Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering
>> 2013,
Volume 7,
Issue 1
Importance of emulsions in crystallization—applications for fat crystallization
Center for Engineering Science, Thermal Process Engineering, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, D-06099 Halle (Saale), Germany
Available online: 2013-03-05
Emulsions and crystallization are two independent research topics which normally do not overlap although a combination of the two could be applicable to many areas. Here, the importance of emulsions in the field of fat crystallization is described. Three applications with industrial relevance were chosen for investigation: fat fractionation, the solidification of phase change materials and solid lipid nanoparticles. For fat fractionation and phase change materials, emulsification can be applied as a tool to improve the fat crystallization process, and thus the product quality of the crystallized fat. Furthermore, the use of emulsification creates new application fields such as solid lipid nanoparticles in the area of fat crystallization.