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Adsorption and desorption of steroid hormones on saline soil
《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第11期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-022-1575-y
● Organic matter content significantly affected adsorption of E2/EE2 on saline soil.
关键词: Saline soil Steroid hormones Adsorption Desorption Soil organic matter
Isolation and characterization of a bacterial strain that efficiently degrades sex steroid hormones
JI Shulan, LIU Zhipeng, REN Haiyan, LIU Zhipei
《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第3期 页码 325-328 doi: 10.1007/s11783-007-0055-8
关键词: maltose optimum temperature prophylactic 3-methoxy-17-hydroxy-1 3 5 addition
JU Ying, CHEN Lan, JIANG Qi, YANG Kedi, CHEN Xuemin, XU Guojian, LI Liping
《医学前沿(英文)》 2008年 第2卷 第3期 页码 276-282 doi: 10.1007/s11684-008-0052-8
Effect of biochar amendment on soil’s retention capacity for estrogenic hormones from poultry manure
Sukhjot MANN, Zhiming QI, Shiv O. PRASHER, Lanhai LI, Dongwei GUI, Qianjing JIANG
《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第2期 页码 208-219 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2017138
关键词: adsorption degradation dissolved organic carbon 17β-estradiol (E2) estrone (E1)
《中国工程科学》 2014年 第16卷 第9期 页码 86-92
采用组织学、形态学及电化学等技术方法,研究了人工养殖条件下美洲鲥鱼雌性亲鱼卵巢发育和性类固醇激素的周期变化规律。结果表明,美洲鲥鱼属于非同步分批产卵类型;根据卵巢外部形状大小及色泽等的不同,可将美洲鲥鱼卵巢发育过程分为6 个时期;根据卵母细胞的形态结构、卵黄物质的积累和滤泡细胞的变化,将卵子发生划分为6 个时相;卵巢周期变化过程中,肝脏指数(HSI)和肥满度(CF)变化不显著,性腺指数(GSI)与血浆中雌二醇(E2)水平表现出与性腺发育协同一致的变化规律。
Ling-Yan XU PhD, Xin-Ran MA PhD, Xiao-Ying LI PhD, MD, Shu WANG PhD, Guang NING PhD, MD, Jie-Li LI PhD, Jian-Ming XU PhD,
《医学前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第2期 页码 229-234 doi: 10.1007/s11684-010-0028-3
关键词: steroid receptor coactivator-3 white adipose tissue brown adipose tissue obesity adipocytes energy expenditure
《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第2期 页码 197-213 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2021433
Interactions between above and below ground parts of plants can be considered under the (overlapping) categories of energy, material and information. Solar energy powers photosynthesis and transpiration by above ground structures, and drives most water uptake through roots and supplies energy as organic matter to below ground parts, including diazotrophic symbionts and mycorrhizas. Material transfer occurs as water and dissolved soil-derived elements transport up the xylem, and a small fraction of water moving up the xylem with dissolved organic carbon and other solutes down the phloem. The cytosolic nature of sieve tubes accounts for at least some of the cycling of K, Mg and P down the phloem. NO3– assimilation of above ground parts requires organic N transport down phloem with, in some cases, organic anions related to shoot acid-base regulation. Long-distance information transfer is related development, biotic and abiotic damage, and above and below ground resource excess and limitation. Information transfer can involve hydraulic, electrical and chemical signaling, with their varying speeds of transmission and information content. Interaction of above and below ground plant parts is an important component of the ecosystem service of storing atmospheric CO2 as organic C in soil, a process that has decreased since the origin of agriculture.
关键词: aerenchyma / carbon accumulation / hormones / phloem / xylem
Role of water chemistry on estrone removal by nanofiltration with the presence of hydrophobic acids
Xue JIN,Jiangyong HU
《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第9卷 第1期 页码 164-170 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0747-9
关键词: indirect potable water reuse steroid hormone nanofiltration(NF) rejection water chemistry hydrophobic acids
月经周期中免疫球蛋白G N-糖基化的周期性变化 Article
Julija Jurić, Hongli Peng, Manshu Song, Frano Vučković, Jelena Šimunović, Irena Trbojević-Akmačić, Youxin Wang, Jiaonan Liu, Qing Gao, Hao Wang, Qiaoyun Chu, Marija Pezer, Wei Wang, Gordan Lauc
《工程(英文)》 2023年 第26卷 第7期 页码 108-118 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.10.020
免疫球蛋白G(IgG)是最丰富的血浆糖蛋白,也是重要的体液免疫介质。聚糖组成影响IgG 对配体的亲和力以及随之而来的免疫反应。IgG N-糖基化的修饰被认为是性激素调节免疫系统的各种机制之一。虽然月经周期是大多数育龄妇女中与性激素相关的中枢生理过程,但月经周期中的IgG N-糖基化动力学尚未得到研究。为了填补这一空白,本研究使用亲水相互作用超高效液相色谱(HILIC-UPLC)分析了70 名绝经前健康妇女在月经周期的12 个时间点(每7 天一次,持续3 个月)的血浆IgG N-聚糖。研究观察到IgG N-糖基化的周期性变化与月经周期阶段和血浆中的性激素浓度有关。在综合队列水平上,每种性状的模拟平均月经周期对IgG N-糖基化性状丰度的影响较低,无半乳糖基化N-聚糖的峰值为1.1%。然而,在某些情况下,个体自身变化相对较高;例如,月经周期中唾液酸化N-聚糖的最小值和最大值之间的最大差异高达21%。在所有测量中,月经周期阶段可以解释单半乳糖基化的单个IgG 糖基化性状丰度高达0.72%的变化。相比之下,高达99%的双半乳糖基化丰度变化可归因于IgG N-糖基化的个体差异。总之,月经周期中发生的IgG N-聚糖模式变化的平均程度很小;因此,无论月经周期阶段如何,都可以在大样本量研究中对女性进行IgG N-聚糖谱分析。
标题 作者 时间 类型 操作
Isolation and characterization of a bacterial strain that efficiently degrades sex steroid hormones
JI Shulan, LIU Zhipeng, REN Haiyan, LIU Zhipei
Analyses of levels of thyroid hormones and its receptor expression in puerperants and newborns from an
JU Ying, CHEN Lan, JIANG Qi, YANG Kedi, CHEN Xuemin, XU Guojian, LI Liping
Effect of biochar amendment on soil’s retention capacity for estrogenic hormones from poultry manure
Sukhjot MANN, Zhiming QI, Shiv O. PRASHER, Lanhai LI, Dongwei GUI, Qianjing JIANG
Ablation of steroid receptor coactivator-3 in mice impairs adipogenesis and enhances energy expenditure
Ling-Yan XU PhD, Xin-Ran MA PhD, Xiao-Ying LI PhD, MD, Shu WANG PhD, Guang NING PhD, MD, Jie-Li LI PhD, Jian-Ming XU PhD,
Role of water chemistry on estrone removal by nanofiltration with the presence of hydrophobic acids
Xue JIN,Jiangyong HU