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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2001, Volume 3, Issue 1

Forseeing Trends of Development of Analytical Instruments

Changchun R&D Center for Analytical Instruments, Department of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun 130023, China

Received: 2000-08-28 Available online: 2001-01-20

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Analytical instruments form an important part of scientific instruments section. Analytical instrument industry belongs to the information industry with high technology. The development of analytical instrument industry is one of the main promotion forces and basis for the development of modern science and technology, economy and society. The innovation in scientific instrumentation is by all means an innovation of science and technology. It should be considered as a strategy of the whole nation to speed up the development of scientific instruments. The main application area of analytical instruments has been moving towards the biomedical fields and analytical instrumentation itself is going towards miniaturization and with more intelligence. However, the precise instrumentation of high quality needed when the human challenges the two extremes of either time or space is definitely not negligible. Life, production, scientific research and social activities all need large quantities of such analytical instruments as on-line, noninvasive, nondestructive, in-situ, in-real-time and multidimensional instruments. The trend of widening the gop between the instrument industry at home and abroad must be taken into serious consideration. One of the main factors which influences the changing of such a situation most would be the change of the old idea on scientific instruments of all ranks including leaders, enterprisers as well as scientists and engineers.


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