
期刊论文 8


2021 1

2020 2

2019 1

2015 1

2014 1

2012 1

2001 1

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人工繁殖 1

四大家鱼 1

海洋鱼类增殖和养殖 1

生态流域 1

生物工程技术 1

病残儿;出生缺陷;孕前优生健康指导;再生育干预 1

种群管理 1

筑坝 1

苗种培养 1

长江 1

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What will the future hold for artificial organs in the service of assisted reproduction: prospects and

Mara Simopoulou, Konstantinos Sfakianoudis, Petroula Tsioulou, Anna Rapani, Polina Giannelou, Nikolaos Kiriakopoulos, Agni Pantou, Nikolaos Vlahos, George Anifandis, Stamatis Bolaris, Konstantinos Pantos, Michael Koutsilieris

《医学前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第6期   页码 627-638 doi: 10.1007/s11684-019-0697-5

摘要: Assisted reproduction provides a wide spectrum of treatments and strategies addressing infertility. However, distinct groups of infertile patients with unexplained infertility, congenital disorders, and other complex cases pose a challenge in fertilization (IVF) practices. This special cohort of patients is associated with futile attempts, IVF overuse, and dead ends in management. Cutting edge research on animal models introduced this concept, along with the development of artificial organs with the aim to mimic the respective physiological functions in reproduction. Extrapolation on clinical application leads to the future use of infertility management in humans. To date, the successful clinical application of artificial reproductive organs in humans is not feasible because further animal model studies are required prior to clinical trials. The application of these artificial organs could provide a solution to infertility cases with no other options. This manuscript presents an overview on the current status, future prospects, and considerations on the potential clinical application of artificial ovary, uterus, and gametes in humans. This paper presents how the IVF practice landscape may be shaped and challenged in the future, along with the subsequent concerns in assisted reproductive treatments.

关键词: artificial ovary     artificial uterus     artificial gametes     assisted reproduction     considerations     in vitro fertilization    

Estimation of reproduction numbers of COVID-19 in typical countries and epidemic trends under different

Chen Xu, Yinqiao Dong, Xiaoyue Yu, Huwen Wang, Lhakpa Tsamlag, Shuxian Zhang, Ruijie Chang, Zezhou Wang, Yuelin Yu, Rusi Long, Ying Wang, Gang Xu, Tian Shen, Suping Wang, Xinxin Zhang, Hui Wang, Yong Cai

《医学前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第5期   页码 613-622 doi: 10.1007/s11684-020-0787-4

摘要: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a life-threatening pandemic. The epidemic trends in different countries vary considerably due to different policy-making and resources mobilization. We calculated basic reproduction number (R ) and the time-varying estimate of the effective reproductive number (R ) of COVID-19 by using the maximum likelihood method and the sequential Bayesian method, respectively. European and North American countries possessed higher R and unsteady R fluctuations, whereas some heavily affected Asian countries showed relatively low R and declining R now. The numbers of patients in Africa and Latin America are still low, but the potential risk of huge outbreaks cannot be ignored. Three scenarios were then simulated, generating distinct outcomes by using SEIR (susceptible, exposed, infectious, and removed) model. First, evidence-based prompt responses yield lower transmission rate followed by decreasing R . Second, implementation of effective control policies at a relatively late stage, in spite of huge casualties at early phase, can still achieve containment and mitigation. Third, wisely taking advantage of the time-window for developing countries in Africa and Latin America to adopt adequate measures can save more people’s life. Our mathematical modeling provides evidence for international communities to develop sound design of containment and mitigation policies for COVID-19.

关键词: reproduction number     SEIR model     COVID-19     estimate    

Linking key intervention timings to rapid declining effective reproduction number to quantify lessons

Zhihang Peng, Wenyu Song, Zhongxing Ding, Quanquan Guan, Xu Yang, Qiaoqiao Xu, Xu Wang, Yankai Xia

《医学前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第5期   页码 623-629 doi: 10.1007/s11684-020-0788-3

摘要: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is currently under a global pandemic trend. The efficiency of containment measures and epidemic tendency of typical countries should be assessed. In this study, the efficiency of prevention and control measures in China, Italy, Iran, South Korea, and Japan was assessed, and the COVID-19 epidemic tendency among these countries was compared. Results showed that the effective reproduction number( ) in Wuhan, China increased almost exponentially, reaching a maximum of 3.98 before a lockdown and rapidly decreased to below 1 due to containment and mitigation strategies of the Chinese government. The in Italy declined at a slower pace than that in China after the implementation of prevention and control measures. The in Iran showed a certain decline after the establishment of a national epidemic control command, and an evident stationary phase occurred because the best window period for the prevention and control of the epidemic was missed. The epidemic in Japan and South Korea reoccurred several times with the fluctuating greatly. The epidemic has hardly rebounded in China due to the implementation of prevention and control strategies and the effective enforcement of policies. Other countries suffering from the epidemic could learn from the Chinese experience in containing COVID-19.

关键词: COVID-19     epidemic control comparison     Chinese experience    

Medical applications of phytoestrogens from the Thai herb


《医学前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第1期   页码 8-21 doi: 10.1007/s11684-012-0184-8


Pueraria mirifica Airy Shaw et Suvatabandhu is a medicinal plant endemic to Thailand. It has been used in Thai folklore medicine for its rejuvenating qualities in aged women and men for nearly one hundred years. Indeed, it has been claimed that P. mirifica contains active phytoestrogens (plant substances with estrogen-like activity). Using high performance liquid chromatography, at least 17 phytoestrogens, mainly isoflavones, have been isolated. Thus, fairly considerable scientific researches, both in vitro in cell lines and in vivo in various species of animals including humans, have been conducted to date to address its estrogenic activity on the reproductive organs, bones, cardiovascular diseases and other climacteric related symptoms. The antioxidative capacity and antiproliferative effect on tumor cell lines have also been assessed. In general, P. mirifica could be applicable for preventing, or as a therapeutic for, the symptoms related to estrogen deficiency in menopausal women as well as in andropausal men. However, the optimal doses for each desirable effect and the balance to avoid undesired side effects need to be calculated before use.

关键词: white Kwao Krua     miroestrol     estrogenic activity     reproduction     osteoporosis     breast cancer     Alzheimer    

Progress on major genes for high fecundity in ewes

Qiuyue LIU,Zhangyuan PAN,Xiangyu WANG,Wenping HU,Ran DI,Yaxing YAO,Mingxing CHU

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2014年 第1卷 第4期   页码 282-290 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2014042

摘要: The existence of major genes affecting fecundity in sheep flocks throughout the world has been demonstrated. Three major genes whose mutations can increase ovulation rate have been discovered, and all related to the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) superfamily. The mutant of bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1B (BMPR1B) has an additive effect on ovulation rate. Six mutations ( , , , , , ) of bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) related with fertility have been identified that share the same mechanism. All the mutants can increase ovulation rate in heterozygotes and cause complete sterility in homozygotes. Homozygous ewes with two new mutations ( ) of BMP15 had increased ovulation rate without causing sterility. There are five mutations in growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) associated with sheep prolificacy where and have additive an effect on ovulation rate and litter size. The newly identified β-1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2 ( ) gene of is proposed as a new mechanism of ovulation rate regulation in sheep. is an X-linked maternally imprinted gene which increases ovulation rate. In addition, several putative major genes need to be verified. This review is focused on the identification of the mutations and mechanisms whereby the major genes affecting ovulation rate.

关键词: major gene     ovulation rate     sheep     reproduction    



《中国工程科学》 2001年 第3卷 第6期   页码 33-36


发展海洋鱼类的增殖和养殖是海洋鱼类资源的合理开发利用与持续性发展的根本措施和策略。因此,发展和提高海洋鱼类的增殖养殖技术,特别是做为增养殖基础的人工繁殖和苗种培育新技术,是海洋生物技术的一个重要研究领域。近年来在诱导海洋鱼类性腺发育成熟和改善卵子质量、排卵与产卵、提早性成熟和性别 转换,调控海洋养殖鱼类在全年都能性腺发育成熟和产卵、改善幼苗培育与提高成活率和生长率以及采用基因 工程技术生产各种促进鱼类生殖与生长的激素与神经肽等方面都取得明显进展,并且显示良好的生产应用前景。

关键词: 海洋鱼类增殖和养殖     人工繁殖     苗种培养     生物工程技术    

建坝河流鱼类繁殖的流速调控 Article

陈求稳, 张建云, 陈宇琛, 莫康乐, 王骏, 唐磊, 林育青, 陈磊, 高勇, 姜伟, 张与馨

《工程(英文)》 2021年 第7卷 第2期   页码 178-186 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.06.013



关键词: 筑坝     四大家鱼     种群管理     生态流域     长江    


赵玉凤,谢炜,裴丹,王其军,张立华,段玉秋,李 琴,刘艳丽,王 英

《中国工程科学》 2015年 第17卷 第6期   页码 36-40


目的:分析连云港市病残儿童资料,通过孕前优生健康检查干预其近五年病残儿父母再生育,预防病残儿的发生风险。方法:对连云港市2008―2012年经过医学鉴定的病残儿的资料进行分析,比较其五年间数量、地区、性别分布、疾病顺位变化等,发放调查问卷了解其在生育病残儿之前的基本情况;再次怀孕后有无优生指导、超生排畸、唐筛、妊娠结局、分娩方式等调查,分析干预效果。结果:近五年通过医学鉴定符合病残儿童标准的1 046例五年间无明显变化;城区较农村多;男性较女性多;疾病顺位排序先天性心脏病位于第一位。通过干预,收回问卷中先天性心脏病父母再生育72例均为正常儿,其次脑瘫患儿父母再生育35例均为正常儿。结论:病残儿鉴定父母通过孕前优生健康检查,完成整个孕前保健、风险评估到个性化咨询指导一系列干预后再生育均为正常儿,干预效果明显,减少了不良妊娠结局的发生,对预防和降低再次生育病残儿的发生非常重要。

关键词: 病残儿;出生缺陷;孕前优生健康指导;再生育干预    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

What will the future hold for artificial organs in the service of assisted reproduction: prospects and

Mara Simopoulou, Konstantinos Sfakianoudis, Petroula Tsioulou, Anna Rapani, Polina Giannelou, Nikolaos Kiriakopoulos, Agni Pantou, Nikolaos Vlahos, George Anifandis, Stamatis Bolaris, Konstantinos Pantos, Michael Koutsilieris


Estimation of reproduction numbers of COVID-19 in typical countries and epidemic trends under different

Chen Xu, Yinqiao Dong, Xiaoyue Yu, Huwen Wang, Lhakpa Tsamlag, Shuxian Zhang, Ruijie Chang, Zezhou Wang, Yuelin Yu, Rusi Long, Ying Wang, Gang Xu, Tian Shen, Suping Wang, Xinxin Zhang, Hui Wang, Yong Cai


Linking key intervention timings to rapid declining effective reproduction number to quantify lessons

Zhihang Peng, Wenyu Song, Zhongxing Ding, Quanquan Guan, Xu Yang, Qiaoqiao Xu, Xu Wang, Yankai Xia


Medical applications of phytoestrogens from the Thai herb



Progress on major genes for high fecundity in ewes

Qiuyue LIU,Zhangyuan PAN,Xiangyu WANG,Wenping HU,Ran DI,Yaxing YAO,Mingxing CHU






陈求稳, 张建云, 陈宇琛, 莫康乐, 王骏, 唐磊, 林育青, 陈磊, 高勇, 姜伟, 张与馨



赵玉凤,谢炜,裴丹,王其军,张立华,段玉秋,李 琴,刘艳丽,王 英
