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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2001, Volume 3, Issue 7

Study on Intelligent Decision - making Support System for Water Saving Irrigation Management

Institute of Agricultural Soil & Water Engineering of Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture & Forestry, Yangling , Shanxi 712100, China

Funding project:国家自然科学基金资助项目(59979032),渠灌类型区农业高效用水模式与产业化示范资助项目(99-021-01-02) Received: 2000-12-13 Revised: 2001-01-08 Available online: 2001-07-20

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By using the techniques of expert system of artificial intelligence, three different water saving irrigation management decision-making support systems have been developed and integrated, namely Irrigation forecast and decision making of water saving irrigation, planning water use and water distribution in an irrigation district, and management system reform in irrigation district. Meanwhile, the theoretic basis, systems structures and practica applications and the crop drought decision making in Shanxi Province are introduced. The research, development, spread and application of water saving irrigation management intelligent decision-making support system will promote the transfer of the traditional agriculture to modern one, and open a new way for sending the high and advanced agricultural technology to hundreds of millions of farmers.








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