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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2004, Volume 6, Issue 4

The Quantum Mechanical Basis of Faster Than Light Research

Beijing Broadcasting Institute , Beijing 100024 , China

Received: 2003-12-05 Revised: 2004-02-17 Available online: 2004-04-20

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Quantum mechanics brings hope for the best on realization of faster-than-light (superluminal) Experimental examination of EPR article showes that behind the image some thing advance faster than the speed of light. It is highly important to study the superluminal problems. Theoretical and experimental facts have proved that it is possibleto drive a photon or a pulse traveling faster than light. It is expected that when the plasma is used as the potential barrier in the experiment, the superluminal phenomena may be occur. The paper suggests to conduct an experiment, so as to show the situations when the matter-wave particle (such as the electron) traveling through the potential barrier.












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