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Revisiting digital twins: Origins, fundamentals, and practices

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第4期   页码 668-676 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0216-2

摘要: The digital twins (DT) has quickly become a hot topic since it was proposed. It appears in all kinds of commercial propaganda and is widely quoted by academic circles. However, the term DT has misstatements and is misused in business and academics. This study revisits DT and defines it to be a more advanced system/product/service modeling and simulation environment that combines most modern information communication technologies (ICTs) and engineering mechanism digitization and characterized by system/product/service life cycle management, physically geometric visualization, real-time sensing and measurement of system operating conditions, predictability of system performance/safety/lifespan, and complete engineering mechanisms-based simulations. The idea of DT originates from modeling and simulation practices of engineering informatization, including virtual manufacturing (VM), model predictive control, and building information modeling (BIM). On the basis of the two-element VM model, we propose a three-element model to represent DT. DT does not have its unique technical characteristics. The existing practices of DT are extensions of the engineering informatization embracing modern ICTs. These insights clarify the origin of DT and its technical essentials.

关键词: virtual manufacturing     digital twins     modeling and simulation     digitization     computational engineering    

Examining the nexus of blockchain technology and digital twins: Bibliometric evidence and research trends

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 doi: 10.1007/s42524-024-0306-4

摘要: The integration of Blockchain Technology (BT) with Digital Twins (DTs) is becoming increasingly recognized as an effective strategy to enhance trust, interoperability, and data privacy in virtual spaces such as the metaverse. Although there is a significant body of research at the intersection of BT and DTs, a thorough review of the field has not yet been conducted. This study performs a systematic literature review on BT and DTs, using the CiteSpace analytic tool to evaluate the content and bibliometric information. The review covers 976 publications, identifying the significant effects of BT on DTs and the integration challenges. Key themes emerging from keyword analysis include augmented reality, smart cities, smart manufacturing, cybersecurity, lifecycle management, Ethereum, smart grids, additive manufacturing, blockchain technology, and digitalization. Based on this analysis, the study proposes a development framework for BT-enhanced DTs that includes supporting technologies and applications, main applications, advantages and functionalities, primary contexts of application, and overarching goals and principles. Additionally, an examination of bibliometric data reveals three developmental phases in cross-sectional research on BT and DTs: technology development, technology use, and technology deployment. These phases highlight the research field’s evolution and provide valuable direction for future studies on BT-enhanced DTs.

关键词: blockchain technology     digital twin     literature review     bibliometric analysis     research trend    

污水处理工程中的数字孪生技术 Review

王爱杰, 李贺文, 贺哲君, 陶彧, 王鸿程, 杨敏, Dragan Savic, Glen T. Daigger, 任南琪

《工程(英文)》 2024年 第36卷 第5期   页码 21-35 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2024.04.012



关键词: 数字孪生     城市水系统     污水处理    

数字孪生与信息物理系统——比较与联系 Article

陶飞, 戚庆林, 王力翚, A.Y.C. Nee

《工程(英文)》 2019年 第5卷 第4期   页码 653-661 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.01.014


物联网、云计算、大数据和人工智能等新一代信息技术(New IT)的进步极大地推动了智能制造的发展。作为智能制造的重要先决条件,信息物理融合受到了制造商的广泛关注。信息物理系统(CPS)和数字孪生(DT)作为实现信息物理融合的首选手段,已受到学术界和工业界的广泛关注。通过物理过程和信息世界相互影响的反馈循环,CPS和DT都可以赋予制造系统更高的效率、弹性和智能。CPS和DT均包含了信息物理连接、实时交互、组织集成和深度协作的基本内涵。但是,从多个角度来看,CPS和DT并不完全相同,如起源、发展、实践、信息物理映射以及侧重点等。为了辨析两者之间的差异和相关性,本文从多个角度对CPS和DT进行了回顾和分析。

关键词: 信息物理系统(CPS)     数字孪生(DT)     智能制造     比较与联系    

工程设施管理数字孪生——综述、分析框架和未来方向 Review

李永奎, 王沁岳, 潘曦宇, 左剑, 徐进英, 韩一龙

《工程(英文)》 2024年 第41卷 第10期   页码 261-275 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2023.12.006


有效的工程设施管理(engineering asset management, EAM)对经济发展和社会宜居性改善至关重要,但是其复杂性往往成为设施功能优化的阻碍。数字孪生(DT)通过在物理世界与数字世界之间建立实时双向连接,彻底改变了EAM的传统范式。工业界和学术领域都对工程设施管理数字孪生表现出了极大的兴趣。然而,现有的综述研究大多集中在有限的生命周期视角下DT的技术层面,未能从管理角度对工程设施管理数字孪生进行全面归纳。在系统文献综述的基础上,我们提出了一个分析框架,以描述工程设施管理数字孪生。该框架涵盖三个层级:用于技术层面EAM的DT1.0,用于“技术−人”EAM的DT2.0,以及用于“技术−环境”EAM的DT3.0。通过使用该框架,我们识别了每个层级下目前已经研究了什么、还需要研究什么,以及未来方向。DT1.0解决了设施质量、进度和成本等方面的管理问题,产生了技术价值,但是在解决多目标、自适应的EAM方面仍存在不足,并且应用成本高昂。有必要通过可负担的DT1.0实现工程设施的闭环管理,同时提供多种功能服务。DT2.0涵盖了人机共生、安全性和灵活性管理等问题,从而带来了超越工程设施技术性能提升的管理价值。然而,DT2.0目前在自动化人机交互和安全性方面存在不足,且对与人相关的管理价值关注较少。未来研究应基于高度自动化且安全的DT2.0,进一步平衡技术价值与管理价值。DT3.0涉及参与式治理、组织管理、可持续发展与韧性提升等问题,能够在宏观层面产生社会价值。但是,受制于组织碎片化的问题,DT3.0目前只能解决有限的社会治理问题。关于如何协调不同利益相关方,以及在更加开放和复杂的系统中开发DT3.0,仍然存在大量研究机会。

关键词: 工程设施管理     数字孪生     社会-技术理论     结构−过程−产出     文献综述    



《中国工程科学》 2023年 第25卷 第5期   页码 222-232 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.07.027



关键词: 建筑信息描述;信息模型技术;建筑信息模型(BIM);数字孪生;建筑工业软件    

Surface accuracy optimization of mechanical parts with multiple circular holes for additive manufacturing based on triangular fuzzy number

Jinghua XU, Hongsheng SHENG, Shuyou ZHANG, Jianrong TAN, Jinlian DENG

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第16卷 第1期   页码 133-150 doi: 10.1007/s11465-020-0610-6

摘要: Surface accuracy directly affects the surface quality and performance of mechanical parts. Circular hole, especially spatial non-planar hole set is the typical feature and working surface of mechanical parts. Compared with traditional machining methods, additive manufacturing (AM) technology can decrease the surface accuracy errors of circular holes during fabrication. However, an accuracy error may still exist on the surface of circular holes fabricated by AM due to the influence of staircase effect. This study proposes a surface accuracy optimization approach for mechanical parts with multiple circular holes for AM based on triangular fuzzy number (TFN). First, the feature lines on the manifold mesh are extracted using the dihedral angle method and normal tensor voting to detect the circular holes. Second, the optimal AM part build orientation is determined using the genetic algorithm to optimize the surface accuracy of the circular holes by minimizing the weighted volumetric error of the part. Third, the corresponding weights of the circular holes are calculated with the TFN analytic hierarchy process in accordance with the surface accuracy requirements. Lastly, an improved adaptive slicing algorithm is utilized to reduce the entire build time while maintaining the forming surface accuracy of the circular holes using digital twins via virtual printing. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is experimentally validated using two mechanical models.

关键词: surface accuracy optimization     multiple circular holes     additive manufacturing (AM)     part build orientation     triangular fuzzy number (TFN)     digital twins    

Development trend of urban design in “digital age”: Pan-dimensionality and individual-ubiquity

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第3期   页码 569-575 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0735-7

摘要: The wave of “digital age” featuring digital information is coming. Digital technology is profoundly changing the societal development direction and evolution paths. It also has significant bearing on production modes, social interactions and lifestyles. With regard to urban design, a system of knowledge about the creation and adaptation of material space forms that integrate humanities, art, technology and materials, digital technology has provided it with a brand-new and revolutionary scientific impetus for its evolution. The result of this evolution is “digital urban design paradigm based on human-computer interaction”, i.e., the urban development is moving toward “pan-dimensionality” and “individual ubiquity”. The future of urban design will construct a new approach to urban research and engineering, which is more complex, capable of accommodating and compatible with multiple goals of “instrumental rationality” and “value rationality”. Such a new approach shall be led by the probabilistic theory of “gray scale thinking”, reflecting quaternary synergetic view of “scientific rationality, ecological rationality, cultural rationality and technical rationality” to realize the cognitive progress of “engineering for the benefit of mankind”.

关键词: digital age     urban design     multiple objectives     human-computer interaction     pan-dimensionality     individual-ubiquity    

Platform governance in the era of AI and the digital economy

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2023年 第10卷 第1期   页码 177-182 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0241-1

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Improve the industrial digital transformation through Industrial Internet platforms

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2024年 第11卷 第1期   页码 167-174 doi: 10.1007/s42524-023-0286-9

摘要: Improve the industrial digital transformation through Industrial Internet platforms

关键词: industrial digital transformation     Industrial Internet platform     manufacturing     big data    

Selection of digital fabrication technique in the construction industry—A multi-criteria decision-making

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第18卷 第7期   页码 977-997 doi: 10.1007/s11709-024-1075-1

摘要: Digital fabrication techniques, in recent decades, have provided the basis of a sustainable revolution in the construction industry. However, selecting the digital fabrication method in terms of manufacturability and functionality requirements is a complex problem. This paper presents alternatives and criteria for selection of digital fabrication techniques by adopting the multi-criteria decision-making technique. The alternatives considered in the study are concrete three-dimensional (3D) printing, shotcrete, smart dynamic casting, material intrusion, mesh molding, injection concrete 3D printing, and thin forming techniques. The criteria include formwork utilization, reinforcement incorporation, geometrical complexity, material enhancement, assembly complexity, surface finish, and build area. It demonstrates different multi-criteria decision-making techniques, with both subjective and objective weighting methods. The given ranking is based on the current condition of digital fabrication in the construction industry. The study reveals that in the selection of digital fabrication techniques, the criteria including reinforcement incorporation, build area, and geometrical complexity play a pivotal role, collectively accounting for nearly 70% of the overall weighting. Among the evaluated techniques, concrete 3D printing emerged as the best performer, however the shotcrete and mesh molding techniques in the second and third positions.

关键词: digital fabrication     multicriteria decision-making     concrete 3D printing    

Development of a novel two-stage proportional valve with a pilot digital flow distribution

Qiang GAO, Yuchuan ZHU, Changwen WU, Yulei JIANG

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第16卷 第2期   页码 420-434 doi: 10.1007/s11465-020-0622-2

摘要: Pilot two-stage proportional valves are widely used in high-power hydraulic systems. For the purpose of improving the dynamic performance, reliability, and digitization of the traditional proportional valve, a novel two-stage proportional valve with a pilot digital flow distribution is proposed from the viewpoint of the dual nozzle-flapper valve’s working principle. In particular, the dual nozzle-flapper is decoupled by two high-speed on/off valves (HSVs). First, the working principle and mathematical model of the proposed valve are determined. Then, the influences of the control parameters (duty cycle and switching frequency) and structural parameters (fixed orifice’s diameter and main valve’s spring) on the main valve’s motion are analyzed on the basis of theory, simulation, and experiment. In addition, in optimizing the value of the fixed orifice’s diameter, a new design criterion that considers the maximum pressure sensitivity, flow controllability, and flow linearization is proposed to improve the balance between the effective displacement and the displacement fluctuation of the main valve. The new scheme is verified by simulations and experiments. Experimental results of the closed-loop displacement tracking have demonstrated that the delay time of the main valve is always within 3.5 ms under different working conditions, and the tracking error can be significantly reduced using the higher switching frequency. The amplitude–frequency experiments indicate that a ‒3 dB-frequency of the proposed valve can reach 9.5 Hz in the case of±50% full scale and 15 Hz in the case of 0%–50% full scale. The values can be further improved by increasing the flow rate of the pilot HSV.

关键词: two-stage proportional valve     digital flow distribution     high-speed on/off valve     position tracking characteristic     dynamic performance    

Embracing digital mindsets to ensure a sustainable future

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第18卷 第3期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-024-1799-0

关键词: Wildlife     Climate Change     Heavy metals     Noise     LAN     Light pollution    

Crack identification in concrete, using digital image correlation and neural network

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第18卷 第4期   页码 536-550 doi: 10.1007/s11709-024-1013-2

摘要: In engineering applications, concrete crack monitoring is very important. Traditional methods are of low efficiency, low accuracy, have poor timeliness, and are applicable in only a limited number of scenarios. Therefore, more comprehensive detection of concrete damage under different scenarios is of high value for practical engineering applications. Digital image correlation (DIC) technology can provide a large amount of experimental data, and neural network (NN) can process very rich data. Therefore, NN, including convolutional neural networks (CNN) and back propagation neural networks (BP), can be combined with DIC technology to analyze experimental data of three-point bending of plain concrete and four-point bending of reinforced concrete. In addition, strain parameters can be used for training, and displacement parameters can be added for comprehensive consideration. The data obtained by DIC technology are grouped for training, and the recognition results of NN show that the combination of strain and displacement parameters, i.e., the response of specimen surface and whole body, can make results more objective and comprehensive. The identification results obtained by CNN and BP show that these technologies can accurately identify cracks. The identification results for reinforced concrete specimens are less affected by noise than those of plain concrete specimens. CNN is more convenient because it can identify some features directly from images, recognizing the cracks formed by macro development. BP can issue early warning of the microscopic cracks, but it requires a large amount of data and computation. It can be seen that CNN is more intuitive and efficient in image processing, and is suitable when low accuracy is adequate, while BP is suitable for occasions with greater accuracy requirements. The two tools have advantages in different situations, and together they can play an important role in engineering monitoring.

关键词: digital image correlation     convolutional neural network     back propagation neural neural network     damage detection     concrete    

A digital twin-enhanced collaborative maintenance paradigm for aero-engine fleet

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2024年 第11卷 第2期   页码 356-361 doi: 10.1007/s42524-024-0299-z

摘要: Maintenance of aero-engine fleets is crucial for the efficiency, safety, and reliability of the aviation industry. With the increasing demand for air transportation, maintaining high-performing aero-engines has become significant. Collaborative maintenance, specifically targeting aero-engine fleets, involves the coordination of multiple tasks and resources to enhance management efficiency and reduce costs. Digital Twin (DT) technology provides essential technical support for the intelligent operation and maintenance of aero-engine fleets. DT maps physical object properties to the virtual world, creating high-fidelity, dynamic models. However, DT-enhanced collaborative maintenance faces various challenges, including the construction of complex system-layer DT models, management of massive integrated DT data, and the development of fusion mechanisms and decision-making methods for DT data and models. Overcoming these challenges will allow the aviation industry to optimize aero-engine fleet maintenance, ensuring safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness while meeting the growing demand for air transportation.

关键词: aero-engine fleet     collaborative maintenance     Digital Twin (DT)     complex system    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Revisiting digital twins: Origins, fundamentals, and practices


Examining the nexus of blockchain technology and digital twins: Bibliometric evidence and research trends



王爱杰, 李贺文, 贺哲君, 陶彧, 王鸿程, 杨敏, Dragan Savic, Glen T. Daigger, 任南琪



陶飞, 戚庆林, 王力翚, A.Y.C. Nee



李永奎, 王沁岳, 潘曦宇, 左剑, 徐进英, 韩一龙





Surface accuracy optimization of mechanical parts with multiple circular holes for additive manufacturing based on triangular fuzzy number

Jinghua XU, Hongsheng SHENG, Shuyou ZHANG, Jianrong TAN, Jinlian DENG


Development trend of urban design in “digital age”: Pan-dimensionality and individual-ubiquity


Platform governance in the era of AI and the digital economy


Improve the industrial digital transformation through Industrial Internet platforms


Selection of digital fabrication technique in the construction industry—A multi-criteria decision-making


Development of a novel two-stage proportional valve with a pilot digital flow distribution

Qiang GAO, Yuchuan ZHU, Changwen WU, Yulei JIANG


Embracing digital mindsets to ensure a sustainable future


Crack identification in concrete, using digital image correlation and neural network


A digital twin-enhanced collaborative maintenance paradigm for aero-engine fleet
