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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2012, Volume 14, Issue 3

Strengthen the concept of scientific development

China Energy Conservation Association, Beijing 100013, China

Received: 2011-12-01 Available online: 2012-03-13 14:32:29.000

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This article introduces the development progress and evolution tends of international transportation since the hundred odd years. Then related with the situation of domestic practice, on one hand, we should affirm our great achievements in the domain of transportation; on the other hand, we also indicate the problems existing at present. This article points out that in order to solve these problems, we must fulfil the scientific development concepts seriously, develop the integrated transportation system unflinchingly and prevent impulse in the construction of infrastructure blindly. At the same time, the author gives some political suggestions for development of integrated transportation system, including optimize the structure of transportation network, pay attention to the planning of transport pivot, enhance the construction level of integrated transport information, advance the system reform of transportation management, establish a unitary management organization for transportation profession, strengthening the legal system, formulating the complete policy and so on.





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