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Colloid-facilitated release of polybrominated diphenyl ethers at an e-waste recycling site: evidence

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第18卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-024-1781-x


● Surface infiltration results in downward migration of PBDEs in soil core.

关键词: Polybrominated diphenyl ether     Colloid-facilitated transport     E-waste recycling site     Undisturbed soil core     Groundwater quality    

Copper fractal growth during recycling from waste printed circuit boards by slurry electrolysis

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第6期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-021-1405-7


• Copper fractal growth was observed during WPCBs recycling by slurry electrolysis.

关键词: Dendritic copper     Fractal growth     WPCBs     Slurry electrolysis    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第1期


• Livestock manure was the main organic waste in urban and peri-urban areas.

• Manure production will increase by a factor of 3–10 between 2015–2050.

• Only 13%–38% of excreted N by livestock will be recycled in croplands.

• Intensification of urban livestock production greatly increased N surpluses.

• Reducing population growth and increasing livestock productivity needed.


Urban population growth is driving the expansion of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) in developing countries. UPA is providing nutritious food to residents but the manures produced by UPA livestock farms and other wastes are not properly recycled. This paper explores the effects of four scenarios: (1) a reference scenario (business as usual), (2) increased urbanization, (3) UPA intensification, and (4) improved technology, on food-protein self-sufficiency, manure nitrogen (N) recycling and balances for four different zones in a small city (Jimma) in Ethiopia during the period 2015-2050. An N mass flow model with data from farm surveys, field experiments and literature was used. A field experiment was conducted and N use efficiency and N fertilizer replacement values differed among the five types of composts derived from urban livestock manures and kitchen wastes. The N use efficiency and N fertilizer replacement values were used in the N mass flow model.

Livestock manures were the main organic wastes in urban areas, although only 20 to 40% of animal-sourced food consumed was produced in UPA, and only 14 to 19% of protein intake by residents was animal-based. Scenarios indicate that manure production in UPA will increase 3 to 10 times between 2015 and 2050, depending on urbanization and UPA intensification. Only 13 to 38% of manure N will be recycled in croplands. Farm-gate N balances of UPA livestock farms will increase to>1 t·ha1 in 2050. Doubling livestock productivity and feed protein conversion to animal-sourced food will roughly halve manure N production.

Costs of waste recycling were high and indicate the need for government incentives. Results of these senarios are wake-up calls for all stakeholders and indicate alternative pathways.

Assessing the potential of crop residue recycling in China and technology options based on a bottom-up

Lili QU,Tianzhu ZHANG,Wei LU

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2014年 第8卷 第4期   页码 570-579 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0604-2

摘要: Crop residues are an important biomass, and are significant in the sustainable development of China. This paper uses the Grey-Markov modeling approach, the cost-benefit analysis method, and the constraint optimization method to establish the potential of crop residue recycling in China (CRRC) using a bottom-up analysis. Taking 2010 as the baseline year, the CRRC model is used to determine the quantity trends of crop residue resources, simulating the recycling potential and selecting key crop residue recycling technologies for operation between 2010 and 2030. The results illustrate that the total residue output from different crops will gradually increase to 1062 million tons in 2030. The proportion of crop residue for field burning is expected to decrease as a result of guidance and support from the government. Market mechanisms are also improving the development of the crop residue recycling industry. The economic benefit of crop residue recycling is expected to be worth 132 billion CNY in 2030 according to technology structure options. Key crop residue recycling technologies preferred such as liquefaction, amination, silo, co-firing straw power and composting will account for more than 85% of the total benefits.

关键词: China     crop residue     recycling potential     technology options    



《中国工程科学》 2002年 第4卷 第10期   页码 31-35



关键词: 资源     资源循环     资源开发     资源型社会    

Recycling Materials from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Jinhui Li

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第11卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-017-1001-z

Optimal Timing and Recycling Operation Mode for Electro-Mechanical Products Active Remanufacturing

Wang Gao,Tao Li,Shi-tong Peng,Liang Wang,Hong-chao Zhang

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第2期   页码 115-122 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016019

摘要: The uncertainties of remanufactured products in multi-life cycle service, such as injury and restoration process route, are comprehensively analyzed in the present study from perspectives of cost and the environment. Based on life cycle assessment method and the life cycle cost analysis, the optimal timing model of active remanufacturing for electro-mechanical products is established considering these uncertainties. In addition, regarding the active remanufacturing as its guidance, this study explores the economic efficiency and corresponding operation mode of electro-mechanical products when recycling in the optimal timing. To validate the optimal timing model for electro-mechanical products active remanufacturing, a specific type of product is taken as a case study with mathematical statistics method and Monte Carlo simulation.

关键词: electro-mechanical products     active remanufacturing     optimal timing     reverse logistics     recycling mode    



《中国工程科学》 2018年 第20卷 第1期   页码 144-148 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2018.01.021



关键词: 新能源汽车     动力电池     回收    



《中国工程科学》 2015年 第17卷 第1期   页码 56-61



关键词: 沥青;路面;废旧料;循环利用;热再生技术;再生沥青混合料    

The Building of Papermaking Enterprise’s Recycling Economy Evaluation Index System Based on Value Flow

Zhi-fang Zhou,Jing Ou,Sha-sha Wang,Xiao-hong Chen

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第1期   页码 9-17 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016009

摘要: At present, the research on circular economy has made a lot of substantive results both at home and abroad. But for the papermaking enterprise, which is the representative of the light industry, few studies have analyzed the evaluation index system of circular economy. Since the current material flow analyses have limitations that the researchers cannot calculate materials with different units. The authors take advantage of the intrinsic correlation between the basic principle of value flow analysis and circular economy, and then analyze the dynamic changes of material flow and value flow through enterprises internal production process. Considering the resource output, the authors set up the layered structure of the evaluation index system, and then preliminarily determine the index form. Next, the authors use the frequency statistics analysis method to adjust indicators, forming a preliminary index system. After that, the principal component analysis and independent analysis are applied for screening. Finally, the authors build a circular economy evaluation index system for papermaking enterprise to provide scientific guidance for the process of circular economy.

关键词: circular economy     the papermaking enterprise     material flow analysis     value flow analysis     evaluation index system    

Region-gridding recycling of bulk organic waste: Emerging views based on coordinated urban and rural

Wenbing Tan, Dongyu Cui, Xiaohui Zhang, Beidou Xi

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第6期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1291-4

摘要: Abstract Bulk organic waste (BOW) has a large output in China. The improper disposal of BOW will not only bring serious environmental pollution, but also cause waste of biomass resources. The viewpoint proposes a region-gridding recycling management system of BOW that highlights the coordinated development of environmental, agricultural and energy elements in urban and rural areas. The viewpoint aims to drive the upstream and downstream industrial chains of BOW treatments, avoid the repeated construction of resource facilities, guide the upgrading of resource-based technologies, promote the professionalization of farmers, and thus built the high-quality modern agricultural recycling industrial park based on system management.

关键词: Bulk organic waste     Recycling     Urban-rural coordination     Management system    



《中国工程科学》 2024年 第26卷 第3期   页码 108-119 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2024.03.007


镨是支持全球清洁能源发展的关键矿产,全球对镨的需求持续增加。我国是全球镨储量和产量最大的国家,但是未来依然可能出现镨供给缺口,发展循环经济、促进物质循环利用是解决镨潜在供需受限问题的重要方案。本文采用动态物质流方法,结合循环利用率指标,估算了2011—2020 年我国大陆地区的镨循环利用潜力。结果表明:2011—2020 年,我国累计有7.902×104 t 镨进入镨循环,其中1.639×104 t 来自循环利用;从钕铁硼磁体生产废料中累计回收利用了1.369×104 t 镨,其循环利用率稳定在17%左右;理论上,报废产品可以供给2.7×103 t 镨,其循环利用率从0.04%增长到5.17%。针对实现报废产品中镨循环利用所面临的主要挑战,本文提出了完善我国生产者责任延伸制、逐步建立相关产品的消费者责任制、引导行业制定循环利用相关技术规范和行业标准等镨循环利用提升策略。

关键词: 镨;循环;物质流分析;循环利用率    

Improvement potential of today’s WEEE recycling performance: The case of LCD TVs in Belgium

Paul Vanegas, Jef R. Peeters, Dirk Cattrysse, Wim Dewulf, Joost R. Duflou

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第11卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-017-1000-0

摘要: Waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) constitutes one of the most relevant waste streams because of the quantity and presence of valuable materials. However, there is limited knowledge on the resource potential of urban mining WEEE, as data on material composition, and the efficiency of current recycling treatments are still scarce. In this article, an evaluation of the recycling performance at a national level for one of the fastest growing e-waste streams: LCD TVs is carried out through the following four steps. Firstly, material characterisation is performed by means of sampling of the waste stream. Secondly, a material flow analysis is conducted by evaluating the separation performance of a recycling plant in Belgium. Thirdly, the recovered economic value and avoided environmental impact (EI) of the analysed recycling system is assessed. Finally, the potential of urban mining for Belgium is forecasted. The analysis shows that while recycling performance for ferrous metals and aluminium are relatively high; there is substantial room to better close the material loops for precious metals (PM) and plastics. PMs and plastics account for 66 % of the economic value in LCD TVs and 57% of the EI. With the current, commonly applied recycling technology only one-third of the PM and housing plastics are recycled; meaning that for these materials, at a national level for Belgium, there is a potential for improvement that represents 3.3 million euros in 2016 and 6.8 million euros in 2025.

关键词: Recycling     Waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)     Material flow analysis     LCD TVs     Precious metals     Plastics    

A critical review on the recycling of copper and precious metals from waste printed circuit boards using

Zebing Wu, Wenyi Yuan, Jinhui Li, Xiaoyan Wang, Lili Liu, Jingwei Wang

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第11卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-017-0995-6

摘要: Currently, increasing amounts of end-of-life (EoL) electronic products are being generated due to their reduced life spans and the unavailability of suitable recycling technologies. In particular, waste printed circuit boards (PCBs) have become of global concern with regard to environmental issues because of their high metal and toxic material contents, which are pollutants. There are many environmental threats owed to the disposal of electronic waste; off-gasses, such as dioxins, furans, polybrominated organic pollutants, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, can be generated during thermal treatments, which can cause serious health problems if effective off-gas cleaning systems are not developed and improved. Moreover, heavy metals will dissolve, and release into the ground water from the landfill sites. Such waste PCBs contain precious metals which are of monetary value. Therefore, it is beneficial to recover the metal content and protect the environment from pollution. Hydrometallurgy is a successful technique used worldwide for the recovery of precious metals (especially gold and silver) from ores, concentrates, and waste materials. It is generally preferred over other methods because it can offer high recovery rates at a relatively low cost. This article reviews the recent trends and developments with regard to the recycling of precious metals from waste PCBs through hydrometallurgical techniques, such as leaching and recovery.

关键词: Waste PCBs     Precious metals     Hydrometallurgy     Recycling     Leaching     Recovery    

heavy metals, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins/furans at e-waste recycling

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第7期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1679-z


● Heavy metals and organic toxins may persist in legacy sites for a long time.

关键词: E-waste     Human health risk     Organ risk     Heavy metal toxicity     PBDE     PCDD/F    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Colloid-facilitated release of polybrominated diphenyl ethers at an e-waste recycling site: evidence


Copper fractal growth during recycling from waste printed circuit boards by slurry electrolysis




Assessing the potential of crop residue recycling in China and technology options based on a bottom-up

Lili QU,Tianzhu ZHANG,Wei LU





Recycling Materials from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Jinhui Li


Optimal Timing and Recycling Operation Mode for Electro-Mechanical Products Active Remanufacturing

Wang Gao,Tao Li,Shi-tong Peng,Liang Wang,Hong-chao Zhang








The Building of Papermaking Enterprise’s Recycling Economy Evaluation Index System Based on Value Flow

Zhi-fang Zhou,Jing Ou,Sha-sha Wang,Xiao-hong Chen


Region-gridding recycling of bulk organic waste: Emerging views based on coordinated urban and rural

Wenbing Tan, Dongyu Cui, Xiaohui Zhang, Beidou Xi





Improvement potential of today’s WEEE recycling performance: The case of LCD TVs in Belgium

Paul Vanegas, Jef R. Peeters, Dirk Cattrysse, Wim Dewulf, Joost R. Duflou


A critical review on the recycling of copper and precious metals from waste printed circuit boards using

Zebing Wu, Wenyi Yuan, Jinhui Li, Xiaoyan Wang, Lili Liu, Jingwei Wang


heavy metals, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins/furans at e-waste recycling
