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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2004, Volume 6, Issue 5

Man-Computer Cooperative Intelligent Science and Intelligent Technology

Complex System and Intelligent Science Key Lab. Institute of Automation, CASm Beijing 100080, China

Received: 2003-02-27 Available online: 2004-05-20

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During the later 10 year period of twentieth century, there were two important events in the science and technology field which highly related to research on artificial intelligence (AI) : One was fifth generation computer project of Japan, and another one wasintelligent computer project (863 — 306) of China. After these projects were performed, the realization of “intelligent automation ”was transferred and improved. The academician Qian Xuesen has made a speech to summarize the importance of man - computer cooperative information processing, and the aim was not intelligent computer. We should study and develop the man-computer cooperative intelligent systems. Now we review the past , on 1994 the establishment of a new discipline on intelligent science and intelligent technology proposed by the author of this article. In addition the citation for development of man-computer cooperative intelligent systems in recent years are briefly given.


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