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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2015, Volume 17, Issue 8

Summary and Analysis on the Ecological Civilization Experiences Domestic and Abroad

Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China

Funding project:中国工程院重大咨询项目“生态文明建设若干战略问题研究”(2013-ZD-11) Received: 2015-08-06 Revised: 2015-08-17 Available online: 2015-10-26 16:54:08.000

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Since the 1960s, facing to a serious threat of environmental pollution, ecological destruction, survival crisis, the Western countries has carried out a long-lasting work, such as the legal system establishment for ecological protection, environmental and economic policy setting up, the low-carbon green circular economy mode founding, ecological protection awareness training and industrial structure upgrading, etc., which have achieved remarkable progress. Since the middle and late 20th century, China has focused on the construction and protection of ecological environment. In the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, ecological civilization construction has been brought into the “Five in One” overall plan of socialist construction with Chinese characteristics. Since then, the ecological civilization has risen from the academic level to the government’s policy agenda and national philosophy. In further promoting of ecological civilization construction, the following points should be important, which are to learn the ideological essence from ancient ecology, to comprehensively promote the institutional mechanism reform, to strengthen enforcement of the ecological and environmental protection law, to actively found the complex capital for ecological civilization construction, to vigorously promote industrial structure adjustment and upgrading, and to attach great importance to the people’s ecological civilization quality education.


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