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Veena Sahajwalla

《工程(英文)》 2018年 第4卷 第3期   页码 309-310 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2018.05.011

Chromium steel from chromite ore processing residue----A valuable construction material from a waste


《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第2期   页码 159-166 doi: 10.1007/s11783-011-0325-3

摘要: As species we humans generate excessive amounts of waste and hence for sustainability we should explore innovative ways to recover them. The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate an efficient and optimum way to recover chromium and iron from chromite ore processing residues (COPR) for the production of chrome steel and stainless steel. In Hudson County, New Jersey, there are more than two million tons of leftover COPR. Part of COPR was used as fill materials for construction sites, which spread the problem to a larger area. With high solubility along with their toxicity leached chromate from COPR is threatening the environment as well as human health. In this research, COPR was thermally treated to recover iron with chromium by applying techniques used in steel manufacturing. An extensive experimental program was performed using a Thermo-Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) and bench scale tests to thermally treat the processed chromium contaminated soils with carbon and sand at varying temperatures and under reducing environment. The optimum chemical composition of COPR and additives to be used in the melts were evaluated based upon the thermodynamic properties of the mixture to ensure good phase separation, least amounts of iron and chromium oxides in the slag and minimum variability of final product (steel or iron with chromium). The impact of other oxides on the steel making process was evaluated to minimize the adverse impact on the process. The research demonstrated the feasibility of recovering a valuable construction material (chrome steel) from a waste (COPR).

关键词: chromite ore processing residue     chromium steel     reduction     thermal treatment     beneficial use    

Increasing significance of advanced physical/chemical processes in the development and application of sustainable wastewater treatment systems


《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2008年 第2卷 第4期   页码 385-396 doi: 10.1007/s11783-008-0073-1

摘要: The awareness of the problem of the scarcity of water of high quality has strongly changed the approach of wastewater treatment. Currently, there is an increasing need for the beneficial reuse of treated wastewater and to recover valuable products and energy from the wastewater. Because microbiological treatment methods are, only to a limited part, able to satisfy these needs, the role and significance of physical/chemical processes in wastewater treatment are gaining more and more interest. The specific future role and aim of the various physical/chemical treatment processes can be categorized in five groups: improvement of the performance of microbiological treatment processes, achievement of the high quality required for reuse of the effluent, recovery of valuable components and energy from the wastewater for beneficial reuse, desalination of brackish water and seawater, and treatment of concentrated liquid or solid waste residues produced in a wastewater treatment process. Development of more environmentally sustainable wastewater treatment chains in which physical/chemical processes play a crucial role, also requires application of process control and modeling strategies. This is briefly introduced by the elaboration of treatment scenarios for three specific wastewaters.

关键词: control     beneficial     valuable     scarcity     Development    

Separation and extraction of bridge dynamic strain data

Baijian WU, Zhaoxia LI, Ying WANG, T. H. T. CHAN,

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2009年 第3卷 第4期   页码 395-400 doi: 10.1007/s11709-009-0049-7

摘要: Through comparing the measured data of dynamic strains due to loading and temperature by the stain gauge and temperature sensor at the same location, the information in the strain data was divided into three parts in the frequency domain by using the defined index named power spectral density (PSD)-ratio index. The three parts are dominated respectively by temperature varying, stresses, and noises and thus can be distinguished from the determined the separatrix frequencies. Also, a simple algorithm was developed to separate the three types of information and to extract the strain caused mainly by structural stresses. As an application of the proposed method, the effect of strain deformation and noises on the fatigue assessment was investigated based on the separated data. The results show that, the determined values of separatrix frequencies are valuable for the monitoring data from other bridges. The algorithm is a multiresolution and hierarchical method, which has been validated as a simple and effective method for data analyses, and is suitable for the compression and preprocessing of the great amount monitoring data and easy to be integrated into the structural health monitoring (SHM) soft system. The strain due to temperature varying attributes a little to the errors of fatigue assessment; however, the noises or random disturbance existed in the monitoring data have much responsibility for the errors, and the main reason is that the random disturbance shifts the real strain/stress amplitude picked up by real structural stress or strain.

关键词: dynamic     valuable     separatrix     strain/stress amplitude     frequency    

Effect of renal function and hemodialysis on the serum tumor markers in patients with chronic kidney disease

YU Xiaofang, XU Xialian, YE Zhibin

《医学前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第3期   页码 308-311 doi: 10.1007/s11684-007-0059-6

摘要: In patients with chronic renal failure, whether they have had hemodialysis or not, the specificity of some of the serum tumor markers for the diagnosis of the corresponding tumors is decreased while others remain as valuable as they are in patients with normal kidney function. The detection of tumor markers is extensively used for the diagnosis of corresponding tumors. It has been recently shown that some tumor markers are higher in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) than in the normal population. The effects of renal function and hemodialysis were examined on serum levels of some of the tumor markers including CEA, CA, CA, AFP, CA, CA, CYFRA, NSE, SCC-Ag, PSA, and fPSA. The 232 non-dialysis patients with CKD and 37 chronic uremic patients treated with maintenance hemodialysis were enrolled in this study. The 232 non-dialysis patients were divided into three groups according to their Ccr. In group 1, Ccr was ≤25 mL/min. In group 2, Ccr was between 25 and 50 mL/min. In group 3, Ccr was ≥50 mL/min. The male patients were also divided into three groups to compare the serum levels of PSA and fPSA among the three groups. Nine tumor markers in 37 uremic patients were tested. For comparison, 37 non-dialysis patients with similar Ccr of the same age and gender served as controls. There existed significant differences in serum levels of CEA, CA, CYFRA, NSE, and SCC-Ag among different Ccr groups and the markers bore a negative correlation with Ccr. There were no significant differences among the three groups in the serum concentrations of CA, AFP, CA, CA, PSA and fPSA. The serum levels of CA and NSE were significantly higher (199, CYFRA, NSE, CA and SCC-Ag for the diagnosis of the corresponding tumors was decreased while serum AFP, CA, CA, PSA and fPSA were as valuable as they were in patients with normal kidney function. Hemodialysis further increased the serum level of CA and NSE.

关键词: CKD     non-dialysis     valuable     detection     chronic    

Coextraction of vanadium and manganese from high-manganese containing vanadium wastewater by a solvent extraction-precipitation process

Zishuai Liu, Yimin Zhang, Zilin Dai, Jing Huang, Cong Liu

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第5期   页码 902-912 doi: 10.1007/s11705-019-1887-z

摘要: High-manganese containing vanadium wastewater (HMVW) is commonly produced during the vanadium extraction process from vanadium titano-magnetite. HMVW cannot be reused and discharged directly, and is harmful to the environment and affect product quality due to heavy metals in the wastewater. The wastewater is usually treated by lime neutralization, but valuable metals (especially V and Mn) cannot be recovered. In this study, an efficient and environmentally friendly method was developed to recover valuable metals by using a solvent extraction-precipitation process. In the solvent extraction process, 98.15% of vanadium was recovered, and the V O product, with a purity of 98.60%, was obtained under optimal conditions. For the precipitation process, 91.05% of manganese was recovered as MnCO which meets the III grade standard of HG/T 2836-2011. Thermodynamic simulation analysis indicated that MnCO was selectively precipitated at pH 6.5 while Mg and Ca could hardly be precipitated. The results of X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that the obtained V O and MnCO displayed a good degree of crystallinity. The treated wastewater can be returned for leaching, and resources (V and Mn) in the wastewater were utilized efficiently in an environmentally friendly way. Therefore, this study provides a novel method for the coextraction of V and Mn from HMVW.

关键词: high-manganese containing vanadium wastewater     solvent extraction     carbonate precipitation     vanadium titano-magnetite     valuable metal recovery    

废锂离子电池中有价金属回收的研究进展 Review

郑晓洪, 朱泽文, 林晓, 张懿, 何艺, 曹宏斌, 孙峙

《工程(英文)》 2018年 第4卷 第3期   页码 361-370 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2018.05.018



关键词: 废锂离子电池     有价金属     预处理     金属提取     产品制备     回收    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作


Veena Sahajwalla


Chromium steel from chromite ore processing residue----A valuable construction material from a waste



Increasing significance of advanced physical/chemical processes in the development and application of sustainable wastewater treatment systems



Separation and extraction of bridge dynamic strain data

Baijian WU, Zhaoxia LI, Ying WANG, T. H. T. CHAN,


Effect of renal function and hemodialysis on the serum tumor markers in patients with chronic kidney disease

YU Xiaofang, XU Xialian, YE Zhibin


Coextraction of vanadium and manganese from high-manganese containing vanadium wastewater by a solvent extraction-precipitation process

Zishuai Liu, Yimin Zhang, Zilin Dai, Jing Huang, Cong Liu



郑晓洪, 朱泽文, 林晓, 张懿, 何艺, 曹宏斌, 孙峙
