria to develop N-efficient cultivars. Enhancing sink activity through increasing sugar-spikelet ratio at the heading time and enhancing the conversion efficiency from sucrose to starch though increasing the ratio of abscisic acid to ethylene in grains during grain fill could effectively improve grain fill in inferior spikelets. Several practices, such as post-anthesis controlled soil drying, an alternate wetting and moderate soil drying regime during the whole growing season, and non-flooded straw mulching cultivation, could substantially increase grain yield and water use efficiency, mainly via enhanced remobilization of stored carbon from vegetative tissues to grains and improved harvest index. Further research is needed to understand synergistic interaction between water and N on crop and soil and the mechanism underlying high resource use efficiency in high-yielding rice.

关键词: rice     nitrogen-efficient cultivar     grain fill     harvest index     nitrogen use efficiency     water use efficiency    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第1期


• Monitoring data of>5000 dairy farms collected and examined in uniform manner.

• Environmental performances of farms influenced by government regulations.

• N and P surpluses at farm level remained about constant with intensity level.

• N and P use efficiencies at farm, herd and soil increased with intensity level.

• Accounting for externalization of off-farm feed production affects NUE and PUE.

• Ammonia emissions per kg milk decreased with the level of intensification.


Many grassland-based dairy farms are intensifying production, i.e., produce more milk per ha of land in response to the increasing demand for milk (by about 2% per year) in a globalized market. However, intensive dairy farming has been implicated for its resources use, ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions, and eutrophication impacts. This paper addresses the question of how the intensity of dairy production relates to N and P surpluses and use efficiencies on farms subjected to agri-environmental regulations. Detailed monitoring data were analyzed from 2858 grassland-based dairy farms in The Netherlands for the year 2015. The farms produced on average 925 Mg·yr1 milk. Milk production per ha ranged from<10 to>30 Mg·ha1·yr1. Purchased feed and manure export strongly increased with the level of intensification. Surpluses of N and P at farm level remained constant and ammonia emissions per kg milk decreased with the level of intensification. In conclusion, N and P surpluses did not differ much among dairy farms greatly differing in intensity due to legal N and P application limits and obligatory export of manure surpluses to other farms. Further, N and P use efficiencies also did not differ among dairy farms differing in intensity provided the externalization of feed production was accounted for. This paper provides lessons for proper monitoring and control of N and P cycling in dairy farming.



《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第1期   页码 130-147 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2020376

摘要: Many grassland-based dairy farms are intensifying production, i.e., produce more milk per ha of land in response to the increasing demand for milk (by about 2% per year) in a globalized market. However, intensive dairy farming has been implicated for its resources use, ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions, and eutrophication impacts. This paper addresses the question of how the intensity of dairy production relates to N and P surpluses and use efficiencies on farms subjected to agri-environmental regulations. Detailed monitoring data were analyzed from 2858 grassland-based dairy farms in The Netherlands for the year 2015. The farms produced on average 925 Mg·yr milk. Milk production per ha ranged from<10 to>30 Mg·ha ·yr . Purchased feed and manure export strongly increased with the level of intensification. Surpluses of N and P at farm level remained constant and ammonia emissions per kg milk decreased with the level of intensification. In conclusion, N and P surpluses did not differ much among dairy farms greatly differing in intensity due to legal N and P application limits and obligatory export of manure surpluses to other farms. Further, N and P use efficiencies also did not differ among dairy farms differing in intensity provided the externalization of feed production was accounted for. This paper provides lessons for proper monitoring and control of N and P cycling in dairy farming.

关键词: ammonia     externalization     feed     forage maize     front runners     manure production     milk yield     nitrogen surplus    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Phosphorus use efficiency and fertilizers: future opportunities for improvements



Genetic study and molecular breeding for high phosphorus use efficiency in maize



Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of global phosphorus use: focus on root and rhizosphere levels



Phosphorus supply and management in vegetable production systems in China

Rui WANG, Weiming SHI, Yilin LI


Strategies for improving fertilizer phosphorus use efficiency in Chinese cropping systems

Gu FENG, Jingping GAI, Xionghan FENG, Haigang LI, Lin ZHANG, Keke YI, Jialong LV, Yiyong ZHU, Li TANG, Yilin LI


Innovations of phosphorus sustainability: implications for the whole chain



Comments on “Innovations for phosphorus sustainability: implications for the whole food chain” in specialissue of “Sustainable Phosphorus Use in Agri-Food System”

Peter M. VITOUSEK, Xuejun LIU


Highlights of special issue on “Sustainable Phosphorus Use in Agri-Food System”





The effect of different agricultural management practices on irrigation efficiency, water use efficiency



Highlights of special issue on “Sustainable Phosphorus Use in Agri-Food System”

Hans LAMBERS, Lixing YUAN, Xuejun LIU


Effects of dwarfing genes on water use efficiency of bread wheat

Jiakun YAN, Suiqi ZHANG


Approaches to achieve high grain yield and high resource use efficiency in rice

Jianchang YANG





