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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2015, Volume 17, Issue 7

Achieve the Great Leap from a Large Manufacturing Country to a World Manufacturing Power

Received: 2015-05-22 Revised: 2015-07-13 Available online: 2015-09-02 10:40:23.000

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The joint major consulting project “Manufacturing power strategy research” by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology began in 2013. The manufacturing development problems of machinery, aerospace, aviation, railway traffic, ship, automobile, power equipment, information electronics, metallurgy, chemical, textile, home appliance, instrument, and so on a total of 13 areas were researched. The present status, opportunities and challenges on manufacturing industry in China were analyzed. The reason why manufacturing industry in China is huge but not strong was summarized. Meanwhile, the ideas and targets of manufacturing power engineering science and technology strategy were put forward. The study built up an index system for manufacturing nations and forecasted the development trend of the manufacturing industry in China. Finally, the project proposed for guiding principles and strategic countermeasures transform manufacturing. According to the research team, China should become a manufacturing power by 2025, reach a medium level among the world’s best manufacturers by 2035, and rank near the top of the league table by 2045. The project provided scientific decision-making support for “Made in China 2025”.


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