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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2005, Volume 7, Issue 10

Research on Simulating Optimization of Long-distance Complex Water Conveyance Systems

1. Civil Engineering Academy of Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

2. Ertan Hydropower Development Co. Ltd. , Chengdu 610021, China

Funding project:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50179023);教育部高等学校优秀青年教学科研奖励计划资助项目(200166);教育部博士点基金资助项目(20030056055) Received: 2004-12-09 Revised: 2005-04-15 Available online: 2005-10-20

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Operating optimization of long-distance water conveyance systems is always intractable for their complexity. In this paper, self-optimization model is introduced to study the problem, which is based on the digital simulation models. Through the on-line optimization tache in it, the decision input can be optimized according to the feedback information of simulating output, so the system can be optimized automatically. With the MATLAB software, simulating optimization of an engineering instance has been achieved, which gives a new way for the research of operating optimization of long-distance complex water conveyance systems.









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