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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2016, Volume 18, Issue 2 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2016.02.015

Maritime Strategies of other Nations and Their Implications for China

China Institute for Marine Affairs, Beijing 100860, China

Funding project:中国工程院重大咨询项目“中国海洋工程与科技发展战略研究”(2011-ZD-16);国家社科基金2013年度第一批重大项目“维护海洋权益与建设海洋强国战略研究”( 13&ZD051) Received: 2015-12-24 Revised: 2016-01-17 Available online: 2016-03-24 16:32:16.000

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Based on a review of existing studies on the development of maritime strategies of the US, UK and China's neighboring countries, this paper summarizes their history and features of each state's maritime strategies and attempt to infer their influence to China's strategy. The findings of this study suggests that, due to difference of historical and environmental backgrounds, each nation took different strategic paths with different features, but their core target was always in pursuit of their own national interests. The success of a maritime power, in achieving its goals, relies on the overall strategy of a nation and its comprehensive national power. Socioeconomic strength and advanced science and technology have formed solid foundations for transforming China into a great maritime power. Other countries' maritime strategies provide useful data for China's development of its own sea power.


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