
期刊论文 78


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自适应控制 2

鲁棒性 2


CAN总线 1

CMAC神经网络 1

PID控制 1

中央空调系统 1

主动式队列管理;传输控制协议;往返时滞;史密斯预估器 1

交流永磁同步电机;滑模控制器;扩张状态观测器;鲁棒控制;运动控制 1

人为因素 1

仿真 1

公共无线局域网 1

六自由度并联平台 1

分层自适应神经模糊推理系统控制器;晶闸管控制串联电容器补偿技术;自动发电控制(AGC);多目标粒子群优化算法;电力系统动态稳定性;相互联系的多源电力系统 1

分数阶系统;分岔图;分数PID控制器;陈氏多涡卷混沌系统;Genesio-Tesi混沌系统 1

前馈补偿器 1

动力学 1

区间二型模糊控制器;解析结构;Karnik-Mendel降型 1

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A hybrid LQR-PID control design for seismic control of buildings equipped with ATMD

Amir Hossein HEIDARI, Sadegh ETEDALI, Mohamad Reza JAVAHERI-TAFTI

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第1期   页码 44-57 doi: 10.1007/s11709-016-0382-6

摘要: This paper presents an efficient hybrid control approach through combining the idea of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller and linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control algorithm. The proposed LQR-PID controller, while having the advantage of the classical PID controller, is easy to implement in seismic-excited structures. Using an optimization procedure based on a cuckoo search (CS) algorithm, the LQR-PID controller is designed for a seismic- excited structure equipped with an active tuned mass damper (ATMD). Considering four earthquakes, the performance of the proposed LQR-PID controller is evaluated. Then, the results are compared with those given by a LQR controller. The simulation results indicate that the LQR-PID performs better than the LQR controller in reduction of seismic responses of the structure in the terms of displacement and acceleration of stories of the structure.

关键词: seismic control     tuned mass dampers     cuckoo search     PID controller     LQR controller    

基于队列智能方法的分数阶PIλDμ控制器设计 None

Pritesh SHAH, Sudhir AGASHE, Anand J. KULKARNI

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第19卷 第3期   页码 437-445 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601495

摘要: 本文首次采用队列智能方法对分数阶PID控制器的参数进行优化。验证了队列智能方法在分数阶PID控制器设计中的性能,并与其他方法如粒子群优化方法、遗传算法和改进的电磁算法等的性能进行比较。

关键词: 队列智能;分数阶微积分;分数阶PID控制器;调节    

基于改进粒子群算法优化的PID控制器在协同碰撞避免系统中的应用 Article

Xing-chen WU, Gui-he QIN, Ming-hui SUN, He YU, Qian-yi XU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第18卷 第9期   页码 1385-1395 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601427

摘要: 为解决将PID控制器引入协同碰撞避免(cooperative collision avoidance system,CCAS)的研究中存在的不能合理优化PID控制器,以及对车辆行驶稳定性、舒适性及燃油经济性研究不足的问题,本文提出使用改进的粒子群优化算法(particle swarm optimization, PSO)优化PID控制器的方法,来实现CCAS对车辆更好的操控的目标。首先,本文使用PRESCAN和MATLAB/Simulink进行联合仿真,构建了由PID控制器,机动策略判断模块组成的CCAS。其次,本文使用改进的粒子群算法,依据获得的汽车动力学数据,对PID控制器进行了优化。结果表明,经过本文方法优化的PID控制器,不仅可使CCAS实现基本功能,还可实现车辆动态稳定性,行驶舒适性和燃油经济性的改善。

关键词: 协同碰撞避免系统;改进的粒子群算法;PID控制器;行驶舒适性;燃油经济性    

用于非线性混沌系统的基于分岔分数阶PID控制器设计方法 None

Karima RABAH, Samir LADACI, Mohamed LASHAB

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第19卷 第2期   页码 180-191 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601543

摘要: 提出一个新的鲁棒分数阶比例-积分-微分(FOPID)控制器,以其中一个不稳定的固定点来稳定一个扰动非线性混沌系统。基于使用分岔图的比例-积分-微分行为,分析非线性混沌系统的稳定性。提取控制器参数的初始集,其后续可通过二次准则优化。积分和微分分数阶也被二次准则识别。在两个非线性系统(陈氏多涡卷混沌系统和Genesio-Tesi混沌系统)中应用数值模拟,结果表明分数阶比例-积分-微分控制器在稳定非稳定固定点过程中,甚至在随机扰动情况下,能够提供最好的闭环系统性能。

关键词: 分数阶系统;分岔图;分数PID控制器;陈氏多涡卷混沌系统;Genesio-Tesi混沌系统    

Convergence performance comparisons of PID, MRAC, and PID+MRAC hybrid controller


《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第11卷 第2期   页码 213-217 doi: 10.1007/s11465-016-0386-x


This study proposes a hybrid controller by combining a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control and a model reference adaptive control (MRAC), which named as PID+MRAC controller. The convergence performances of the PID control, MRAC, and hybrid PID+MRAC are also compared. Through the simulation in Matlab, the results show that the convergence speed and performance of the MRAC and the PID+MRAC controller are better than those of the PID controller. In addition, the convergence performance of the hybrid control is better than that of the MRAC control.

关键词: proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control     model reference adaptive control     hybrid control     convergence speed     comparison    



《中国工程科学》 2006年 第8卷 第10期   页码 66-70


推导了PID广义预测控制器(PID-GPC)的闭环反馈结构, 采用小增益定理获得了存在建模误差(MPM)情况下PID-GPC鲁棒稳定的一个充分条件。然后在频域内分析了PID-GPC控制器的参数选择对其鲁棒性的影响。

关键词: 预测控制     鲁棒性     频域     小增益定理     PID控制    

PID neural network control of a membrane structure inflation system

Qiushuang LIU, Xiaoli XU

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第5卷 第4期   页码 418-422 doi: 10.1007/s11465-010-0117-7

摘要: Because it is difficult for the traditional PID algorithm for nonlinear time-variant control objects to obtain satisfactory control results, this paper studies a neuron PID controller. The neuron PID controller makes use of neuron self-learning ability, complies with certain optimum indicators, and automatically adjusts the parameters of the PID controller and makes them adapt to changes in the controlled object and the input reference signals. The PID controller is used to control a nonlinear time-variant membrane structure inflation system. Results show that the neural network PID controller can adapt to the changes in system structure parameters and fast track the changes in the input signal with high control precision.

关键词: PID     neural network     membrane structure    



《中国工程科学》 2014年 第16卷 第3期   页码 92-98

摘要: 优良的控制算法对智能小车寻迹的准确性和稳定性起着关键的作用,文中采用模糊比例-积分-微分(PID)控制策略对直流电机的转速进行控制,利用双P控制算法控制智能小车舵机的转向;测试结果表明,智能小车运行快速平稳

关键词: 智能小车     测控系统     模糊PID控制     双P控制算法    

Efficient controller area network data compression for automobile applications

Yu-jing WU,Jin-Gyun CHUNG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第16卷 第1期   页码 70-78 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1400136

摘要: Controller area networks (CANs) have been designed for multiplexing communication between electronic control units (ECUs) in vehicles and many high-level industrial control applications. When a CAN bus is overloaded by a large number of ECUs connected to it, both the waiting time and the error probability of the data transmission are increased. Thus, it is desirable to reduce the CAN frame length, since the duration of data transmission is proportional to the frame length. In this paper, we present a CAN message compression method to reduce the CAN frame length. Experimental results indicate that CAN transmission data can be compressed by up to 81.06% with the proposed method. By using an embedded test board, we show that 64-bit engine management system (EMS) CAN data compression can be performed within 0.16 ms; consequently, the proposed algorithm can be successfully used in automobile applications.

关键词: Controller area network (CAN)     Electronic control units (ECUs)     Data compression     Signal rearrangement    

Application of fuzzy logic control algorithm as stator power controller of a grid-connected doubly-fed

Ridha CHEIKH, Arezki MENACER, Said DRID, Mourad TIAR

《能源前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第1期   页码 49-55 doi: 10.1007/s11708-012-0217-7

摘要: This paper discusses the power outputs control of a grid-connected doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) for a wind power generation systems. The DFIG structure control has a six diode rectifier and a PWM IGBT converter in order to control the power outputs of the DFIG driven by wind turbine. So, to supply commercially the electrical power to the grid without any problems related to power quality, the active and reactive powers ( , ) at the stator side of the DFIG are strictly controlled at a required level, which, in this paper, is realized with an optimized fuzzy logic controller based on the grid flux oriented control, which gives an optimal operation of the DFIG in sub-synchronous region, and the control of the stator power flow with the possibility of keeping stator power factor at a unity.

关键词: doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)     vector control     fuzzy logic controller     optimization     power factor unity     active and reactive power    

Structural design of morphing trailing edge actuated by SMA

Qi WANG, Zhiwei XU, Qian ZHU

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2013年 第8卷 第3期   页码 268-275 doi: 10.1007/s11465-013-0261-y


In this paper, the morphing trailing edge is designed to achieve the up and down deflection under the aerodynamic load. After a detailed and accurate computational analysis to determine the SMA specifications and layout programs, a solid model is created in CATIA and the structures of the morphing wing trailing edge are produced by CNC machining. A set of DSP measurement and control system is designed to accomplish the controlling experiment of the morphing wing trailing edge. At last, via the force analysis, the trailing edge is fabricated with four sections of aluminum alloy, and the arrangement scheme of SMA wires is determined. Experiment of precise control integral has been performed to survey the control effect. The experiment consists of deflection angle tests of the third joint and the integral structure. Primarily, the ultimate deflection angle is tested in these two experiments. Therefore, the controlling experiment of different angles could be performed within this range. The results show that the deflection error is less than 4% and response time is less than 6.7 s, the precise controlling of the morphing trailing edge is preliminary realized.

关键词: morphing wing trailing edge     shape memory alloy     digital signal processor     PID algorithm    

Bandwidth-limited active suspension controller for an off-road vehicle based on co-simulation technology

FENG Jinzhi, ZHENG Songlin, YU Fan

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2008年 第3卷 第1期   页码 111-117 doi: 10.1007/s11465-008-0020-7

摘要: This paper presents the design process of a controller for bandwidth-limited active hydro-pneumatic suspension employed by an off-road vehicle based on co-simulation technology. First, a detailed multi-body dynamic model of the vehicle is established by using the ADAMS/View software package, which is followed by validation using a vehicle field test. Second, a combined PID and fuzzy controller is designed for the bandwidth-limited active suspension system and then programmed by means of S-functions in Matlab/Simulink, to which a data exchange interface with ADAMS/View is also defined. Third, the proposed control algorithm is implemented on the multi-body dynamic vehicle model to enable the co-simulation to run repeatedly until a more practical controller is achieved. In the end, the proposed active suspension system is compared with a conventional passive system. Simulation results show that the proposed active suspension system considerably improves both the ride and handling performance of the vehicle and therefore increases the maximum traveling speeds even on rough roads.

关键词: co-simulation technology     exchange interface     conventional     bandwidth-limited     algorithm    

Robust switched fractional controller for performance improvement of single phase active power filter


《能源前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第2期   页码 203-212 doi: 10.1007/s11708-015-0381-7

摘要: A novel controller is proposed to regulate the DC-link voltage of a single phase active power filter (SPAPF). The proposed switched fractional controller (SFC) consists of a conventional PI controller, a fractional order PI (FO-PI) controller and a decision maker that switches between them. Commonly, the conventional PI controller is used in regulation loops due to its advantages in steady-state but it is limited in transient state. On the other hand, the FO-PI controller overcomes these drawbacks but it causes dramatic degradation in control performances in steady-state because of the fractional calculus theory and the approximation method used to implement this kind of controller. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to switch to the PI controller in steady-state to obtain the best power quality and to switch to the FO-PI controller when external disturbances are detected to guarantee a fast transient state. To investigate the efficiency and accuracy of the SFC considering all robustness tests, an experimental setup has been established. The results of the SFC fulfill the requirements, confirm its high performances in steady and transient states and demonstrate its feasibility and effectiveness. The experiment results have satisfied the limit specified by the IEEE harmonic standard 519.

关键词: conventional PI controller     fractional calculus (FC)     total harmonic distortion (THD)     Oustaloup continuous approximation (OCA)     single phase active power filter (SPAPF)    

power capture optimization based sensorless maximum power point tracking strategy and internal model controller


《能源前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第4期   页码 742-756 doi: 10.1007/s11708-017-0462-x

摘要: Under the trends to using renewable energy sources as alternatives to the traditional ones, it is important to contribute to the fast growing development of these sources by using powerful soft computing methods. In this context, this paper introduces a novel structure to optimize and control the energy produced from a variable speed wind turbine which is based on a squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG) and connected to the grid. The optimization strategy of the harvested power from the wind is realized by a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm based on fuzzy logic, and the control strategy of the generator is implemented by means of an internal model (IM) controller. Three IM controllers are incorporated in the vector control technique, as an alternative to the proportional integral (PI) controller, to implement the proposed optimization strategy. The MPPT in conjunction with the IM controller is proposed as an alternative to the traditional tip speed ratio (TSR) technique, to avoid any disturbance such as wind speed measurement and wind turbine (WT) characteristic uncertainties. Based on the simulation results of a six KW-WECS model in Matlab/Simulink, the presented control system topology is reliable and keeps the system operation around the desired response.

关键词: power optimization     wind energy conversion system     maximum power point tracking (MPPT)     fuzzy logic     internal model (IM) controller    

Design of a cyclic inhibitory CPG controller for the locomotion of a snakelike robot

LU Zhen-li, MA Shu-gen, LI Bin, WANG Yue-chao

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2006年 第1卷 第4期   页码 396-402 doi: 10.1007/s11465-006-0046-7

摘要: The rhythmic locomotion of a creature is a self-excitation behavior of the CPG (central pattern generator), which makes it supremely adapted for environment. Based on this fact, firstly, a snake-ike robot controller with cyclic inhibitory CPG model was designed, and then the stability of a single neuron, CPG model and the NON ( neuron oscillator network) was analyzed. By implementing this control architecture to a simulator based on the mechanical dynamics of a real snake-like robot named Perambulator-I, we presented preliminary rules for parameter setting of the CPG controller to modulate the number of S shapes, the curve of the body shape, locomotion velocity, and the curve of the locomotion trajectory for serpentine locomotion. Moreover, we demonstrated that Perambulator-I can successfully exhibit serpentine locomotion by using the output of the proposed CPG controller. The results of this paper provide a realistic approach for designing an artificial CPG controller.

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

A hybrid LQR-PID control design for seismic control of buildings equipped with ATMD

Amir Hossein HEIDARI, Sadegh ETEDALI, Mohamad Reza JAVAHERI-TAFTI



Pritesh SHAH, Sudhir AGASHE, Anand J. KULKARNI



Xing-chen WU, Gui-he QIN, Ming-hui SUN, He YU, Qian-yi XU



Karima RABAH, Samir LADACI, Mohamed LASHAB


Convergence performance comparisons of PID, MRAC, and PID+MRAC hybrid controller






PID neural network control of a membrane structure inflation system

Qiushuang LIU, Xiaoli XU





Efficient controller area network data compression for automobile applications

Yu-jing WU,Jin-Gyun CHUNG


Application of fuzzy logic control algorithm as stator power controller of a grid-connected doubly-fed

Ridha CHEIKH, Arezki MENACER, Said DRID, Mourad TIAR


Structural design of morphing trailing edge actuated by SMA

Qi WANG, Zhiwei XU, Qian ZHU


Bandwidth-limited active suspension controller for an off-road vehicle based on co-simulation technology

FENG Jinzhi, ZHENG Songlin, YU Fan


Robust switched fractional controller for performance improvement of single phase active power filter



power capture optimization based sensorless maximum power point tracking strategy and internal model controller



Design of a cyclic inhibitory CPG controller for the locomotion of a snakelike robot

LU Zhen-li, MA Shu-gen, LI Bin, WANG Yue-chao
