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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2004, Volume 6, Issue 10

Forty Years of the Faster-than-Light Research—Review and Prospects

Beijing Broadcasting Institute , Beijing 100024 , China

Received: 2004-07-16 Available online: 2004-10-20

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Work on faster-than-light (superluminal) research has been going on in USA, Europe and PRC since the early work of O. M. Bilanuik and E. C. Sudarshan in 1962 and that of a good working with G. Feinberg at Columbia University in 1967.

According to the original article of A. Einstein in 1905, velocities greater than that of light have no possibility of existence. However, an interesting phenomenon related to the Einstein's article in 1907 have been found, in which the possibility of sending signals in superluminal communication was not completely negated. In this paper, the author tries to bring about split-up to the different subjects of velocity's study,and then, suggests the definition of General Information Velocity (GIV) to make better discussion of those velocity concepts. After rethinking superluminal research in 1962—2003,the author obtains the conclusion that the “faster than the speed of light in vacuum” is a realizable scientific statement.


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