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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2001, Volume 3, Issue 11

On Qian Xuesen's Thought About Science and Fine Arts

Marxism School, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China

Received: 2001-09-06 Revised: 2001-09-13 Available online: 2001-11-20

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According to Qian Xuesen´s concept of the modern system of science and technology, the article focuses on his idea of the relation between science and fine arts. Science and fine arts are both different from each other and interlinked. They have origin, object, goal and soul in common. Scientific knowledge, scientific thinking (quantity intelligence) and artistic (including literary) knowledge, artistic thinking (quality intelligence) complement each other and promote each other, which is the key point of emergence of metasynthetic wisdom and creative thinking.




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