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An old issue and a new challenge for nuclear reactor safety


《能源前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第4期   页码 854-859 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0729-0

摘要: Nuclear reactor safety (NRS) and the branch accident analysis (AA) constitute proven technologies: these are based on, among the other things, long lasting research and operational experience in the area of water cooled nuclear reactors (WCNR). Large break loss of coolant accident (LBLOCA) has been, so far, the orienting scenario within AA and a basis for the design of reactors. An incomplete vision for those technologies during the last few years is as follows: Progress in fundamentals was stagnant, namely in those countries where the WCNR were designed. Weaknesses became evident, noticeably in relation to nuclear fuel under high burn-up. Best estimate plus uncertainty (BEPU) techniques were perfected and available for application. Electronic and informatics systems were in extensive use and their impact in case of accident becomes more and more un-checked (however, quite irrelevant in case of LBLOCA). The time delay between technological discoveries and applications was becoming longer. The present paper deals with the LBLOCA that is inserted into the above context. Key conclusion is that regulations need suitable modification, rather than lowering the importance and the role of LBLOCA. Moreover, strengths of emergency core cooling system (ECCS) and containment need a tight link.

关键词: large break loss of coolant accident (LBLOCA)     nuclear reactor safety (NRS)     licensing perspectives     basis for design of water cooled nuclear reactors (WCNR)    

Preliminary design of an SCO conversion system applied to the sodium cooled fast reactor

《能源前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第4期   页码 832-841 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0777-5

摘要: The supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) Brayton cycle has become an ideal power conversion system for sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFR) due to its high efficiency, compactness, and avoidance of sodium-water reaction. In this paper, the 1200 MWe large pool SFR (CFR1200) is used as the heat source of the system, and the sodium circuit temperature and the heat load are the operating boundaries of the cycle system. The performance of different SCO2 Brayton cycle systems and changes in key equipment performance are compared. The study indicates that the inter-stage cooling and recompression cycle has the best match with the heat source characte-ristics of the SFR, and the cycle efficiency is the highest (40.7%). Then, based on the developed system transient analysis program (FR-Sdaso), a pool-type SFR power plant system analysis model based on the inter-stage cooling and recompression cycle is established. In addition, the matching between the inter-stage cooling recompression cycle and the SFR during the load cycle of the power plant is studied. The analysis shows that when the nuclear island adopts the flow-advanced operation strategy and the carbon dioxide flowrate in the SCO2 power conversion system is adjusted with the goal of maintaining the sodium-carbon dioxide heat exchanger sodium side outlet temperature unchanged, the inter-stage cooling recompression cycle can match the operation of the SFR very well.

关键词: sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR)     supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2)     brayton cycle     load cycle    

行波堆:设计与开发 Review

John Gilleland, Robert Petroski, Kevan Weaver

《工程(英文)》 2016年 第2卷 第1期   页码 88-96 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2016.01.024


行波堆为一次通过式燃料循环反应堆,其利用堆芯自增殖大大降低了对浓缩和后处理的需求。自增殖将次临界换料燃料转化为新的临界燃料,从而使增殖燃烧波得以扩散。该理念建立在增殖燃烧波和燃料的相对移动的基础上。因此,燃料或增殖燃烧波相对于固定的观察器而言是移动的。行波堆最实用的体现就是能够在将核反应保持在同一位置的同时移动燃料——有时行波堆也被称为“驻波堆”。行波堆能够使用换料铀燃料运行,换料铀燃料包括完全贫化铀、天然铀和低浓缩铀燃料( 即235U含量为5.5 %或更低的燃料),这些燃料通常在快谱中达不到临界状态。轻水反应堆卸出的乏燃料也可以作为行波堆的换料燃料。上述情况均无需后处理即可实现极高的燃料利用率和燃料废物量的显著降低。当换料燃料为贫化铀时,行波堆的最大优势得以实现,即在启动后,无需浓缩设施,就可维持最先启动的反应堆和一连串后续的反应堆的运行。自2006年起,泰拉能源公司(TerraPower) 与50 多个机构高度协作,开展了概念设计、工程设计和相关技术开发活动,力争到2026年实现将第一个机组投入使用。本文总结了行波堆技术,包括它的发展计划及其进展,分析了行波堆的社会和经济效益。

关键词: 核能     发电     先进反应堆     行波堆     可持续性    

Dielectric barrier micro-plasma reactor with segmented outer electrode for decomposition of pure CO

Baowei Wang, Xiaoxi Wang, Bo Zhang

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第3期   页码 687-697 doi: 10.1007/s11705-020-1974-1

摘要: Four coaxial cylinder dielectric barrier discharge micro-plasma reactors were designed for the non-catalytic decomposition of pure CO into CO and O at low temperature and ambient pressure. The influence of segmented outer electrodes on the electrical characteristics and the reaction performance was investigated. Experimental results indicated that the introduction of segmented outer electrodes can significantly promote the decomposition of CO . Encouragingly, the highest conversion of 13.1% was obtained at an applied voltage of 18 kV, which was a substantial increase of 39.4% compared to the traditional device. Compared with other types of dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactors, the proposed segmented outer electrode micro-plasma reactor can give a higher CO conversion and acceptable energy efficiency. The increase in conversion can be attributed mainly to the enhanced corona discharge caused by the fringe effect at electrode edges, the increase in energy density and the increase in the number of micro-discharges. In addition, detailed electrical characterization was performed to reveal some trends in the electrical behavior of proposed reactors.

关键词: CO2 decomposition     dielectric barrier discharge     segmented outer electrodes     electrical analysis     reactor design    

Metallic wastewater treatment by sulfate reduction using anaerobic rotating biological contactor reactor

Mothe Gopi Kiran, Kannan Pakshirajan, Gopal Das

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第4期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-018-1073-4


An-RBC reactor is highly suited to treat metallic wastewater.

Metal removal is due to sulfide precipitation via sulfate reduction by SRB.

Cu(II) removal was the best among the different heavy metals.

Maximum metal removal is achieved at low metal loading condition.

Metal removal matched well with the solubility product values of respective metal sulfide salts.

关键词: Factorial design analysis     sulfate reducing bacteria     multi-metal solution     heavy metal removal     anaerobic rotating biological contactor reactor     high metal loading.    

中国ADS 铅基反应堆设计与研发进展 Review


《工程(英文)》 2016年 第2卷 第1期   页码 124-131 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2016.01.023


2011年,在中国科学院战略性先导专项“未来先进核裂变能——加速器驱动次临界嬗变系统”等项目的支持下,针对加速器驱动次临界系统和第四代铅冷快堆的技术发展目标和试验要求,完成了具有临界和加速器驱动次临界双模式运行能力的10 MW中国铅基研究堆CLEAR-I的概念设计,建成了KYLIN系列铅铋回路试验平台,并在此基础上开展了反应堆冷却剂技术、关键组件、结构材料与燃料、反应堆运行与控制技术等铅铋反应堆关键技术的研发。为验证及测试铅基堆关键组件和综合操作技术,正在开展铅合金冷却非核反应堆CLEAR-S、铅基零功率核反应堆CLEAR-0和铅基虚拟反应堆CLEAR-V的建设。

关键词: 加速器驱动次临界系统     中国铅基反应堆     铅铋共晶     技术研发进展    

Compact solar-powered plasma water generator: enhanced germination of aged seed with the corona dielectric barrier discharger

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024573


● Developed a novel solar-powered corona dielectric barrier discharge (cDBD) microreactor for sustainable agriculture.

关键词: Non-thermal plasma     plant growth     reactor design     seed germination    

Latest research progress for LBE coolant reactor of China initiative accelerator driven system project

《能源前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第4期   页码 810-831 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0760-1

摘要: China’s accelerator driven subcritical system (ADS) development has made significant progress during the past decade. With the successful construction and operation of the international prototype of ADS superconducting proton linac, the lead-based critical/subcritical zero-power facility VENUS-II and the comprehensive thermal-hydraulic and material test facilities for LBE (lead bismuth eutectic) coolant, China is playing a pivotal role in advanced steady-state operations toward the next step, the ADS project. The China initiative Accelerator Driven System (CiADS) is the next facility for China’s ADS program, aimed to bridge the gaps between the ADS experiment and the LBE cooled subcritical reactor. The total power of the CiADS will reach 10 MW. The CiADS engineering design was approved by Chinese government in 2018. Since then, the CiADS project has been fully transferred to the construction application stage. The subcritical reactor is an important part of the whole CiADS project. Currently, a pool-type LBE cooled fast reactor is chosen as the subcritical reactor of the CiADS. Physical and thermal experiments and software development for LBE coolant were conducted simultaneously to support the design and construction of the CiADS LBE-cooled subcritical reactor. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce the efforts made in China in the LBE-cooled fast reactor to provide certain supporting data and reference solutions for further design and development for ADS. Thus, the roadmap of China’s ADS, the development process of the CiADS, the important design of the current CiADS subcritical reactor, and the efforts to build the LBE-cooled fast reactor are presented.

关键词: LBE (lead bismuth eutectic) coolant reactor     China initiative Accelerator Driven System (CiADS) project     research progress    



《中国工程科学》 2009年 第11卷 第11期   页码 17-21


采用蒙特卡罗程序MCNP/4B模拟计算了功率为30 kW的低浓化医院中子照射器的堆芯物理参数,设计了合理的堆芯布置方案、235U富集度、控制棒价值、后备反应性和停堆深度,得到固有安全性较高、寿期达10年且无需换料、采用低浓化UO2燃料的医院中子照射器的堆芯物理设计方案,为后续反应堆工程设计以及硼中子俘获治疗肿瘤用中子束的设计提供理论依据。

关键词: 医院中子照射器     硼中子俘获治疗     反应性    


W. Touran Nicholas,Gilleland John,T. Malmgren Graham,Whitmer Charles,H. Gates III William

《工程(英文)》 2017年 第3卷 第4期   页码 518-526 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2017.04.016


先进核反应堆可为全世界提供安全、清洁、可靠的电能。从概念设计前期,到详细设计工作、执照申请和电站运行等不同阶段,开发先进核反应堆对计算模型的依赖程度都非常高。一个综合性反应堆建模框架不仅可以实现无缝通信、连接、自动化和连续开发等功能,更可以极大地提高反应堆设计工作的能力和效率。在这种系统中,各种关键性能指标(如最优燃料管理、设计基础事故状态下包壳的峰值温度、平准化发电成本等)可以明确地与设计输入数据(如集成模块管道的厚度、容差等数据)联系在一起,保证极高的设计一致性。此系统结合高性能计算系统之后,能够同时执行数千个集成的案例对整个系统进行敏感性分析,从而高效、可靠地评估各种设计,确定最优方案。TerraPower 公司开发了一款类似的工具,他们将其命名为“高级反应堆建模接口系统”(ARMI),并已将其应用于目前正在开发的TerraPower 行波反应堆设计及其他创新性能源产品的设计工作中。ARMI 系统使用之前已有的、具有强大谱系的各种工具,以及创新性设计所需的多种新的物理和数据管理模块。此系统将之前已有的和各种新的物理测量值(这些数据对任何优秀的设计而言都是非常重要的基础数据)进行了对比确认和验证。本文综述了集成反应堆堆芯工程设计工具的情况和TerraPower 公司的生产实践情况。

关键词: 模拟     核能     发电     先进反应堆     行波反应堆    

水力空化反应器的最新进展——空化机理、反应器设计与应用 Review

Haoxuan Zheng, Ying Zheng, Jesse Zhu

《工程(英文)》 2022年 第19卷 第12期   页码 180-198 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.04.027



关键词: 水动力空化作用     空化核     羟基自由基     固定/旋转水动力空化反应器     反应增强     空化应用    

Impact of roxarsone on the UASB reactor performance and its degradation

Mengchuan Shui, Feng Ji, Rui Tang, Shoujun Yuan, Xinmin Zhan, Wei Wang, Zhenhu Hu

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第6期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-016-0871-9

摘要: Impact of continuous ROX addition on performance of UASB reactor was investigated With continuous ROX addition, severe inhibition to methanogenic activity occurred ROX addition caused the changes in the morphology and bacterial diversity of AGS A possible biotransformation pathway of ROX in the UASB reactor was proposed 60%–70% of the arsenic was discharged to the effluent, and 30%–40% was precipitated Roxarsone (3-nitro-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid, ROX) has been widely used for decades as an organoarsenic feed additive to control intestinal parasites and improve feed efficiency in animal production. However, most of the ROX is excreted into the manure, causing arsenic contamination in wastewater. The arsenic compounds are toxic to microorganisms, but the influence of continuous ROX loading on upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor is still unknown. In this study, the impact of ROX and its degradation products on the performance of the UASB reactor and the degradation and speciation of ROX in the reactor were investigated. The UASB reactor (hydraulic retention time: 1.75 d) was operated using synthetic wastewater supplemented with ROX for a period of 260 days. With continuous ROX addition at 25.0 mg?L , severe inhibition to methanogenic activity occurred after 87 days operation accompanied with an accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and a decline in pH. The decrease of added ROX concentration to 13.2 mg?L did not mediate the inhibition. As(III), As(V), MMA(V), DMA(V), HAPA and an unknown arsenic compound were detected in the reactor, and a possible biotransformation pathway of ROX was proposed. Mass balance analysis of arsenic indicated that 60%–70% of the arsenic was discharged into the effluent, and 30%–40% was precipitated in the reactor. The results from this study suggest that we need to pay attention to the stability in the UASB reactors treating organoarsenic-contaminated manure and wastewater, and the effluent and sludge from the reactor to avoid diffusion of arsenic contamination.

关键词: Anaerobic digestion     Anaerobic granular sludge (AGS)     Arsenic species     Impact     Roxarsone (ROX)     UASB reactor    



《中国工程科学》 2012年 第14卷 第8期   页码 33-37


采用蒙特卡罗程序(Monte Carlo neutron and photo transport code, MCNP)对医院中子照射器I型堆(IHNI-1)超热中子束流孔道的慢化层、反射层进行了优化设计。首先对FLUENTAL、Al等材料组成的6种慢化体方案进行了分析比较,给出了孔道出口处超热中子通量密度较大的两种设计方案;基于此两种慢化体设计方案,在保持束流孔道外框尺寸不变情况下,对慢化体周围的反射层进行了分析比较,给出了反射层的推荐方案;基于慢化体和反射层优化方案,最后给出了超热中子束流孔道出口处束流参数的空间分布。

关键词: 医院中子照射器I型堆     超热中子束流     中子通量密度    

Advances in the slurry reactor technology of the anthraquinone process for H

Hongbo Li, Bo Zheng, Zhiyong Pan, Baoning Zong, Minghua Qiao

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第1期   页码 124-131 doi: 10.1007/s11705-017-1676-5

摘要: This paper overviews the development of the anthraquinone auto-oxidation (AO) process for the production of hydrogen peroxide in China and abroad. The characteristics and differences between the fixed-bed and fluidized-bed reactors for the AO process are presented. The detailed comparison indicates that the production of hydrogen peroxide with the fluidized-bed reactor has many advantages, such as lower operation cost and catalyst consumption, less anthraquinone degradation, higher catalyst utilization efficiency, and higher hydrogenation efficiency. The key characters of the production technology of hydrogen peroxide based on the fluidized-bed reactor developed by the Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Sinopec are also disclosed. It is apparent that substituting the fluidized-bed reactor for the fixed-bed reactor is a major direction of breakthrough for the production technology of hydrogen peroxide in China.

关键词: anthraquinone process     fixed-bed reactor     slurry-bed reactor     hydrogen peroxide    

Nitrogen-retaining property of compost in an aerobic thermophilic composting reactor for the sanitary

Fan BAI, Xiaochang WANG,

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第2期   页码 228-234 doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-0022-7

摘要: Aerobic composting is a method for the sanitary disposal of human feces as is used in bio-toilet systems. As the products of composting can be utilized as a fertilizer, it would be beneficial if the composting conditions could be more precisely controlled for the retention of fecal nitrogen as long as possible in the compost. In this study, batch experiments were conducted using a closed aerobic thermophilic composting reactor with sawdust as the bulk matrix to simulate the condition of a bio-toilet for the sanitary disposal of human feces. Attention was paid to the characteristics of nitrogen transformation. Under the controlled conditions of temperature at 60°C, moisture content at 60%, and a continuous air supply, more than 70% fecal organic removal was obtained, while merely 17% fecal nitrogen loss was observed over a two-week composting period. The nitrogen loss was found to occur mainly in the first 24 h with the rapid depletion of inorganic nitrogen but with an almost unchanged organic nitrogen content. The fecal NH–N which was the main component of the inorganic nitrogen (>90%) decreased rapidly in the first day, decreased at a slower rate over the following days, and finally disappeared entirely. The depletion of NH–N was accompanied by the accumulation of NH gas in the ammonia absorber connected to the reactor. A mass balance between the exhausted NH gas and the fecal NH–N content in the first 24 hours indicated that the conversion of ammonium into gaseous ammonia was the main reason for nitrogen loss. Thermophilic composting could be considered as a way to keep a high organic nitrogen content in the compost for better utilization as a fertilizer.

关键词: nitrogen retention     composting reactor     human feces     aerobic     thermophilic     fertilizer    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

An old issue and a new challenge for nuclear reactor safety



Preliminary design of an SCO conversion system applied to the sodium cooled fast reactor



John Gilleland, Robert Petroski, Kevan Weaver


Dielectric barrier micro-plasma reactor with segmented outer electrode for decomposition of pure CO

Baowei Wang, Xiaoxi Wang, Bo Zhang


Metallic wastewater treatment by sulfate reduction using anaerobic rotating biological contactor reactor

Mothe Gopi Kiran, Kannan Pakshirajan, Gopal Das


中国ADS 铅基反应堆设计与研发进展



Compact solar-powered plasma water generator: enhanced germination of aged seed with the corona dielectric barrier discharger


Latest research progress for LBE coolant reactor of China initiative accelerator driven system project






W. Touran Nicholas,Gilleland John,T. Malmgren Graham,Whitmer Charles,H. Gates III William



Haoxuan Zheng, Ying Zheng, Jesse Zhu


Impact of roxarsone on the UASB reactor performance and its degradation

Mengchuan Shui, Feng Ji, Rui Tang, Shoujun Yuan, Xinmin Zhan, Wei Wang, Zhenhu Hu





Advances in the slurry reactor technology of the anthraquinone process for H

Hongbo Li, Bo Zheng, Zhiyong Pan, Baoning Zong, Minghua Qiao


Nitrogen-retaining property of compost in an aerobic thermophilic composting reactor for the sanitary

Fan BAI, Xiaochang WANG,
