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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2015, Volume 17, Issue 9

Current Situation and Prospect of Control on Air Pollutants from Coal-Fired Power in China

1. China Electricity Council, Beijing 100761, China;

2. North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China

Received: 2015-11-12 Revised: 2015-11-19 Available online: 2016-01-04 10:02:41.000

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Since 2011, China has made great achievements on the control of air pollutions from coal-fired plants. The total amount and intensity of air pollution emission including dust, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide declined rapidly. The technology of emission control has reached the world level. In the 13th Five-Year Plan and even a longer period, coal-fired power plants will still take on heavy responsibility of the atmospheric pollutants emission reduction. Pollutants-control technologies of high performance, high reliability, high applicability and high efficiency, resource recovery technologies and cooperative control technologies of multiple pollutants are the main research directions of air pollution control technology of plants in China in the future. By 2020, the expected annual amount of emission of dust, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide from coal-fired power will reduce to 2×105~3×105 t, 1×106~1.5×106 t, 1×106~1.5×106 t, respectively.







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