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Synergistic optimization framework for the process synthesis and design of biorefineries

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 2,   Pages 251-273 doi: 10.1007/s11705-021-2071-9

Abstract: We propose a novel framework incorporating superstructure optimization and simulation-based optimizationIn this context, several approaches for superstructure optimization based on different surrogate modelsThe results indicate that even though surrogate-based optimization approaches alleviate the underlyingto determine candidate process topologies and simulation-based optimization to consolidate the processThese findings invite for a critical assessment of surrogate-based optimization approaches and point

Keywords: biotechnology     surrogate modelling     superstructure optimization     simulation-based optimization     process    

Spatiotemporal characteristics and Monte Carlo simulation-based human health risk of heavy metals in

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2024, Volume 18, Issue 10, doi: 10.1007/s11783-024-1882-6


● The spatiotemporal distribution of soil heavy metals from mining area was analyzed.

Keywords: Heavy metals     Spatiotemporal distribution     Ecological health risk assessment     Monte Carlo simulation    

Analysis of energy saving optimization of campus buildings based on energy simulation

Dingding TONG, Jing ZHAO

Frontiers in Energy 2013, Volume 7, Issue 3,   Pages 388-398 doi: 10.1007/s11708-013-0273-7

Abstract: The traditional energy system design and operation for campus buildings is only based on the constantThe comparison of the simulation results showed that the single building energy saving method of theThe results proved that the strategy of set-point temperature optimization could efficiently reduce the

Keywords: campus buildings     set-point temperature     energy simulation     energy saving optimization    

Optimization for operating modes based on simulation of seasonal underground thermal energy storage

ZHAO Jun, CHEN Yan, LI Xinguo

Frontiers in Energy 2008, Volume 2, Issue 3,   Pages 298-301 doi: 10.1007/s11708-008-0053-y

Abstract: A simulation was performed, which concerned the feasibility of seasonal underground thermal energy storageA simulation study was performed to study the influence of system operation modes on thermal recoverybased on the experimental data of a GCHP system, local meteorological conditions and soil propertiesFinally, an operation mode was suggested based on both lower loss and better thermal recovery in the

Performance-based and performance-driven architectural design and optimization

Xing SHI

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2010, Volume 4, Issue 4,   Pages 512-518 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0090-6

Abstract: Simulation technology has made quantified analysis of architectural performance possible and, thereforeIt is argued that performance-based and performance-driven architectural designs differ in that the latterinvolves computer-aided optimization technique so that the performance can be used as the criteria toof performance issues in architectural design, followed by a review of the evolution of performance-basedThe driving engine, i.e., optimization technique, and its application in architectural design is discussed

Keywords: performance     optimization     architectural design     simulation     sustainability    

Dymola-based multi-parameters integrated optimization for high speed transfer system of LED chip sorter

Jie OUYANG, Bin LI, Shihua GONG

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2013, Volume 8, Issue 2,   Pages 118-126 doi: 10.1007/s11465-013-0253-y

Abstract: In current work, an integrated optimization method was carried out to solve this problem, in which themultiple control parameters optimization, modeling and simulation were included, i.e., a multi-domainBased on this model, the searching area of the key control parameters was narrowed by performing integratedoptimization.

Keywords: LED chip sorter     multi-domain modeling and simulation     parameter optimization     modelica language    

Simulation model optimization for bonnet polishing considering consistent contact area response

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2024, Volume 19, Issue 4, doi: 10.1007/s11465-024-0799-x

Abstract: Simulation model optimization plays a crucial role in the accurate prediction of material removal functionFurthermore, a rubber hyperelastic parameter optimization model based on a neural network is proposedto achieve optimal matching of the contact area between simulation and 3.43% after optimization, preliminarily proving the effectiveness of the proposed simulation optimizationmethod based on consistent contact response.

Keywords: bonnet polishing     simulation     contact area     tool influence function     optimization    

Transient emission simulation and optimization of turbocharged diesel engine

Lingge SUI, Zhongchang LIU, Yongqiang HAN, Jing TIAN

Frontiers in Energy 2013, Volume 7, Issue 2,   Pages 237-244 doi: 10.1007/s11708-013-0251-0

Abstract: of experimental research of turbocharged diesel engine under transient operations, a whole process simulationplatform for turbocharged diesel engine under transient operations was established based on the multi-softwarewith exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) of turbocharged diesel engine under transient operations, on this simulationa transient EGR valve control strategy was proposed, which adjusted the EGR valve in adjacent level basedSimulation and experimental results prove that the transient emission optimization effect of this control

Keywords: diesel engine     transient simulation     emission     control strategy     exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)    

An integrated optimization and simulation approach for air pollution control under uncertainty in open-pit

Zunaira Asif, Zhi Chen

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2019, Volume 13, Issue 5, doi: 10.1007/s11783-019-1156-x

Abstract: Furthermore, an integrated fuzzy based risk assessment approach is applied to examine uncertainties andthe inputs, and predicted concentration are accomplished by probabilistic analysis using Monte Carlo simulationis divided into three types (loose, medium and strict) using a triangular fuzzy membership approach based

Keywords: Air pollution     Decision analysis     Linear programming     Mining     Optimization     Fuzzy     Monte Carlo    

Motion planning of a quadrotor robot game using a simulation-based projected policy iteration method Regular Papers

Li-dong ZHANG, Ban WANG, Zhi-xiang LIU, You-min ZHANG, Jian-liang AI

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2019, Volume 20, Issue 4,   Pages 525-537 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800571

Abstract: In addition, a simulation-based iterative scheme is employed to overcome the curse of dimensionality.Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed decision strategy can generate effective and efficient

Keywords: Reinforcement learning     Approximate dynamic programming     Decision making     Motion planning     Unmanned aerial vehicle    

Reliability-based robust design optimization of vehicle components, Part I: Theory


Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2015, Volume 10, Issue 2,   Pages 138-144 doi: 10.1007/s11465-015-0333-2


The reliability-based design optimization, the reliability sensitivity analysis and robust designoptimization of vehicle components.A procedure for reliability-based robust design optimization of vehicle components is proposed.Application of the method is illustrated by reliability-based robust design optimization of axle anddesign optimization of vehicle components.

Keywords: vehicle components     reliability-based design optimization     reliability-based sensitivity analysis     multi-objectiveoptimization     robust design    

Structure optimization for magnetic equipment of permanent magnet retarder

Bingfeng JIAO, Desheng LI, Yunkang SUI, Lezhi YE

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2010, Volume 5, Issue 4,   Pages 442-445 doi: 10.1007/s11465-010-0112-z

Abstract: The mathematical model of structure optimization is also built.The unconstrained optimization model takes the maximum value of magnetic force as the objective.A first-order optimization method is used to determine the optimum design of this problem.The optimization process works entirely with the ANSYS parametric design language (APDL).It is shown that designing a structure with the ANSYS optimization module and its design tools is an

Keywords: optimization     ANSYS     permanent magnet retarder     numerical simulation    

GIS-based Visual Simulation Methodology for Concrete Dam Construction Process and Its Application

Li Jingru,Zhong Denghua

Strategic Study of CAE 2005, Volume 7, Issue 8,   Pages 70-74


This paper presents a GIS-based visual simulation methodology for concrete dam construction process, in which system simulation techniques are integrated with visualization techniques.GIS-based visual simulation system (GVSS) was developed by the authors.

Keywords: visual simulation     GIS     concrete dam construction     schedule     optimization    

Reliability-based robust design optimization of vehicle components, Part II: Case studies


Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2015, Volume 10, Issue 2,   Pages 145-153 doi: 10.1007/s11465-015-0334-1


The reliability-based optimization, the reliability-based sensitivity analysis and robust design methodare employed to propose an effective approach for reliability-based robust design optimization of vehicleApplications of the method are further discussed for reliability-based robust optimization of vehicleResults have shown the proposed method is an efficient method for reliability-based robust design optimization

Keywords: vehicle axles and springs     reliability-based design optimization     reliability-based sensitivity analysis     multi-objective optimization     robust design    

Decision support for the development, simulation and optimization of dynamic process models

Norbert Asprion, Roger Böttcher, Jan Schwientek, Johannes Höller, Patrick Schwartz, Charlie Vanaret, Michael Bortz

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 2,   Pages 210-220 doi: 10.1007/s11705-021-2046-x

Abstract: Simulation is besides experimentation the major method for designing, analyzing and optimizing chemicalValidation and adaption of process models are usually based on available plant data.Using such a model in various simulation and optimization studies can support the process designer in

Keywords: decision support     multicriteria optimization     model validation     dynamic model     sensitivity analysis    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Synergistic optimization framework for the process synthesis and design of biorefineries

Journal Article

Spatiotemporal characteristics and Monte Carlo simulation-based human health risk of heavy metals in

Journal Article

Analysis of energy saving optimization of campus buildings based on energy simulation

Dingding TONG, Jing ZHAO

Journal Article

Optimization for operating modes based on simulation of seasonal underground thermal energy storage

ZHAO Jun, CHEN Yan, LI Xinguo

Journal Article

Performance-based and performance-driven architectural design and optimization

Xing SHI

Journal Article

Dymola-based multi-parameters integrated optimization for high speed transfer system of LED chip sorter

Jie OUYANG, Bin LI, Shihua GONG

Journal Article

Simulation model optimization for bonnet polishing considering consistent contact area response

Journal Article

Transient emission simulation and optimization of turbocharged diesel engine

Lingge SUI, Zhongchang LIU, Yongqiang HAN, Jing TIAN

Journal Article

An integrated optimization and simulation approach for air pollution control under uncertainty in open-pit

Zunaira Asif, Zhi Chen

Journal Article

Motion planning of a quadrotor robot game using a simulation-based projected policy iteration method

Li-dong ZHANG, Ban WANG, Zhi-xiang LIU, You-min ZHANG, Jian-liang AI

Journal Article

Reliability-based robust design optimization of vehicle components, Part I: Theory


Journal Article

Structure optimization for magnetic equipment of permanent magnet retarder

Bingfeng JIAO, Desheng LI, Yunkang SUI, Lezhi YE

Journal Article

GIS-based Visual Simulation Methodology for Concrete Dam Construction Process and Its Application

Li Jingru,Zhong Denghua

Journal Article

Reliability-based robust design optimization of vehicle components, Part II: Case studies


Journal Article

Decision support for the development, simulation and optimization of dynamic process models

Norbert Asprion, Roger Böttcher, Jan Schwientek, Johannes Höller, Patrick Schwartz, Charlie Vanaret, Michael Bortz

Journal Article